The Veilguard How to Upgrade Faction Traders

The Veilguard How to Upgrade Faction Traders

Factions play an important role Dragon Age: The Veil Guardbut Rook will need to gain reputation with them to increase his strength and make the most of these tenuous alliances. There are six factions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and players can choose which one their Tower belongs to. These are Gray Wardens, Veil Leapers, Shadow Dragons, Antivan Ravens, Wailing Watch, and Lords of Fortune. Each faction comes from a different region in northern Thedas that Rook can explore. Here, they will complete most of the side and side quests.

Each faction in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard has a base in your region where players will land on fast travel. They usually contain an Eluvian and a fast travel point for easy access from the Crossroads or the World Map, a few notable NPCs that offer quests, and a Faction Trader that Rook can trade with. Unlike other merchants that appear in each region, players can level up faction merchants in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard to gain access to better items over time.

Where to Find Faction Traders

Visit faction bases in Thedas

Rook in the Great Necropolis on Nevarra accepting a side quest from Myrna and Vorgoth for the Mourn Watch faction in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Faction Traders in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard generally appear at the faction base at each exploration level. They will only be unlocked after Rook recruits a companion from that faction and speaks to them at the Lighthouse to begin his first location-based quest. For example, after recruiting Bellara and unlocking Arlathan Forest, entering Arlathan Forest through the Eluvian at the Crossroads or the World Map will bring Rook and the party to the Veil Jumper camp. Here, they will meet the Veil Jumper faction merchant. The same is true of the Great Necropolis on Nevarra for the Mourn Watch, Treviso for the Antivan Crows, etc.

Faction Traders sell a variety of items, including armor and weapon appearances based on the faction style, equipment for companions and Rook, Souvenirs to increase the Caretaker's power, decorations for Rook's room based on the faction, and even gifts of companions. At first, Faction Traders only have a small selection, but as Rook upgrades these Traders, they will improve their selection with more powerful items and better prices.

How to Upgrade Faction Traders

Increase faction strength

Dragon Age The Veilguard poster with faction symbols.
Custom image by Jessica Mills-Cox

As Rook establishes an alliance with each of the factions in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardthey will receive a Faction Strength score. Faction Strength starts out weak by default, but there are three ways to increase it:

  • Complete main missions: Progressing through the main story rewards a considerable amount of Faction Strength.
  • Complete side missions: Completing side quests and side quests in faction-controlled areas further rewards Faction Strength.
  • Sell ​​valuable items to faction merchants: Exploring, breaking crates and vases around the world, and looting chests often rewards valuable items, which can be sold to faction traders for a small increase in faction strength per item.

The stronger the faction, the more help they will give Rook later in the game.

It is necessary to increase faction strength to upgrade faction merchants. Additionally, upgrades will cost some resources that Rook can gather while exploring, such as Heartwood, Flawless Crystal, Ore, Imperial Weave, and so on. Once the Faction Merchant is upgraded, they will start selling stronger and more powerful items. Each Faction Merchant can be upgraded to Level 4.

Rook visits the Antivan Crows Base in Treviso after recruiting Lucanis in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

It is possible to miss out on unlocking certain Faction Traders if players are not careful when completing Side Quests, causing Rook to miss out on some of these special items and another way to increase Faction Strength. On my first playthrough Dragon Age: The Veil GuardI progressed through the story very quickly after recruiting Lucanis.

Because I never got to Treviso to unlock the Antivan Crows faction hub and begin the faction side quest before progressing to On deadly/destroyed wingsThe Crows faction's first mission automatically failed. As a result, I lost access to the Faction Merchant, among other content related to Lucanis and the Ravens.

While it is still possible to increase Faction Strength with Crows, it has become significantly more difficult as a result. Players must plan complete as much side content as possible immediately as you unlock new levels of exploration before progressing through the main story to avoid the loss of important means of building Faction Strength in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.


October 31, 2024




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