The story of I Am Legend 2 officially confirms the biggest problem with the Will Smith movie

The story of I Am Legend 2 officially confirms the biggest problem with the Will Smith movie

I am legend 2 is currently in pre-production, but one notable detail was shared before filming, and it highlights the worst detail about the first movie. In 2007, Will Smith starred in the incredible dystopian sci-fi film, I am legend. The film was adapted from the novel by popular author Richard Matheson, and is actually the third adaptation of the story, although the other two versions have different names.

But, while I am legend Was based on the novel of the same name, it is actually one of the most different adaptations of the story to date, with the monsters changed and other great points of the story to modernize it. However, the most difficult issue with the 2007 film actually comes at the end of the film, and clearly the filmmakers learned too late the mistake they made. Despite these Movie ends with Will Smith's character sacrificing himself In the official theatrical version, the sequel is continuing the story based on the alternative ending, where Robert Neville (Smith) survives.

I Am Legend 2 Choose the Alternate Ending is a reminder of where Will Smith went wrong

Robert Neville Dying Made I Am Legend worse

While the theatrical ending delivers a finality to the story, ensuring that there are consequences for the actions of Neville experimenting on the monsters to find a cure, it overshadows almost everything that came before. And vital for a sequel, it shuts down the possibility of Continue the story with Will Smith as the lead. As a result, the studios decided to go ahead with a sequel, but instead of following the ending that was released on the big screen, they retroactively changed the story to make the alternate ending official canon.


This is ultimately a better choice as it goes I am legend The book's message and ending are more accurate, and it leaves room for the story to continue in a meaningful way. In addition, it Completely alters the perception of the monstersAnd Neville's own character, thanks to his willingness to take responsibility and accountability for his actions. While his intentions are pure, and he wanted to make a cure and save humanity, through his research, Neville became the monster of legend to the creatures living in the dark.

I'm legend's theater end repeated a tiresome Hollywood problem

And broke the depth of the original story

Another issue with the film's theatrical ending is the fact that it is ultimately boring and unsatisfying. Just like any action movie, it's a hero against the monsters, and he eventually saves the day. The title of the novel, and the message at its heart, is so much more layered as it outlines a relationship where both the Creatures and Neville live in fear of each other. Yes, the monsters may have incredible strength, but the conditions force them to live in the dark.

Neville, on the other hand, is able to capture them, use technology and traps to essentially torture them, and his actions lead to the deaths of dozens of their kind, while he lives safe and warm in his fortified home. By having the History reduced to a simple good versus badRobert Neville kills the monsters scenario, it loses the heart of the story, and it could also be done with no setting, no monster, and no hero. Neville is important as a protagonist for a reason, and the movie lost sight of the original ending.

I Am Legend's alternate ending being canon makes the whole movie better in retrospect

Finally, the movie captures the heart of the story

Fortunately, the alternate ending fixes many of these problems because it shows a contrite, and More humble Neville who finally understands that the monsters are not mindless. They have love, they form families, they care for each other, and he was picking them one by one in cruel and unusual ways as he strapped them to a lab table and experiments until they die. Through Neville recognizing the humanity that still exists in these creatures, and understanding their ability to feel and articulate, he gains an understanding of how his own actions are perceived, and seeks to make changes.


Stepping out to be at the mercy of the so-called monsters, and returning the leader's beloved is a touching moment that sees Neville and the creature both learn and grow. This not only makes it more meaningful and interesting as a concept, but it opens the door for future stories. I am legend 2 Has the opportunity to be a better story because, while the world needs saving, the creatures that have caused so much fear are more than mindless zombies. They need to be treated with kindness and respect, and that wouldn't make sense with the original ending.

I Am Legend 2 is a sequel to the 2007 film that sees Will Smith reprise his role as Dr. Robert Neville. Despite the theatrical release of the original film showing Neville's death, the film picks up where the alternate ending left off , with Neville surviving and heading off to spread the cure.


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