Rare treasures abound in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardwith one found in Dellamorte Estates that you can receive as a reward for finding the solution to a unique puzzle. In the city of Treviso, this area has some interesting monuments that can be manipulated to reveal a hidden secret. Those who discover the puzzle in the Estates will be able to solve it to earn powerful new items for their journey.
Treasure hunting is one of the many reasons to explore each area you visit. Some important items, such as Etheric Remnants in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardit can only be found in hidden sections of your map, which you unlock by solving puzzles similar to the one in Dellamorte Estates. Sometimes you can even start new side quests to get additional rewards by visiting places you've never been to.
How to find the Dellamorte Estates puzzle
Head towards the Treviso canals
Once you are in the city of Treviso, go to the northeast section of your map to get to Dellamorte properties. From here, you should look for the Treviso Canals area, where you will find a large garden full of statues. The statues themselves are the key to the puzzle, but only when you can find the right spot on the properties where they are located.
Channels are easier to find if you start at Grande Market Beacon and go north past the Heart and Central lighthouses also in the region. Follow the vines to take your character to the estate's garden that houses the statues tied to the puzzle. Several trees scattered around the northern part of the city will also give you the right clues to continue towards the right place.
Before even choosing to enter Treviso Dragon Age: The Veil Guardyou I need to complete the "Sea of Blood" search in the game's history. This allows you to add Lucanis to your party, whose skills are needed to solve the Estates puzzle.
After crossing a bridge into the garden, you will be inside the Treviso Canals and ready to start the puzzle. Feel free to use ziplines or other traversal tools in the city to make finding the puzzle easier. Fortunately, you You don't need any items or skills other than Lucanis to solve the puzzle when you eventually come across it.
Treviso Chest Puzzle Solution and Rewards
Position each statue so it faces the right way
As you investigate the Dellamorte Estates garden, you will notice several statues in the area. Look for the three statues with levers on their pedestalsthat you can interact with to change the direction they face. You need change the position of each movable statue to solve the puzzle, but only Lucanis' skill can reveal which direction is correct for each.
Scattered throughout the garden are small purple crevices called Veil Instability which Lucanis can expound. Point your camera at these crevices and press R1 to use Lucanis' companion ability. Reach of Spite, to reveal what is hidden in these places. Interact with each veil instability near a statue to reveal a mirrored version pointing in a different direction.
Pressing R1 near a Veil Instability brings up a wheel of multiple complementary abilities. A common mistake in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is choosing the wrong ability for a situation, so navigate this wheel carefully to always use Spite's Reach correctly.
Move each statue to face the same direction as the entities revealed throughout Spite's Reach. There is four statues in total in the garden, so be sure to investigate them all to point out the right path for each one. After doing this, use other veil instabilities in the garden to reach three levers in the middle of the area, which opens a large gate once they are all activated.
If all the statues are in the right places and each lever has been pulled, the gate will open, solving the puzzle and revealing rewards. By finding the solution to the puzzle in Dellamorte Estates, your character will be able to obtain the following items:
Treasure |
Item Type |
Effect |
Crow's Perch Medallion |
Uncommon Amulet |
+20% attack skill damage |
Jenny Belt |
Exclusive grenade belt |
500 Heals, applies the "Bees!" effect on nearby enemies when you heal |
These items can be used by your character or sold to various vendors to upgrade faction merchants later in the game. Those who find the right solution to the Dellamorte Estates puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard may find these rewards useful if they improve their class build, but the value of these treasures alone makes them worth obtaining anyway.
Source: PerfeitoParadoxo/YouTube