The Stormlight Archive Has a Tight Window for Dalinar's Perfect Casting

The Stormlight Archive Has a Tight Window for Dalinar's Perfect Casting

If The Stormlight Archive adaptation you want the perfect cast for Dalinar, selected by Brandon Sandersonproduction would need to begin. Discussions about adaptations of Sanderson's books have been circulating for more than a decade, with a Born from the mists film looking like the most likely candidate to be brought to the screen. While there is nothing currently in development, Sanderson assured fans in 2023 that it was only a matter of time before his books were turned into movies and TV shows, but that Hollywood is hesitant after seeing how well current fantasy series from high budget with viewers.

The Stormlight Archive It may not be Sanderson's most widely read work, but it is commonly considered the author's masterpiece in terms of quality and scale. With a huge audience that has helped the saga become one of the highest-rated novels of all time on Goodreads, Hollywood will certainly want to bank on its success. If the universe of Brandon Sanderson's book Cosmere is brought to the screen, casting the iconic characters will be one of the most significant challenges, as millions of viewers have formed their own perspectives on how figures like Dalinar, Vin or Kelsier might appear on the big screen. .

Dave Bautista Could Be the Perfect Live-Action Dalinar Kholin

Brandon Sanderson suggested Dave Bautista as his choice for Dalinar

In 2018 (via WoB), Brandon Sanderson gave his opinion on who he would like to play Dalinar Kholin in a live-action adaptation of The Stormlight Archivesuggesting that Dave Bautista has the right look. The public may have their opinions about what Dalinar should be like, and maybe Dave Bautista isn't who they imagined, but the choice of author must, without a doubt, have some weight on the subject. Sanderson also discusses the challenge of casting Alethi characters in general, given that it's a made-up race. Read his full quote below:

Because it will be difficult to choose all the Alethi, because they are basically half Japanese/half Arab... So I'm not sure. Lately I've been thinking about Dalinar, the guy who plays Drax the Destroyer. He is half Filipino and has the right look for Dalinar. You have to look at him without makeup Guardians of the Galaxy. Put some silver hair in it. This is my last casting choice.

It's been six years since Brandon Sanderson made this statement, and Dave Bautista has only grown and become more and more like what he imagined, even developing some of the items mentioned above.silver hair"on your own. Bautista not only has the right look and build, but he also frequently talks about his desire to take on more serious roles. Dalinar is often described as one of Sanderson's most complex characters, and is a figure who could earn Bautista immense respect as an actor, essentially leading a franchise of his own.

The Stormlight Archive adaptation needs to happen soon if Dave Bautista wants it

Dave Bautista is close to Dalinar's age now

Dave Bautista as Joe Flood with an explosion behind him in The Killer's Game
Custom image by Ryan Northrup

In Earth years, Dalinar Kholin is somewhere in his 50s at the beginning of The Way of Kings. He's a grizzled veteran who's been through a lot, but still has some fight left in him. It's a role that would require a fair amount of action, so it would be difficult to cast an actor much over 50, even if the look was right, as it would be an intensely physical job. Happily, Dave Bautista is 55 now and still releasing high-octane action movies as The killer's game.

If Sanderson wants Bautista for an adaptation of The Stormlight Archive (which was supposed to be a TV series), so the time to get him on board is now. Adapting the first arc of the series would likely take at least 10 years of productionthat would find Bautista almost 60 years old at the end. This is certainly an achievable goal, as Bautista has been willing to take on television roles in the past, such as the Apple TV+ series See. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't look like Sanderson's production adaptations will still be happening.

Who else could play Dalinar if Dave Bautista couldn't?

Dalinar is a challenging character to cast

Dalinar Kholin in the Stormlight Archive
Fan art by @Alesilvart

Assuming it takes a few more years before there is official news about an adaptation of The Stormlight Archivethe series may need to look elsewhere for its Dalinar. As Brandon Sanderson explained, it will be a difficult series for the cast, as Alethi is not a real race and they will want some consistency in the characters' appearance. With that in mind, the casting of all characters in the series will depend somewhat on the studio's decision on Alethi's appearance.

Some Common fan casts include Ken Watanabe and Temuera Morrisonbut none of them seem truly perfect for the role. The Stormlight Archive You may have to resort to unproven agents for your Dalinar. While this may seem ideal in theory, Dalinar's role is one where producers may want a more proven star to appeal to non-book readers, with Kaladin and Shallan being ideal for unknown actors due to their characters being more young people. It's all speculative, but choosing The Stormlight Archive It's one of the biggest keys to success, so it's worth discussing.