Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is here, and the titular dragons are more vicious than ever. BioWare's newest fantasy RPG title revolves around a new real-time combat system with plenty of strategic depth. With an effects system, companion abilities and a multitude of items and weapons to find throughout the world, Guard of the Veil offers intense and satisfying combat. This makes sense for a game that revolves around slaying dragons, and the game offers a level of challenge that can make dragon encounters truly intimidating.
The Witcher 3 fans will be reminded of a similar system present in that game when it comes to monster hunting – each victory feels earned due to the uniqueness of each encounter. This is true for Guard of the Veil also, and players should not expect to go through dragon encounters without preparation and thought given to choices of companions and weapons. With that said, it can be helpful for aspiring dragon slayers to know what they're up against and what to expect when.
This applies not only to newcomers to the series, but Dragon Age veterans too; Guard of the VeilThe new combat system is very different from anything the series has ever seen. Players must have quick reflexes and a good awareness of each dragon's skill patterns and movements if they want to emerge victorious. This classification of each Guard of the Veil High Dragon and its respective difficulties can give players a fighting chance.
Kataranda, the Storm Knight
With the game's complex, multi-layered companion and skill systems, there are a lot of options when it comes to choosing an approach to each beast. Kataranda the Stormrider is the first lightning dragon players face in the game. She is the easiest of dragon encounters largely because of their placement in the game and the player's progression at this point. Having already fought a few battles with dragons, players will more or less know what to expect and will be able to lower their health while taking cover and retreating when necessary.
This doesn't mean that Kataranda the Stormrider is an easy opponent by any means; she is still a Supreme Dragon. She will use the environment to her advantageshocking the water around it and forcing players into the nearby sand - this attack can get the best of even the most experienced dragon slayer if they're not careful. Players should expect to be cornered quickly if they are not careful.
Kaltenzahn is similar to Kataranda The Stormrider in terms of difficulty, being a mid-game dragon that the player will be more prepared to face. Certain dragons are also much tougher than others in terms of health, requiring companions with strong support skills to ensure the longevity needed to defeat them. Kaltenzahn is an ice dragon similar to Corius the Icetalon (next on the list). This beast is a little easier to face than Corius, simply because Corius's arrival can catch beginning players off guard and has the element of surprise. Kaltenzahn, on the other hand, appears after the player faces several dragons and will therefore be easier to read in terms of the rhythm of his attacks and abilities.
Individual dragons, as well as other boss enemies, have unique qualities, resistances, and weaknesses for dealing damage, meaning a level of preparation and thought is required to face them. Kaltenzahn is vulnerable to fire damage like Corius, and therefore fire abilities are players' best friends here. Since this fight takes place in a lava environment, players must also watch their steps to avoid environmental damage.
Corius the Icetalon
Corius the Icetalon is the first dragon players will encounter in the game if they decide to head to Treviso with Lucanis. For that reason alone, it is one of the most difficult encounters in the game. Players will be unprepared and face a completely new enemy type, and Corius has his own resistances that can catch newcomers off guard.
Corius's weak point is fire damage - fire skills are essential for anyone who wants to deal damage to his scaly armor. At this point in the game, the player is at an extremely low level and even reducing Corius' health by 10% will be a challenge. It is impossible to kill her at this stage and players can expect to die more than a few times before being able to hurt her enough to make her run away.triggering a cutscene and the end of the encounter. Players will remember Corius' resistance and damage long after this first encounter, and if they're smart, they'll take that memory with them into their next dragon fight.
Seartooth Vyrantus
Seartooth Vyrantus is the other dragon that awaits players if they decide to head to Miranthous instead of Treviso. Just like Corius, newcomers will be taken by surprise by the appearance of this beast if they encounter it. Seartooth Vyrantus's weakness is appropriately the opposite of Corius - cold damage. Neve's cold abilities are a big help in this fight and will help players destroy the dragon's health bar before triggering a similar cutscene at the end of the Corius battle. It is also impossible to kill her in this first encounter, with the death of both dragons being saved for later. Dragon Age: The Veil Guard mission where the player faces both at the same time.
Seartooth Vyrantus and Corius the Icetalon are essentially identical in terms of difficultybut Seartooth is a little more difficult for the simple fact that she looks much more intimidating thanks to her fire breath.
The Fang Burner
Companions specialize in certain effect attacks, including fire, cold, and necrotic damage. The player's companion choices are absolutely crucial to taking down each of these dragons, as each one has specific elemental weaknesses. The Fangscorcher is a fire dragon, as its name suggests. Similar to Seartooth Vyrantus, This beast can breathe fire and is vulnerable to cold damage. He has some specific attacks that make him one of the toughest dragons in the mid-game. His fireball attack is massive and will leave players crunchy if they are too slow to get out of his way. At one point, the Fangscorcher will also shoot flames from the sky, creating a storm of high-damage attacks that the player must dodge before they can finish off the dragon.
As with Seartooth Vyrantus, cold damage is king here, along with quick reflexes. Fangscorcher is much faster than Seartooth Vyrantus and will easily overwhelm even the most experienced players with its rapid attacks if they are not fast. Fortunately, the fight takes place in an open field with plenty of room to escape and retreat.
Mythal's Retribution
Mythal's Retribution is a lightning dragon that is actually a completely optional fight in the game. Players can choose whether to deal peacefully with the dragon incarnation of Mythal, but if they choose violence, they can expect a cruel battle. Mythal's Retribution has a huge amount of health and a variety of lightning attacks, including lightning and electric bombs. When she takes to the skies mid-fight, ranged attacks and quick dodges are essential.
If players want to emerge victorious, using Lucanis here is mandatory. His necrotic damage abilities are useful, as are his support abilities. Mythal's Retribution brings a fight that should not be fought carelessly, but offers one of the most satisfying challenges in the entire game. Players who want the adrenaline rush of a hard-fought victory will be relieved to see the dragon's scales fall off at the end of the battle.
The Formless
The Formless One is a unique dragon because she is actually a demon, unlike the rest of the High Dragons. She is without a doubt the hardest in the entire gamereserved only for high-level endgame scenarios. Players can set aside an afternoon (and perhaps even that evening) to face The Formless One, with a suitable quest title attached as a warning: "Pinnacle of its kind."
Players will have to kill three demons before gaining access to this beastwhich offers a challenge in itself. These battles offer their own strategic problems and rewards, serving as appetizers for the main course to come. After completing them, they will find the Formless One in the Necropolis. The Formless One is a lightning dragon like Kataranda or Mythal's Retribution.
The difference here, however, is that The Formless One can summon undead enemies that fight for him, in addition to his considerable health and damage output. As if fighting one of the game's toughest dragons wasn't difficult enough, players will have to fend off the Formless One's skeleton army as it retreats. This ability makes her the queen of the High Dragons in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard in terms of absolute difficulty.