The Veilguard Characters We Wish Were Romance Options

The Veilguard Characters We Wish Were Romance Options

Like all previous entries in the previous series, in addition to saving the world, Dragon Age: The Veil Guard allows time for a little romance, with all seven companions available to Rook. However, just like all previous entries in the series, this isn't enough for some, as many other characters have also caught fans' attention. And while some of these choices are a bit obvious, there are others that are a little more... specific.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.]

Romance with non-companion characters in Dragon Age gaming is not a new idea, with Inquisition offering romances with Cullen and Josephine, and both Dragon Age 2 and Origins allowed for a good amount of flirting with NPCs. Companions can even date each other or other characters in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardperhaps adding to the feeling of Rook being left out of the fun. And with dashing bandits, heroes, and mysterious merchants throughout Thedas, there would be plenty of options for a little more romance.


Solas - Ancient Elven Mage

Complex but potentially harmful to health

Solas was a romance option for elven inquisitors in Dragon Age: Inquisitiona romance that can continue and play a significant role at the end of The Veil Guard. Solas spends much of the game imprisoned in the Fade prison he originally designed to contain the Evanuris and will offer advice to Rook. During these conversations, there are some interactions that could be interpreted as flirtingfueling the desire of some to pursue Solas despite his antagonistic role in the plot.

The dynamic would have undoubtedly been damaging because of Solas' control over Rook's perception, his manipulation of Rook, and his frequent betrayals. Therefore, it is doubtful that a full-fledged romance could have blossomed with Solas in the same way as in Inquisition. However, having a more flirtatious relationship with him could have been interesting, and even added to the emotional punches of his machinations.


Isabela - Pirate Queen Rivani

Why break with tradition?

Isabela has the honor of appearing in some way in everyone Dragon Age game so farmaking his special appearance The Veil Guard even more fun. First appearing in OriginsIsabela could be met and flirted with at the Pearl and even spend the night with her. She then became a full companion and romance option when the pirate Rivani reappeared in Dragon Age 2.

Isabela is the contact for the Lords of Fortune faction in The Veil Guard and the person responsible for fight missions in the Arena. It seems wrong to see Isabela in a Dragon Age game and not being able to at least flirt with her. Isabela always had a healthy attitude when it came to casual relationshipsso it seems like a missed opportunity to not include a callback for Origins'Pearl Explorations.


Elek Tavor - Topic Agent

Soft-spoken Bad Boy

Another character that caught the attention of fans is Elek Tavor, a member of the Threads crime syndicate. Elek will appear as part of Neve's personal quest as Detective Threads' contact and the two have an easy exchange that suggests a long history of cooperation. Elek is also flirting with Rookshowing that your Threads skill set is likely to attract information from people.

Frustratingly though, despite Elek's sweet words, Rook can't flirt back, which is a shame. Just like Isabela, Elek would have been a good casual adventure, especially if the Threads were supported during Neve's quest.perhaps leaving it ambiguous whether he was being sincere or not. There could even have been some banter or dialogue with Neve afterwards, with her warning Rook not to fall for Elek's charms.


Illario Dellamorte - Corvo Antivan

This charming killer would mean heartbreak

Another bad boy who has fans under his belt is Illario Dellamorte, the younger cousin of Rook's fellow Antivan Crow, Lucanis. Illario can be found as part of the main quest right at the beginning The Veil Guard and plays a key role during Lucanis' personal mission when his betrayal is revealed. Despite that, Illario would have been an interesting and probably heartbreaking romance option.

Illario will happily flirt with Rook during their dates, much to Lucanis' frustration, but If Rook had been able to pursue Illario, things could have gotten a lot more complicated. Having Illario as a full romance option would have made his betrayal personal to Rook as well as Lucanis and could have even provided a third option for dealing with him. It would have been interesting to see if the actions taken by Rook could have resulted in the same outcome or a chance at redemption for Illario.


Irelin – Shapeshifter of the Veil Jumper

A gentle and sweet romance without company

Irelin can be found at the beginning The Veil Guard and will set Rook on the path to find Bellara to help them with the eluvian. Unfortunately, little is learned about Irelin in the game, although her character is much more developed in other games. Dragon Age media. The only clue to Irelin's past is a codex entry that suggests a past relationship between Irelin and Bellara. This may not have ended well.

Having Irelin as a romance option could have given more context to the Veil Jumpers, who can sometimes feel removed from the main plot. Stealing time from saving the world for encounters in Arlathan would have provided few tender moments to learn more about Irelin. And, given his past with Bellara, it could have resulted in some amusing or teasing dialogue with Bellara as the novel progressed.


Strife - Leader of the Veil Jumper

Another option for a mature romance

Known at the same time as Irelin, Strife is the second member of the Veil Jumpers faction who acts as a liaison for Rook and his team. Always level-headed and clearly capable of holding his own in a fight, Strife guides his team of Veil Jumpers with a steady hand. If not in a romance with Rook, Emmrich will pursue a relationship with Strifepointing out that the older elf needs romance in his life.

But is it really It's not fair that only Emmrich can enjoy Strife's company and go camping. Just like Irelin, it would have been great to learn more about Strife and woo him with romantic walks or searching for artifacts. Having another more mature romance option would also have been a nice touch for those who like playing an older Tower.


Tarquin – Shadow Dragon Agent

An opportunity to show your softer side

Faction contacts continue to draw fans' attention, as another popular choice for many would be the Shadow Dragon agent, Tarquin. Often seen alongside the Viper, Tarquin is the brusque Templar who helps the Shadow Dragons in their goals for a better Tevinter. When spoken to, Tarquin will approach Rook and happily talk about his experience and reasons for joining the underground movement.

Tarquin would have been a great choice for a faction-specific romance if Minrathous was saved. There could have been dates to show a different side of Tarquin outside of his dutiful and dark life with the Dragons, or perhaps help him with some small side quests. It's always interesting to see the softer side of more concise characters. and Tarquin would have been a great choice for that.


The Viper – Leader of the Shadow Dragon

A chance for a complicated but rewarding love story

Sticking with the Shadow Dragons, and one of the most mentioned characters on romance wish lists, is Viper. The mysterious leader of the faction hides his identity behind a maskbut that didn't stop people from imagining what could have been, knowing Ashur a little better. Very little is revealed about the Viper directly in The Veil Guardalthough hints can be found, leaving room for a novel to discover more.

Could have been fascinating start a romance with Viper and learn about his true identity laterperhaps after a failed mission. The dates could have changed from small stolen moments on the rooftops to perhaps seeing him without a mask during dinner. And of course, it doesn't hurt that Viper is voiced by Matthew Mercer, adding to the allure for many.


Teia & Viago - Corvos Antivan

A perfect opportunity for polyamorous romance

The Antivan Crows' faction contacts come in the form of Viago de Riva and Andarateia Cantori, aka Teia, who are in an on-again, off-again relationship. The ambient dialogue makes it clear that during the events of The Veilguard, they are back on, taking any romance with either of them off the table. However, they would have been a great way to have a polyamorous option in the game.

Teia gently flirts with Rook during Lucanis' mission, eliciting amusingly irritated comments from him, but this could have been taken further as there is no way to return the attention. It could have been fun flirting with Teia or Viago before discovering the other's involvement. From there, the choice could have been between a case with one or both Talons.


Vorgoth – Merchant of the Lament Clock

Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder

Finally, there's one character that some fans have opted for for a more unusual romance option. Vorgoth, the merchant of the Mourn Watch faction, is an imposing, hooded being of inscrutable natureBut that didn't stop them from gaining admirers. It's never made clear in the game what exactly Vorgoth is, even Emmrich admits that no one in Mourn Watch has the slightest idea.

Given his spiritual nature, it is unclear how a romance with Vorgoth in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard would unfold realistically. However, could have been an interesting way to explore a more chaste romancefor it is not clear whether Vorgoth has lips to kiss. Whatever form the novel took, it would have been a great excuse to see Vorgoth's painting collection.