Spirit of Tsushima Tells a heartwarming story about the lengths someone will go to to save the ones they love, even if it breaks their moral and honor-bound code. The Spirit of Yotei The story will likely explore similar themes, albeit with an entirely new cast, in a new time, and all while carving its own unique path. However, while it should undoubtedly avoid the pitfalls of repeating the story beats of its predecessor, Ghost of Yotei Should borrow some elements, notably one in particular that helped give a lot of confidence to Tsushima Emphasis on beliefs and legends.
Spirit of Tsushima Is easily one of the best PS4 exclusives and remains an incredible PS5 title, however Ghost of Yotei May exceed it, especially if it improves the fundamental mechanics and introduces new elements. One area that could perhaps do with a little improvement is the narrative, which, in Spirit of TsushimaTrain players in a certain direction despite the gameplay promising freedom of choice. The Spirit of Yotei History could change all of that, but regardless of whether it does or not, including this one small detail could make it an incredibly memorable time.
Ghost Of Yotei needs to include mythical tales
They help add a fantastical element to an otherwise grounded universe
Mythical stories in Spirit of Tsushima Served as not only a fun way of unlocking rare armor sets or new abilities, but also to weave the more mythological elements of Japanese culture into the fully grounded story. While the Legends Mode would go on to increase this side of Spirit of Tsushima, These mythical tales offer just the right amount of narrative needed to explain the way people in 13th-century Japan saw the world.. The stories spoke of unkillable ronin or armor that could deflect any blow, which made Jin's journey to become the ghost more believable.
The mythical tales are some of the best side quests in Spirit of TsushimaAlthough there are only a handful of them, largely thanks to their longer runtime and a greater level of depth. so, It's a no-brainer to feel that Ghost of Yotei Should also implement mythical talesEspecially if its protagonist, Atsu, goes on a similar journey of self-discovery and eventually ascends to the legendary status of mind. They're also just novel ways of telling existing folktales of the area—or at least creating new ones—which helps make it feel rich with history.
Ghost of Yotei may even embrace the mythological side to a greater extent than Spirit of Tsushima Perhaps not by literally incorporating mythological creatures, but by centering around the fear and belief in oni and other similar horrifying creatures. It is also possible that Ghost of Yotei Starts with Atsu already as the titular Ghost, with people fearing her very existence and creating mythical tales about her. It may even be that one of the mythical tales is about the Ghost Atsu has becomeAnd her dealings with how the world sees her.
It should be a Jin Sakai mythic story
Players can hear the tale of the legendary ghost
one of The Spirit of Yotei Controversial changes of Tsushima is that it pivots away from the original protagonist in favor of a new protagonist and a different time, set almost 400 years after the first game. It's really not an issue, especially how Spirit of Tsushima Gene's story is largely found beyond the fact that he finally embraces his ghost persona. however, Ghost of Yotei Can still incorporate him by having his legend told through a mythic partOne in which players go on the hunt for the legendary Ghost Armor he wears Spirit of Tsushima.
Because a mission in which Atsu learns about the ten-foot-tall demon with glowing eyes that single-handedly saved the island of Tsushima from the invading Mongol forces definitely sounds like a mythical tale that could have appeared in Spirit of Tsushima. Atsu can either go along with it, or, especially if there are many parallels between Tsushima And YoteiCan notice how unbelievable the whole story is. either way, It would be a great way to pay homage to Jean and his story.
The reward would naturally be Jin's Ghost armor from Spirit of TsushimaOr perhaps his Ghost ability Which sees him strike fear into the hearts of any nearby enemies, making them instantly killable. There are many options Sucker Punch could go into, as long as it's the way it wants to remember Jean. Of course, it's entirely possible that Jean won't be mentioned at all, especially considering the time difference.
Ghost Of Yotei can completely ignore Jin Sakai
It is set 400 years after the first game
Ghost of Yotei No need to mention Jean at all. This is not only because it is set almost 400 years later, but also because Jin's story is quite unremarkable when put into perspective of everything that happened between when he saved Tsushima and when Ghost of Yotei takes place. In addition, geographically, the two locations, Hokkaidō and Tsushima, are at practically different ends of the country, and as the Mongols never conquered Tsushima - at least in the country. Ghost Timeline - It probably had a less significant impact on Japanese history than in reality.
The only real reason Jin would be mentioned is if Atsu is somehow related to Jin, if the Ghost name was passed down to different people than Zoro, or for purely fan service reasons. however, If Ghost of Yotei Want to get away from Spirit of TsushimaThen there is a good chance that he will not be mentioned at all. While this may be disappointing to some, it is quite refreshing, especially as it lets in those who may have missed out. Spirit of Tsushima To jump in without prior knowledge.
Ghost of Yotei Has a lot of options when it comes to including Jin, but regardless of whether it is, including the mythical tales will absolutely help improve the overall story. They served such an important purpose in the original game, not only to give players cool armor and tell folk tales, but also to provide parallels to the very journey Jean was embarking on. Ghost of Yotei Should definitely include some form of mythical tales of Spirit of TsushimaEven if their format is adapted to his story better, and hopefully one of them will focus on the original ghost.
Source: Playstation/YouTube
- Released
- developer(s)
Soccer Punch
- Publisher(s)
Sony Interactive Entertainment