The Veilguard Cameos (so far)

The Veilguard Cameos (so far)

As fans new and old dive back into the world of Thedas and delve into the plot of Dragon Age: The Veil Guardsome will no doubt be keeping an eye out for familiar faces. This being the fourth episode of the series, expectations are high for characters from previous games and others. Dragon Age media appears, and The Veil Guard does not disappoint. Continuing a series tradition started in Dragon Age 2there are several characters from across the franchise for Rook to meet.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.]

Dragon Age has a long history of including characters from previous games and the broader franchise to make the world feel more connected and real. From Nathaniel Howe and Alistair visiting Kirkwall to Fiona and Loghain helping the Inquisitor, Dragon Age always brought back fan favorites along with more niche charactersskilfully integrating them into the plot. So, whether exploring Thedas at your leisure or rushing to see the end of Dragon Age: The Veil Guardhere are all the cameos to watch out for.


Varric Tethras – Charming Dwarven Storyteller

Appears in Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition and various comics

It might be a little cheeky to refer to Varric's appearance in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard as a cameo, but many who started the game for the first time expected the clever storyteller to be a companion once again. First introduced in Dragon Age 2Varric Tethras charmed all who met him with his charismatic arrogance and easy-going nature. Varric's idea to explore the Deep Roads immediately after the Plague that swept through Ferelden and his recruitment of Hawke set off a chain of events that still resonates throughout Thedas.

Varric's role in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is much more diminished than his time as a companion in Dragon Age: Inquisition. This time, Varric acts as Rook's mentor, after being seriously injured during the game's introductory mission. Initially the one hunting Solas, alongside Lace Harding, Varric was the leader of the team, but when Rook is forced to take control, he offers sage advice and is often the voice of reason when situations get tense.


Solas - Elven Trickster God

Appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition and several comics

Just like Varric, many already knew that Solas would make an appearance in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardand just like Varric, Solas' role is not what people expected. Although Solas was not seen until Dragon Age: Inquisitionthe Dire Wolf was mentioned from the beginning, with Dalish characters in Dragon Age: Origins invoking your name like a curse. The twist of his true identity at the end of Inquisition continues to be one of the best in the series and set up the plot of The Veil Guard perfectly.

Solas also acts as a sort of advisor to much of the Dragon Age: The Veil Guardwith Rook able to visit him in his dreams. There are several opportunities to learn more about this enigmatic characterwith the side mission “Regrets of the Dire Wolf” standing out as particularly fascinating. Offering insight into the ancient elven gods freed in Thedas, it's interesting to see Solas no longer pretending to be anything other than his true self.


Morrigan - the witch of the jungle

Appears in Dragon Age: Origins, Witch Hunt and Dragon Age: Inquisition

Another expected and teased return was fan-favorite character Morrigan, sporting a new look but as mysterious as ever. Morrigan is fondly remembered for a long time Dragon Age fans as one of the first companions to join the Director's party in Dragon Age: Origins. Raised outside of civilization, Morrigan was often at odds with the other party memberswith sometimes hilarious commentary. Often prickly and outspoken, her personal journey throughout her various appearances has been wonderful to watch and experience.

Morrigan reappears in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardinteracting with Rook on brief occasions where she can help. Morrigan is the one who introduces Rook to the Inquisitor and will also explain who Mythal is and how she survived. The version of Morrigan that appears in The Veil Guard is older and wiser than the impetuous young woman from Origins but still so eccentric and a very welcome sight.


The Inquisitor – Beloved Player Character

Appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition

A welcome cameo comes in the form of the previous installment's protagonist as the Inquisitor of Dragon Age: Inquisition arrives to offer insight into what's happening in the rest of Thedas. Including a player character from a previous game is always trickyas seen with Hawke's inclusion in Inquisition, and there are likely to be complaints about the character's watered-down personality. Perhaps this is why the Inquisitor's involvement in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is kept to an absolute minimum when it comes to screen time.

Most of Rook's interactions with the Inquisitor will come in the form of lettersfound in the Missives section of the menu. When the Inquisitor is on screen, thankfully, they can look almost exactly as remembered, as Dragon Age: The Veil Guard allows the Inquisitor to be fully customized. Overall, a brief but enjoyable cameo that ties the games together well.


Dorian Pavus - Spirited Tevinter Magister

Appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age: Deception and Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights

Anyone who played Dragon Age: Inquisition will be delighted to see the charming Dorian Pavus again as Rook explores Minrathous at the start of the game. First introduced in Dragon Age: Inquisition as a witty fellow mage of Tevinter and a potential romance candidate for male inquisitors. The story of Dorian and his involvement in trying to improve the situation in Tevinter was expanded upon in Dragon Age comics.

Dorian appears briefly in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardmaking a memorable impression on the grumpy First Director Glastrum. Dorian will reveal that he is working with the Shadow Dragons and companion Neve Gallus and acts as the eyes and ears of the faction within the Magisterium. Dorian's fate in the game could change depending on whether Minrathous or Treviso are helped during a crucial moment that could alter how the factions and companions feel about Rook. Although Dorian's cameo is brief, it stands out for all the right reasons, with his tongue clearly sharper than ever.


Maevaris Tilani – Intelligent Ally of Tevinter

Appears in Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, Dragon Age: Until We Sleep, and Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights

Appearing alongside Dorian is a fan favorite. Dragon Age comics, former Magister Maevaris Tilani. First appearing in Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, Maevaris is a loyal and strong ally of Varricafter unofficially marrying her cousin Thorold. As a Tevinter Magister, Maevaris attempted to use her influence and fortune to help change the world for the better. This later led her to become a founding member of a progressive, anti-Venatori reformist group, the Lucerni, alongside Dorian.

Unfortunately, the Venatori were able to use their influence to oust Maevaris from her seat in the Magisterium. However, she continued to fight them as one of the leaders of the Shadow Dragons. Maevaris appears briefly in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard in the Shadow Dragon hideout in Minrathous after an investigation of a Venatori warehouse. She will briefly provide information before directing Rook to a meeting with the First Director.


Isabela - Flirtatious Pirate Queen

Appears in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition and various comics

A fan favorite, Isabela has the honor of appearing in every Dragon Age game, with its brief introduction in Dragon Age: Originsa complete companion in Dragon Age 2and a multiplayer option in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Always flirtatious and seemingly carefree, Isabela is a skilled duelist who fights with twin blades and has a complicated past. Although only covered in Dragon Age 2Isabela's story was greatly expanded in Dragon Age comics Those who speak and Until we sleep.

In Dragon Age: The Guard of the Veil, Isabela is part of the treasure hunting faction of the Lords of Fortune. Isabela appears after Taash is recruited and then invites Rook to fight in the Hall of Valor, which is an arena that requires Rook to survive 10 waves of enemies. Isabela will also appear frequently as part of Taash's personal quest.making his cameo a little more substantial than others.


Valya - Gray Guardian Mage

Appears in Dragon Age: Last Flight

Valya may not be a fan name Dragon Age games will recognize. However, whoever liked Dragon Age: Last Flight will be happy to see you again. Born into an elven alienation, Valya was a former member of the Hossberg Circle, before joining the Gray Wardens to escape the War between Wizards and Templars. Valya was part of a research group that was investigating new darkspawn activities and was the one who discovered the diary of Isseya, a Gray Warden mage and one of the last griffin knights.

After further research, Valya followed the clues from Isseya's journals and led her team to the last griffin eggs that were kept safe by magic. Valya appears in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard as part of Davrin's mission to rescue Gloom Howler's kidnapped griffins. It provides vital information and context about what the Gray Wardens did to the griffins centuries ago and why the species was considered extinct.


Xenon The Antiquarian - Antique and eccentric collector

Appears in Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition

Finally, Xenon the Antiquarian is back, with a new store for Rook to purchase items and equipment. Appearing for the first time in Dragon Age 2 DLC The Black EmporiumXenon runs a store of the same name located in Kirkwall. Xenon himself is ancient, having been granted immortality but not eternal youthand looks like a withered husk reading a book. When visiting his store, as Hawke or Inquisitor, Xenon often makes comments as they walk around the store.

Xenon will contact Rook at Dragon Age: The Veil Guardoffering them the opportunity to visit its new store in Minrathous. Unfortunately, Xenon is there alone, with without Urchin or Chauncey the teddy bear to keep him companyalthough his trademark comments are still as blunt as ever. After an initial visit, Xenon will send a letter to Rook, complaining about the behavior of some of his companions while in his shop, and claiming that they were rude.