Anime has completely redefined the meaning of the term "strongest character" and No hero proves this monumental impact more than Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo Satoruwho bears the nickname “the strongest wizard”, not just as a mere title, but as a way of life. He's still considered one of the most powerful heroes of all time, to a degree that no other character has been able to match, and I think I've identified why.
The “strongest hero” archetype is immensely popular, and most anime series have someone who fits this profile, from One Punch Man Saitama stops Psycho Mob 100 Crowd. Gojo is my favorite character in this category, and the reason I love him specifically is because of how complicated he is, and There is much more to Gojo's external strength than meets the eye.
For the best-written powerful characters, their strength is a double-edged sword
Mob, Gojo, and Saitama face emotional burdens as a result of their powers
Although characters like Mob, Gojo, and Saitama are capable of impressive feats of power, these achievements come at a staggering personal cost. On the surface, it may seem like these heroes have it all, but each of them suffers dire consequences for using their remarkable abilities. For example, Mob's psychic powers are virtually invincible, but in order to take advantage of them, he must repress and repress his emotions to an uncomfortable and unhealthy level in order to have the power reward necessary to perform the most effective attacks. This puts an exhausting strain on the hero, despite his astonishing abilities.
Saitama's One punch man He is very strong and, as the title of the series suggests, can defeat any villain with just a simple punch. This may seem like a wonderful technique to have, but in Saitama's case it leaves him incredibly depressed and makes him question himself. Every victory comes easily to Saitama, so neither of them feel deserved, and he is left feeling incomplete and without direction in life. Although he is the strongest character in his universe and no evildoer can defeat him, he unfortunately carries the tremendous emotional burden of this unlimited power on a daily basis.
Gojo's abilities isolate him from others figuratively and literally
His infinite power makes it nearly impossible for him to have genuine relationships with other people.
Gojo's mental burden is similar to that of Mob or Saitama, as he is the strongest sorcerer in the world. Jujutsu Kaisen universe and highly respected in many circles for how many curses he can exorcise in such a short time, but is left with a feeling of lack of purpose due to its state of near perfection. I love Gojo's characterization because his struggles and the downsides of his power are not glossed over; many scenes show Gojo alone, having doubts, and feeling completely lonely and isolated because of how his abilities separate him from the people around him, both figuratively and literally.
Gojo's ability “Limitless,” particularly the “Infinity” component, makes it unplayable, which feels meaningful to me on a deeper level. Despite all the power that Gojo possesses and the achievements he has achieved, he is unable to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as being touched and known by another human being. Losing Geto's friendship was so devastating for Gojo because he was the only person who began to understand Gojo and in his absence Gojo is alone again, with nothing to comfort him but his seemingly infinite reserves of power. and Cursed Techniques, a fate that would leave anyone empty.
Gojo is often portrayed through the perspective of other characters
By showing him through the eyes of others, it further highlights the distance Gojo feels from himself.
Don't be fooled, Gojo seems to take pleasure in his power and use it to end evil, so he doesn't seem to regret being born with these abilities. However, there is a very real downside that affects the sorcerer and many other characters of this “stronger” archetype. Unfortunately, when anime characters are written in this style and have gifted titles like “strongest” but live perfect, fight-free lives, they come across as corny and unbelievable, which I think makes it very difficult to write a character like Gojo or Mob who actually work. right in your story.
Although they have saved humanity time and time again, Gojo's superhuman abilities have also caused problems for himself and others, and interestingly enough, the story often portrays Gojo from another character's perspective, particularly Yuji Itadori, the protagonist, Yuta in JJK 0, and sometimes Geto, because he is one of the only people who can see beyond Gojo's outward personality for a long period of time. Because of his commitment to his duty as a jujutsu sorcerer and his promise to defeat evil, Gojo is emotionally detached from his surroundings and everyone in his life, to his own detriment.
Gojo's emotional burdens cannot be lifted as easily as a cursed spirit
The complex nature of his character arc keeps him from being unrealistically perfect
One of my favorites Jujutsu Kaisen quotes is, “Are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?” spoken by Geto. This observation poses a very important question to Gojo, asking him if he is who he is because of the power he possesses, reducing his identity to his abilities, or if it goes deeper than that. This dilemma likely confuses Gojo himself and makes him one of the most fascinating and complex heroes in the series, because Gojo's sheer power sometimes makes it difficult for him to determine his own identity.
If he could, I don't think Gojo would trade his power, nor should he. But characters like he, Saitama and Mob offer a twist on the concepts of strength and powersuggesting that these gifts are not always all they are cracked up to be and also have negative effects. The emotional obstacles that Gojo faces within himself and in his relationships with others are a constant in Jujutsu Kaisen that none of his powers can solve, and this keeps the story interesting, as well as cementing Gojo's Anime's most complicated but strong hero status.