The top 10 villains, ranked

The top 10 villains, ranked

While the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 have to contend with smoke monsters and polar bears, The most evil Lost Villains have proven that the human element they deal with can be just as dangerous. The survivors on Lost Made up of an eclectic group of people, some more brave than others. However, there were many figures that appeared in the series that showed real villains, with various motives and means to follow their dark plans.

The level of evil with the characters is very different, with some of the Lost Villains simply come off as self-centered and mean spirited, however There were others who were murderous and truly corrupt. Many of the villains took interesting paths throughout the series. There were some who found redemption, and others received the commission that was owed to them. As much as fans hate the characters and the things they did, they all helped create Lost A little more interesting.

Top 10 Lost Villains

Seasons out


Randy Nations

All 6 seasons


Tom Friendly

Seasons 1 to 4


Ethan Rome

Seasons 1 to 5


Mikhail Bakunin

Seasons and 6


Christian Shepherd

All 6 seasons


Benjamin Linus

Seasons 2 and 6


Martin Kimmy

Seasons 4 and 6


Charles Widmore

Seasons 2 (final), 4, 5 and 6


Anthony Cooper

Seasons 1, 3 and 4


The Man in Black

All 6 seasons


Randy Nations

Played by Billy Ray Gallion

    Billy Ray Gallion as Randy raises his hand in Lost

Sometimes a character can be designed to be So awkward and rude to the main characters that they fall into the villain category. Such is the case with Randy Felker, the least threatening of these Lost Villains but also one of the most hated. Unlike the show's other villains, Randy has nothing to do with the island and is simply a recurring character who has separate interactions with Hurley and Locke as their associates back in the real world.


While the manager of Mr. Clack's Chicken Shack, he chastised Hurley for things like giving out more than two napkins. He worked with Locke at the box office and made fun of his idea of ​​a walk. Although this character is not seen that often, his scenes always made it very clear that he is annoying and one of the worst people to have as a manager. Hurley got some brief revenge by buying the Chicken Shack with his lottery winnings, thus making himself Randy's boss.


Tom Friendly

Played by MC Gainey

Tom Friendly wears his fake beard at night in Lost

Tom Friendly was one of the others, and his last name was not suitable; As soon as he was brought in, he was rough and scared. He was first introduced in the Lost Season 1 finale, in which Michael, Sawyer, Jean and Walt appear to be rescued on their raft by a boat, only for Tom, the captain of the boat, to reveal they are actually the Others and are there to take Walt. After shooting Sawyer and blowing up the raft, Tom escapes with Walt.

He is shown to have a softer side and even gets along with Jack when he comes to stay at the other compound.

This early introduction helps to cement Tom as one of the scariest threats out there on the island. However, as he is featured more in the show, he becomes less scary, including the fact that his bushy beard is fake. He is shown to have a softer side and even gets along with Jack when he comes to stay at the other compound. However, he is still willing to do anything to ensure that the others continue in their mission. In the end, Tom is forced to answer for his initial attack as Sawyer shoots him in retaliation.


Ethan Rome

Played by William Mapother

Ethan staring at Claire on Lost

Ethan Rom is perhaps most notable as a character for Being The one who reveals that there are other people on the island besides the survivors of the crash. Ethan is among the Oceanic survivors for some time, only for it to be discovered that he is actually not one of them, but rather one of the others who have infiltrated the group.

It's a revelation that adds new horror to the show, but it's not even the worst of what Ethan does. His plan to become part of the group is to kidnap the pregnant Claire so that he can take her baby to the others. when Charlie tries to stop him, Ethan hangs Charlie from a tree in the jungle and leaves him to die. Ethan is later seen throughout the series in many flashbacks in which it is shown that he is not as bad as he initially seems.

He is even kind to Claire despite kidnapping her, and he, like the rest of the others, has good intentions mixed with poor execution. Like Tom Friendly, Ethan had to pay for his past crimes as Charlie eventually killed him.


Mikhail Bakunin

Played by Andrew Divoff

Mikhail raised the hands of the losers

Although most of the others are eventually shown to be more complex characters that are nicer than they initially were, Mikhail appears as a threatening villain most of the time. He was one of the most resilient enemies on the show as well, surviving being shot with a harpoon gun and making a miraculous escape. He is also shown to be one of the most ruthless members of the Others, killing several of his own people to avoid their secrets coming out.

Before the events of the show, Mikhail was a Soviet soldier where it is hinted that he was an even more lethal operator. however, Mikhail is best known for being responsible for Charlie's death in Lost. While at the underwater Dharma facility, Mikhail detonates a grenade that begins flooding the station, leading to Charlie sacrificing himself to save Desmond.


Christian Shepherd

Played by John Terry

Christian looks worried in loss

Jack's backstory on Lost Is one of the most important and a lot of what has to do with the character of Christian Shepherd. Christian is Jack's father and provides a daunting figure for Jack to stand in the shadow of. While they are both surgeons, Jack is always trying to get the approval of his distant father. However, that distance is made even more substantial when Jack removed Kristen from his duties after showing up for surgery while drunk.


Christian's selfishness and stubbornness destroy his relationship with Jack, Making him one of the many questionable fathers who appear on the show. However, in a chance meeting, Sawyer happens to be sitting next to Christian in a bar shortly before the latter's death and he admits that he is proud of his son and does not blame him.


Benjamin Linus

Played by Michael Emerson

Ben Linus points a gun at someone in Lost.

Benjamin Linus lived on the island most of his life and became the leader of the others. However, the backstory of how he became part of the group shows his ruthlessness in trying to gain power and defeat those who wronged him. After being raised by his abusive father as part of the Dharma crew on the island, Ben struck a deal with the others and killed his men, including his own father. This is the story of Ben Roche beginning and his misdeeds continuing from there.

Ben is a complex character, with him sometimes seeming like a master strategist working for the greater good and other times Just like a jealous and mean person whose acts of revenge are unpredictable. While he eventually felt bad about his past actions and joined the survivors, he definitely did more harm than good over the years. Specifically, he orders many of the other villains to do his dirty work. However, Ben can also dirty his hands, killing John Locke The regular timeline and Losts flash-sideways timeline.



Played by Kevin Durand

Keamy shows his monitor linked to explosives in lost

When it comes to stereotypical villains on the show, Keamy is the clear standout. Unlike many of the other characters, he has no redeeming qualities and his motivations are not complicated. He is simply the leader of the mercenary team that Charles Widmore sends to the island to take care of business. For Keamy, this includes a lot of killing and destruction which makes him one of the most hated characters on the show.

He kills innocent people aboard Widmore's freighter before blowing it up and killing Michael.

He kills innocent people aboard Widmore's freighter before blowing it up and killing Michael. however, His most evil act is executing Ben's adopted daughter Alex right in front of him in one of lost's saddest deaths. There is a moment that Keamy shows his true villain as he makes the audience feel sorry for Ben. This leads to Keamy getting one of the most satisfying deaths on the show, with Ben coldly executing him in return.


Charles Widmore

Played by Alan Dale

Charles Widmore talking on a cell phone in Lost

While most of these Lost Villains are threats that the heroes face on the island, Charles Widmore is a puppet master who controls a lot of the bad things that happen on the island without actually being there. Widmore is a typical corporate villain interested in harnessing the power of the island for his own gains. This leads him to do things like attack the island with his mercenary team, which leads to a lot of deaths.

There sure is blood on his hands, though One of the most unlikable aspects of Widmore is how he tries to ruin Desmond and Penny's romance.. Widmore is Penny's father who disapproves of the man she loves, telling Desmond that he is simply not good enough for her. This is enough to make him a hated character by fans even if he shows a more notable side later in the series, helping the heroes with the threat of the smoke monster.


Anthony Cooper

Played by Kevin Tighe

Anthony Cooper looks at Locke on Lost

Anthony Cooper is another character whose evil deeds are done off the island, but this does not stop them from being heinous. In fact, Anderson pulls off some of the most vile and treacherous things seen on the show, responsible for the tragedies that shaped the lives of two of Losts capital letters. It is revealed that Anthony is a con man who goes by the name Sawyer and was responsible for conning Sawyer's mother which led to the deaths of both his mother and father.

He first convinced his estranged son to donate his kidney to him by promising a renewed relationship

While it can be argued that Anthony never intended that outcome, his actions towards his own son, John Locke, were even worse and entirely intentional. He first convinced his estranged son to give his kidney to him by promising a renewed relationship. While Locke confronts him about the betrayal, Cooper pushes him out of a window, leaving Luke paralyzed. When Sawyer finally gets the chance to kill him, it's cathartic for the audience.


The Man in Black

Played by Titus Welliver

The man in black is looking at something on Lost.

While there are plenty of dastardly villains on Lost, The man in black is the embodiment of evil Who is presented as the true threat in the end. A series of events lead to the man in black killing his adoptive mother, which causes his brother, James, to throw him into the heart of the island and turn him into the smoke monster. After that, the siblings were constantly fighting, and they would bring people to the island to test themselves and take their conflict to the next level. This, in turn, meant that many people lost their lives.

The Man in Black takes a variety of forms throughout the show, but embodying John Locke after Ben kills him helps make him a better villain because it turns one of the fan favorite characters into a bad guy. In the end, he is responsible for some of the most confusing aspects of LostHowever His attempts to leave the island threaten the entire world, showing a level of danger that no other villain on the show comes close to.