The Story of the Rings of Power from Isildur Season 2 has an eerie reminder of the Two Towers

The Story of the Rings of Power from Isildur Season 2 has an eerie reminder of the Two Towers

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Rings of Power Season 2, Episodes 1-3.

The rings of power Season 2 reveals what became of Isildur after the destruction of the Southlands, and His story features an eerie reminder of The Lord of the Rings: The two towers. Despite only appearing at the beginning of the fellowship of the ring, Isildur is a massively important character in the overall history of Middle-earth. He is responsible for Sauron's defeat during the Second Age, but his refusal to destroy the One Ring leads to Sauron's rise to power during the Third Age.

The rings of power Shows the story of Isildur, which will likely lead to the founding of Gondor and the final alliance of Elves and Men. The rings of power The end of season 1 leaves Isildur in the wreckage of Adar's attack on the Southlands, with his family returning home under the impression that he is dead. However, Isildur survives the assault and makes his way to Pelargir, where Arondir and Theo remain. But when he wakes up, he is closer to the place that becomes Mordor. And Isildur's season 2 story already has connections to The Lord of the Rings.

The Isildur story of the Rings of Power is a callback to the two towers

The bodies in the water are reminiscent of the dead marches

Isildur (Maxim Baldry) and Estrid (Nia Toole) look into each other's eyes in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 3
Image via Prime Video

The rings of power Season 2, Episode 3 reveals that Isildur was captured by Shelob after the fall of the Southlands, and viewers even get a glimpse of the spider from The return of the king. This is not the only clue The Lord of the Rings In Isildur's season 2 story Until now. After escaping from Slob's lair with Berek, Isildur discovers some water and decides to drink. As he is about to, he notices dead soldiers floating in the water - an image reminiscent of the Dead Marshes that Frodo, Sam and Gollum encounter in The two towers.

Given where Isildur is, it is likely that these are the same marshes that will be littered with corpses during the Battle of Dagorlad.

The water that Isildur sees is not yet called the Dead Marshes - which does not get its name or haunting reputation until later in the Second Age - but his encounter seems to be a recall to The two towers. The rings of power weaves many Easter eggs and references to Tolkien's lore into his story, so it's not surprising that he includes this detail. And given where Isildur is, it's likely these are the same marshes that will be littered with corpses during the Battle of Dagorlad.

Is Isildur near the Dead Marches in the Rings of Power?

Yes, but they weren't called that until later in the Second Age

Frodo, Sam and Gollum walk through the Dead Marches in The Lord of the Rings

The rings of power Season 2 is likely foreshadowing the Dead Marches in episode 3Because Isildur is not far from where they are. The Dead Marches was given its name after the Battle of Dagorlad, which will bring Isildur back to this region of Middle-earth. Although Isildur survives this confrontation, the elves, men and orcs that fall are eventually consumed by the marshes. These are the ghostly faces that Frodo sees the two towers, So The rings of power Season 2 is confirming multiple returns to this location by Isildur.