Ghost of Tsushima tells a heartfelt story about the lengths a man will go to save those he loves, even if it violates his moral code and code of honor. Ghost of Yothei the story will likely explore similar themes, albeit with an entirely new cast, in a new time period, all while forging its own unique path. However, while it should certainly avoid the pitfalls of repeating the plot of its predecessor, Ghost of Yothei some elements should be borrowed, especially the one that helped give a lot of credibility Tsushima emphasis on beliefs and legends.
Ghost of Tsushima was one of the best exclusives on PS4 and remains an incredible game on PS5, but Ghost of Yothei could surpass it, especially if it improves its fundamental mechanics and introduces new elements. One area that could perhaps use some improvement is the storytelling, which, in Ghost of Tsushimadirected players in a certain direction, despite the gameplay promising freedom of choice. Ghost of Yothei history could change all of that, but whether it does or not, including this little detail can make this time incredibly memorable.
Ghost Of Yotei must include mythical tales
They help add a fantastical element to a gratuitous universe
Mythical tales in Ghost of Tsushima not only served as a fun way to unlock rare armor sets or new abilities, but also wove mythological elements of Japanese culture into an extremely grounded story. While Legends the regime will continue to strengthen this side Ghost of Tsushima, Mythical Tales offered just enough narrative to further flesh out how people in 13th-century Japan saw the world.. These stories featured unkillable ronin or armor that could deflect any blow, making Jin's path to becoming the Phantom more believable.
These mythical stories are some of the best side quests in the world. Ghost of Tsushimadespite the fact that there are only a few of them, thanks in large part to longer runtimes and greater depth. So, it's easy to feel Ghost of Yothei Mythic Tales should also be implementedespecially if its protagonist, Atsu, goes on a similar journey of self-discovery and eventually achieves legendary status as a Phantom. They're also just new ways to tell the region's existing folk tales—or at least invent new ones—that help make it rich in history.
Ghost of Yothei may even embrace the mythological side to a greater extent than Ghost of Tsushima ever did, perhaps not by literally including mythological creatures, but by focusing on the fear and belief of Oni and other such terrifying creatures. It's also possible that Ghost of Yothei begins with Atsu as the main Ghost, people fear her very existence and create mythical tales about her. It's even possible that one of the mythical tales tells of the ghost that Atsu became.and her relationship to how the world perceives her.
There must be a mythical story about Jin Sakai
Players will be able to hear the story of the legendary ghost
One of Ghost of Yothei controversial changes from Tsushima is that it moves away from the original's protagonist in favor of a new protagonist and a different time period, set almost 400 years after the first game. This is really not a problem, especially since Ghost of Tsushima makes Jin's story largely complete, aside from the fact that he finally embraced his identity as Ghost. However, Ghost of Yothei could still include him by telling his legend through a mythical tale.in which players go on the hunt for the legendary armor the Illusive Man wears. Ghost of Tsushima.
The mission where Atsu learns about this ten-foot demon with glowing eyes who single-handedly saved the island of Tsushima from invading Mongol troops definitely sounds like a mythical tale that could have appeared in Ghost of Tsushima. Atsu could either agree with this or, especially since there are many parallels between the two. Tsushima And Yoteicould comment on how incredible this whole story is. Anyway, this would be a great way to pay tribute to Gene and his story.
The reward, of course, will be the ghostly armor of Jin from Ghost of Tsushimaor perhaps his Ghost ability that is, it strikes fear into the hearts of any enemy nearby, making them instantly killable. There are many options that Sucker Punch could use if this is how he wants to remember Gene. Of course, it's entirely possible that Jin won't be mentioned at all, especially given the time difference.
Ghost Yotei could ignore Jin Sakai altogether
The action takes place 400 years after the first game.
Ghost of Yothei There's no need to mention Jin at all. This is not only because the story takes place almost 400 years later, but also because Jin's story is completely unremarkable when you consider everything that happened between the time he saved Tsushima and when Ghost of Yothei is happening. In addition, geographically the two places, Hokkaido and Tsushima, are practically at opposite ends of the country, and since the Mongols never conquered Tsushima - at least in Ghost timeline - it probably had a less significant impact on Japanese history than it actually did.
The only real reason why Jin would be mentioned is if Atsu is somehow related to Jin, if the Phantom name is passed on to other people like Zoro, or just for fan service reasons. However, If Ghost of Yothei wants to distance himself from Ghost of Tsushimathen there is a high probability that he will not be mentioned at all. While this may be disappointing for some, it is quite refreshing, especially because it allows those who may have missed Ghost of Tsushima jump without prior knowledge.
Ghost of Yothei there are a lot of options when it comes to Genie's inclusion, but whether or not he is included, the inclusion of Mythic Tales will absolutely help improve his overall storytelling. In the original game, they served such an important purpose: not only to give players cool armor and tell folk tales, but also to draw parallels to the very journey that Jin went on. Ghost of Yothei must necessarily include some form of mythical tales from Ghost of Tsushimaeven if their format is better adapted to the story, and hopefully one of them will focus on the original Phantom.
Source: PlayStation/YouTube
Open world
- Released
- Developer(s)
Sucker Punch
- Publisher(s)
Sony Interactive Entertainment