The ninth Jesse Stone the film reveals that the title character's best friend, Reggie the Dog, has passed away, which is made even more tragic thanks to a behind-the-scenes story. Reggie appeared in seven of the nine Jesse Stone films, with Tom Selleck's police chief adopting the golden retriever mix after being found next to his former owner's body. The two developed a fascinatingly dysfunctional relationship, where they showed little affection for each other, but were still closely bonded. This is what makes the revelation of Reggie's death so Lost in Paradise so moving.
In the opening scenes of the ninth film, Jesse stands next to Reggie's grave and states "It took so long to recognize a connection, to admit that there was a bond... Life plays tricks on you." Although audiences had already seen important characters like Viola Davis' Molly leave the Jesse Stone series, the loss of Reggie was especially profound. As Jesse admits, Reggie was his"conscience,” and his loss weighs heavily on the film.
Reggie actor Joe The Dog died in 2013 at age 11
Reggie's artist should return for Lost in Paradise
Reggie was played by Joe the Dog, who became so popular that he appeared in other projects such as Park Boys trailer: don't legalize it; he even had his own IMDb page. Joe died in 2013 as pre-production began on Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise (through Yahoo!). Feeling that it would be a cheat for longtime viewers to recast Joe, Selleck decided to integrate Reggie's death into the story. instead of. In fact, Joe's owner had already purchased another dog, thinking that the production would be looking for a replacement; instead, Selleck gave newcomer Ned the Dog (who plays Steve) his own storyline.
This gave us the idea that Jesse is so consumed by the loss of his roommate and consciousness that basically when he sees a photo in a cold case of a dog sitting next to its owner's body, which is how he found Reggie , that's your reason for choosing the case.
There was more Jesse Pedras was produced afterr Lost in Paradisethe series could have explored the new dynamic between Jesse and Steve. Unfortunately, Selleck became very busy with Blue Blood to work on a new entry, although Blue Blood ending led to reports of Jesse Stone 10 potentially happening. It was a lovely sign of respect for what Joe brought to Reggie that Selleck refused to simply recast him when other productions would have simply avoided the headache.
Reggie's death in Jesse Stone: Lost In Paradise is the most heartbreaking in the franchise
Reggie still feels like Jesse Stone's biggest loss
While Jesse adopts Reggie in the first installment, Cold Stonehe did not intend to keep it; in fact, he tried to find Reggie a new home with a local teenager. Instead, they became reluctant roommates, with Reggie becoming the only constant in Stone's life. It felt like the ice between them was starting to melt later Jesse Stone movies, then Lost in Paradise the reveal of Reggie's tombstone really hurts - so much for Selleck's antihero and audiences.
There was an unspoken connection between the two that even Jesse was reluctant to admit. While trying to keep some distance between him and Reggie, he realized too late that the dog was actually his best friend. It's a recurring tragedy for Jesse that he often keeps the people he cares about at a distance to avoid getting hurt - which usually happens anyway.
Although Jesse Stone has lost people he cared about before, few have been hit as hard as Reggie's death.
It haunts you everywhere Lost in Paradisewhich sets the mood for the noir story it tells. Although Jesse Stone has lost people it cared about before - like Polly Shannon's Abby - few have hit as hard as Reggie's death.