It's safe to say there's been a lot of buzz out there Dragon Age: The Veil Guarda game that has been a huge topic of discussion since its release. For some fans, it might be one of the best games BioWare has made since Mass Effect 3, while others might consider it well below BioWare's standard of work. As is often the case with wildly conflicting opinions, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, and it's nice to see BioWare release a game that didn't immediately fall flat on its face like Hymn.
With BioWare bringing back the Dragon Age franchise and the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic The remake is reportedly still in development, so it makes sense that another famous IP made by the studio would resurface. THE Mass Effect series hasn't had a game since Andromeda in 2017, excluding the remaster of the original trilogyand it feels like the natural next step for a new BioWare project. If BioWare, once considered the pinnacle of RPG developers, wants to bring Mass Effect back with a bang, there's a lesson he needs to learn The Veil Guard first.
Mass Effect 4 should learn from Dragon Age: The Veilguard
BioWare can't forget its roots
Even though BioWare isn't the same studio it was in its heyday in terms of staff, that doesn't mean it should forget what made it so great. Although the opinions around Guard of the Veil have been so polarizing, a common consensus among reviewers who didn't like the game is how it feels Dragon Age lost your identity with this new title. The game may seem generic, from its action-based gameplay to its Wonder-esque dialogue, and this seems to be a conscious choice by BioWare.
While it went against the norm with its stylized aesthetic, almost as controversial as the game itself, the rest of the game didn't feel as adventurous. Of course, that would be make it more appealing to a wider audience, at least in theoryThat's probably why BioWare chose to double down on action gameplay. Inquisition while adding more jokes and quick comedy to the dialogue. Traditionally, this has been a model that would sell well, but Dragon Age it was a unique IP when Origins arrived in stores in 2009.
A problem Dragon Age The thing is, there aren't many games in the series, despite its age, and BioWare did not double down on the tactical and thought-provoking nature of Dragon Age: Origins. There are not enough titles to solidify what Dragon Age It's really about, and Origins remains the only true source of what the series should be like. Straying too far from what made the initial games successful was always going to be a problem for Dragon Ageand BioWare needs to be careful not to let the same thing happen to the next Mass Effect title.
Veilguard player numbers don't compare to the best
And BioWare should compete with the best
Although Dragon Age: The Veil Guard It didn't do badly by any means, but when compared to some of the bigger games in the same genre, it falls short, at least according to the graphics in SteamDB. Compared to RPG giants and Game of the Year winners like Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring, its respectable peak of 89,418 players seems rather weak. BG3 peaked at 875,343 players on Steam, while Elden Ring it attracted 953,426 players at its peak. It may seem unfair to compare Guard of the Veil to this standard, but this is where BioWare should base its reputation.
There was a time when BioWare and Bethesda were at the top of the RPG genre, but since the start of the Xbox One and PS4 generation and the releases of DA: Inquisition and Fallout 4 Effectboth studios have struggled to release games that meet expectations. Mass Effect: Andromeda had a horrible launchand even after many bugs were fixed, the quality of the writing was still a valid complaint. The looter-sniper RPG Hymn It could hardly have been worse for the studio, despite it being promising when it was first announced.
Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is the closest thing BioWare has had to a resounding success in recent years, but it divided the fan base, and this could hurt the series if a sequel is released. Mass Effect They cannot make the same mistake and need to bring the players together for the next game. That might mean going back to basics, and it doesn't mean bringing back Commander Shepard and the original Normandy crew. The next Mass Effect the game needs to look Mass Effectfrom the world-building to the dialogue and characters.
BioWare could be at the top of the RPG genre again
It has the financial backing to be alongside the best
The BioWare name still carries a lot of weight and the IPs in its library are well known. While EA doesn't have the best reputation, it certainly brings in revenue, and if BioWare does well with its games, EA has no choice but to give it more budget to keep the money coming in. be a problem, especially because BioWare did not appear to reduce the budget with DA: The Guard of the Veildespite monumental failure Hymn. If you can get the right writers on board, the studio should have everything it needs to succeed.
A BioWare problem and Guard of the Veil will have to get lost in the noise of excitement surrounding other similar RPGs. Guard of the Veil could have been a huge hit that would have remained popular for a long time, as BG3 or Elden RingBut with his controversy dividing the fanbase, there probably won't be enough players to keep him from getting lost after the release of Wild Monster Hunter or Obsidian Declared. Guard of the Veilthe number of players has already been surpassed by MH Wilds beta on Steam.
Ultimately, Dragon Age: The Veil Guard It has done well, but it could have been much more. Political controversy aside, the common complaint that the game doesn't feel Dragon Age It's a problem that has discouraged some who used to play Origins, DA2or even Inquisition. If BioWare wants to get back on top with the next Mass Effect game, it needs to make sure it remembers what made the original trilogy so great and that this new game feels like it fits the tone of the series, even though the characters are all new.