Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks series finale - "The New Next Generation"The USS Enterprise-E makes a cameo appearance at the end of Star Trek: Lower Decks' final, but contrary to public expectations, most of the iconic team of Star Trek: The Next Generation would not be on board. The flagship of the United Federation of Planets was unable to reach the Schrödinger field that threatened to destroy Star TrekThe Prime timeline back in time, leaving it to the USS Cerritos to save the universe. The Enterprise-E then joined the Cerritos and other Starfleet ships at Starbase 80.which now holds the Federation's first stable wormhole for the multiverse.
Star Trek: Lower Decks"The series finale on Paramount+ appropriately focused on the crew of the USS Cerritos, but it's understandable that audiences who were thrilled to finally see the USS Enterprise-E in the Star Trek: Lower Decks may have been disappointed that STar Trek: The Next Generationthe beloved characters of didn't mix with the cast of Star Trek: Lower Decks. Star Trek: Lower DeckThe ending takes place in 2382, about 3 years later Star Trek: Nemesisand Star Trek: Picardcanonical updates of TNG Crew indicate that the Sovereign Class starship in Lower decks' Deadline isn't quite yesterday's Enterprise that fans remember.
Admiral Jean-Luc Picard
Jean-Luc is already leading the Romulan supernova rescue
Star Trek: Lower DecksThe ending taking place in 2382 means that Captain Jean-Luc Picard has already been promoted to admiral and tasked with the Federation's mission to rescue the Romulan people from their solar supernova. Picard's Admiralty was made official in 2381 and referenced at the end of the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3. Picard would not be aboard the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Deckend.
As Star Trek: Picard revealed, Admiral Picard worked alongside Lieutenant Commander Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), but the Romulan evacuation was abandoned in 2385 following an attack on Mars by rogue synthetics (orchestrated in secret by the Romulan Zhat Vash). Thousands of ships under construction at the Utopia Plantia Shipyard were destroyed. Picard resigned from Starfleet in protest against the Federation turning its back on the Romulans, and Jean-Luc would not return to Starfleet until 2401 in Star Trek: Picard season 2.
Captain William T. Riker
Riker is captain of the USS Titan
The Luna-Class USS Titan was also seen docked at Starbase 80 at the end of Star Trek: Lower Decks'finale and Captain William Riker is in command. In Star Trek: NemesisRiker finally accepted a promotion to take over as Captain of the Titan after waiting 15 years to succeed Jean-Luc Picard as Captain of the Enterprise. Riker and his wife, counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), left the USS Enterprise-E for the Titan after Star Trek: Nemesis.
Captain Riker and Counselor Troi appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks' season 1 finale, and Riker returned at the beginning of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2. Ensign Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) was a crewman on the jazzy and wild Captain Riker's Titan when Brad was split in two by a transportation accident. Boimler's clone, William Boimler, remained on the Titan when Brad returned to the USS Cerritos, before faking his death to join Section 31 in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3.
Lieutenant Commander Data
Dice died in Star Trek: Nemesis
Lieutenant Commander Data (Brent Spiner) aboard the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Decks'finale is impossible because the beloved android died in Star Trek: Nemesis three years earlier. Data sacrificed himself to destroy the deadly thelaron weapon that Praetor Shinzon (Tom Hardy) planned to use to destroy the USS Enterprise-E and the Federation. Data's death would last until he was rebuilt as a more human synthetic and resurrected in Star Trek: Picard season 3.
Purple Lt. Commander Data's boss from an alternate reality met Lieutenants Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome), D'Vana Tendi (Noel Wells), and T'Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, Episode 7, 'Fully Dilated'.
Before his death, Data was supposed to succeed Commander Will Riker as first officer of the USS Enterprise-E. If Data had lived, the likely scenario is that he would have become the first android Captain of the Enterprise when Captain Picard was promoted to Admiral, with Lieutenant Commander Worf as his First Officer. In this scenario, it would have been Captain Data in command of the Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Decks'finale, and perhaps this will occur in some other Quantum Reality in Star TrekIt's the multiverse.
Captain Worf
Worf is the captain of the USS Enterprise-E
Although Klingon did not appear in Star Trek: Lower Decks, Worf (Michael Dorn) is the captain of the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Decks'end. Worf succeeded Captain Picard when Jean-Luc was promoted to admiral, making him the first Klingon captain of the Enterprise (or any Federation starship). Given the whereabouts of the rest Star Trek: The Next Generation'In the cast, Worf has an entirely new crew aboard the Enterprise-E.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 revealed that the USS Enterprise-E was lost under mysterious circumstances in the 2380s after Star Trek: Lower Decks' finale, which Captain Worf claims was not his fault. The USS Enterprise-F replaced the E, but Captain Worf would not be in command. Worf joins Starfleet Intelligence and reunites with his USS Enterprise-D crewmates in Star Trek: Picardseason 3, about 20 years later Star Trek: Lower Decks' end.
Dr. Beverly Crusher
Beverly left the company to become a mother
Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) is no longer Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Decks'end. As Star Trek: Picard revealed, Beverly and Captain Jean-Luc Picard had a romantic interlude after Star Trek: Nemesis. When Beverly realized she was pregnant, she chose to leave the Enterprise to keep her child with Jean-Luc safe from her enemies (and a secret from her father). Dr. Crusher left the Federation to administer medical aid to cultures beyond Starfleet's reach.
Dr. Beverly Crusher was on a list of names who were threatened by a mysterious ship attacking other Lower Decker ships in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4. Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2, which takes place in 2384, two years later Star Trek: Lower DecksIn the end, Dr. Crusher lived in Cor Coroli V with the very young Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), where they were visited by his son Wesley Crusher. Dr. Beverly Crusher would not return to action and save the galaxy again until Star Trek: Picard season 3.
Commander Geordi La Forge
Georgi is designing the Federation's Romulan rescue fleet
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) is probably no longer the chief engineer of the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Lower Decks'end. Although it is unclear exactly when La Forge left the Enterprise Geordi joined Admiral Jean-Luc Picard's mission to rescue the Romulans from their solar supernova.. Promoted to Full Commander, La Forge moved to Mars to lead the construction of Starfleet's rescue armada at the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards, which was annihilated by rogue synthetics in 2385.
Geordi La Forge's status as chief engineer of Starfleet's Romulan rescue fleet was revealed in the prequel comic book miniseries, Star Trek: Picard's Countdown.
When Star Trek: Picard season 3 catches up with Geordi in 2401, La Forge is now a Commodore and oversees the Fleet Museum on Athan Prime. Secretly, Geordi began rebuilding the USS Enterprise-D, which was destroyed on Veridian III in Star Trek Generations. Geordi's adult daughters, Lieutenant Sidney La Forge (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) and Ensign Alandra La Forge (Mica Burton) also joined their father in action aboard the USS Titan-A in Star Trek: Picard season 3.
Counselor Deanna Troi
Troi is a ship counselor on the USS TItan
Commander Deanna Troi is aboard the USS Titan along with her husband, Captain Will Riker, in Star Trek: Lower Decks'end. After they got married in Star Trek: Nemesisthe Troi-Rikers took command of the Titan. Troi appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks' season 1 finale, and she was the Titan's advisor. Sometime in the early 2380s, Troi was pregnant with Thad, her son with Will Riker.
Tragically, Thad Troi-Riker was diagnosed with Mendaxic neurosclerosis, a silicon-based virus that could be cured using an active positronic matrix, but all artificial life forms and positronic technology were banned by the Federation after the Mars Attack in 2385. The Troi-Rikers have moved their family, including their daughter, Kestra (Lulu Wilson), to Nepenthe. Troi was seen again in Star Trek: Picard Season 1 and helped save the galaxy in Star Trek: Picard season 3. Unfortunately, Deanna Troi's only appearance in Star Trek: Lower Decks It was at the end of season 1.