The trailer for 8 things that 28 years later reveals about what happened after the last film

The trailer for 8 things that 28 years later reveals about what happened after the last film

Sony Pictures Entertainment recently released the first trailer for the new installation of 28 days later series, 28 years laterand there are some shocking moments that have already caught the attention of fans. The first film in the new trilogy is set to be released in summer 2025 and includes some familiar faces, including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer and Ralph Fiennes. The new 28 years later The trailer makes the series look scarier and more exciting than ever.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson stars in the next 28 years later film as Jamie, a survivor living on a remote island in the UK who ventures off the island on a mission but encounters many problems along the way. The trailer features a very disturbing version of the poem Boots about scenes that show even more decay and chaos than were present in 2007 28 weeks later. In addition to the new and very intriguing characters that appear in the trailer, 28 years later features several revelations about how things have changed since the last film.


The UK is still dealing with the rabies virus

The country is still invaded by infected people

Following the events of 28 days later and 28 weeks later, 28 years later shows that the UK is still overrun by people infected with the Rage virus. In the original film, Cillian Murphy's character, Jim, wakes up to discover that London has become a scene of chaos and that apparently deranged people are chasing him through the streets, before discovering the truth about the virus. However, at the end of the first film, the infected appear to be starving and he and his companions are apparently rescued, pointing to a more positive future.

Based on 28 years later trailer, it appears that during the following years, the virus did not die out as suggested by the first film, but continued to spread as shown in the second.

In contrast, the end of 28 weeks later was much more negative, showing that the virus had also infected continental Europe. It can be assumed that the continued spread of the virus has led to the world 28 years later portrays. Based on 28 years later trailer, it appears that during the following years, the virus did not die out as suggested by the first film, but continued to spread as shown in the second. In truth, The world 28 years later seems even more dystopian than the one Jim woke up in.


A small community of survivors appeared on the Holy Island

The isolated island is a perfect place for survival

THE 28 years later The trailer shows Holy Island, a real place in the north of England that has access to the mainland via a bridge. The community is very isolated, especially during high tidemaking it the perfect place to stay safe from the infected. The bridge and defenses they installed help protect the island. But Taylor-Johnson's character is shown leaving, so it seems like it's also possible for community members to leave the island if necessary.

This is also interesting because in the previous two films there were small groups of survivors who found each other or were brought together through military intervention, but this is the first great community. The trailer shows a functioning society on Holy Island that includes different jobs and shows that the people there seem to be friendly with each other. It will be interesting to see how 28 years later contrasts the community created on Holy Island with the chaos that Taylor-Johnson's Jamie appears to encounter on the mainland.


28 years later will bring back the militaristic themes of the series

Soldiers feature prominently in the trailer

Criticism of the military and government was a big part of the first two films in the seriesand the trailer for 28 years later seems to show that this theme will reappear. The military presence in 28 days laterled by Christopher Eccleston's Major Henry West, it represented the corruption of the military and its desire to take advantage of the chaos created by the Rage Virus. Similarly, Idris Elba's General Stone in 28 weeks later serves as a criticism of incompetence, or simply a lack of interest in the well-being of others, of the military.

While the trailer doesn't make it clear exactly what form the criticism will take, the appearance of soldiers throughout the trailer makes it likely that there is some similar message in 28 years later. The military and government may still be exercising some form of control and protection on the mainland with which the island community comes into contact. However, as with the twists in previous films, the trailer doesn't make it clear whether the soldiers' presence is truly altruistic or whether there is another objective that will later come to light.


The trailer questions Jim's fate at the end of 28 Days Later

There are several nods to the character

At the end of the original film, Cillian Murphy's Jim, along with Selena and Hannah leave a message of help to be seen by passing planes and are finally rescued, leading to a more positive future for the characters. However, the 28 years later trailer leaves several hints about your destination. First, the name Jimmy can be seen engraved on the body of an infected that Taylor-Johnson's character encounters. Secondly, Jimmy is written again on the side of a barn shown in the trailer. Although it is unclear whether Jimmy refers to Jim from 28 days laterit certainly seems possible.

Furthermore, there are already doubts about the possibility of Cillian Murphy being in 28 years later, since there is an infected person in the trailer this bears some resemblance to Jim. The figure is shown sitting slowly in a field with other characters sitting in the foreground. While there is no confirmation that this figure is Murphy, the infected's facial features draw comparisons to Jim in the original.

However, since Cillian Murphy's name appears to be linked to both 28 years later and the second film of the new 28 years trilogyit seems strange that he is one of those infected. Unless the film also adds that the infected are more sentient now than in the previous two films, it's more likely that Murphy will play another role that simply doesn't appear in the trailer to keep him secret from fans speculating about his return. .


Survivors on the mainland have become more animalistic

Their situation is probably scarier than that of the survivors on the island

Ralph Fiennes in 28 Years Later

Just as the community on the island has defenses, the survivors on the mainland also defend themselves, but their situation is probably much worse. Although the island only has one round-trip route and is frequently flooded by high tides, survivors on the mainland will likely have to be on high alert at all times. The differences between life on the island and the mainland may have led to a divergence in the behavior of the two groups which is suggested in 28 years later trailer through images of the island community and the contrasting savage and military survivors Jamie encounters.

However, once Jamie leaves the island, the trailer begins showing much more disturbing scenes, including an infected man hanging upside down from the ceiling and Ralph Fiennes' character covered in what appears to be blood.

Compared to the military and cultic way of life of the mainland survivors, the island community appears relatively peaceful. The trailer shows a job board for the community and the residents seem to know each other. However, As soon as Jamie leaves the island, the trailer starts showing much more disturbing scenesincluding an infected hanging upside down from the ceiling and Ralph Fiennes' character covered in what appears to be blood. These images may point to the much harsher lifestyle these survivors had to lead.


Likewise, those infected became bigger and stronger

The Rage virus evolved 28 weeks later

While in the first two 28 days In the franchise's films, the infected were normal people before contracting the Rage Virus, the infected in 28 Years Later seem to have become something not exactly human. THE 28 years later trailer shows several images of the infected in which they appear to be much larger than an average person. In particular, one scene shows Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character running from a figure that appears to be nearly twice his height.

Similarly, in a sequence that shows soldiers walking cautiously through a dark room, a soldier is lifted off the ground by something from above and disappears as he fires his gun into the darkness. At the same time, another soldier is shown looking, terrified, at something above him. These scenes prove that those infected in 28 years later They are bigger than a person and much stronger toomaking them even more terrifying for the survivors who have to face them.


Some survivors formed a cult

Scary masks and bone structures appear in the trailer

One of the most surprising revelations of 28 years later trailer is the existence of a cult that appears to revolve around the worship of bones or the dead. There are several images of a very frightening but intriguing temple or altar made entirely of human bones which several characters are shown approaching. The size of the altar implies that it would take a long time to build and many deaths.

In a different scene, a large group, likely a congregation, can be seen wearing masks and lifting a boy above their heads. None 28 days later nor 28 weeks later include any elements like thisso it seems likely that this cult is something that developed during the spread of the Rage virus over the last 28 years.

It's unclear whether Taylor-Johnson's Jamie and the teenager he has on a mission with him are part of the cult or just encountering it, as the cult doesn't appear in any scenes before they leave the island.

It's unclear whether Taylor-Johnson's Jamie and the teenager he has on a mission with him are part of the cult or just encountering it, as the cult doesn't appear in any scenes before they leave the island. It's definitely disturbing and raises a lot of questions about 28 years later as well as its sequence, 28 years later, part II: The Temple of Bones. However, given the latter's title, It seems safe to assume that the cult and its purpose will be explored in more detail in future films in the series..

The world looks even more post-apocalyptic and wild than in the previous films

Lindisfarme or Holy Island in the trailer for 28 years later-1

In the two previous films of 28 days series, there was still some level of communication between people in different places, mainly through the military or government, in an attempt to help pass information to survivors. However, the end of the second film confirmed that the Rage Virus had spread across mainland Europe, meaning communication could be further eliminated. While these two films were certainly post-apocalyptic in nature, they chronicled the beginning of a collapse rather than what society would be like years after the collapse.

Given that it has been 28 years since the virus outbreak, it makes sense that 28 years later would take on a different tone than its predecessors. Instead of focusing on trying to maintain society as it was before the outbreak, they have formed an entirely new society that appears to have no means of communication with the outside worldif an outside world still exists. Although it is possible that 28 years later could still include foreign aid and communication as 28 weeks later did, it might make more sense for the series to go in a unique direction.

28 years later

28 Years Later is the working title of the third film in the "28 Days Later" franchise, initially conceived by Danny Boyle and Alex Garland. Originally expected to be titled “28 Months Later,” the film has not yet been officially confirmed, but preliminary work on a script is already underway.


Danny Boyle

Release date

June 20, 2025


28 days later