The Stormlight Archive Book 5 Quietly Sets Up Each of Its Major Flashback Characters for Arc 2

The Stormlight Archive Book 5 Quietly Sets Up Each of Its Major Flashback Characters for Arc 2

Includes MASSIVE SPOILERS for The Stormlight Archive through Wind and Truth

Wind and Truththe last book of the first arc of The Stormlight Archivesubtly set up its main characters for the next five volumes. Brandon Sanderson's latest novel is his longest and most expansive yet, fulfilling many important storylines established in 2010. The Way of Kings. However, with numerous references to Cosmere and Storm Archive As tradition reveals, it can be a challenge to keep up with everything. With five more books in the seriesThe subjects will become more and more comprehensive, although there are already some basic stories already established.

Building towards Wind and Truth finishing, the main flashback characters in The Stormlight Archive arc 1, as well as Adolin and Navani, were the most crucial narratives to follow. For books 6 to 10, Brandon Sanderson has already outlined and revealed who his main flashback characters will be. While everything is subject to change, Sanderson has come to be regarded for his careful attention to detail in planning and the overarching structure, so he is likely to stick Lift, Renarin, Shalash, Talenel and Jasnah as the five flashback characters, in that order.

Wind And Truth Gives Each Future Flashback Character A Major Moment

Every Crucial Narrative Was Set Up for Arc 2

Considering these five characters, Wind and Truth sets up pivotal moments that are indicative of their future arcs. With Stormlight gone from Roshar, Sustain will be even more prominent as its power comes from Lifelight. With no Cultivation on the planet, it will be interesting to see how this works out, although she is being trained in sword fighting with Zahel anyway. She could be deadly after the planned ten year time jump. As for Renarin, he has a lot to explore as a Watcher of Truth, although his main story is him and Rlain trying to unite humans and singers, possibly reconnecting them with Ba-Ado-Mishram.

Jasnah will be the last flashback character in The Stormlight Archiveand his failure to keep Thaylenah away from Taravangian will define his future

Shalash and Talenel were just in Wind and Truth briefly, but with Kaladin gathering the Heralds of the Almighty, they will return to Roshar after some time, rejuvenated. His epic final stand at Azimir was one of the novel's most iconic moments, and Talenel's story arc going forward is particularly exciting. Jasnah will be the last flashback character in The Stormlight Archiveand his failure to keep Thaylenah away from Taravangian will define his future, setting up a redemption arc for the subsequent five volumes.

How Wind and Truth Shape the Stormlight Archive, Book 6

Wind and truth change Roshar forever

Rhythm of War and Wind and Truth covers
Custom image by Yeider Chacon and original cover art for Rhythm of War and Wind and Truth by Michael Whelan

In addition to defining the main characters' arcs, Brandon Sanderson laid out the general basis for what the next books will present. With Dalinar technically losing the Champions League, most of Roshar will belong to the Singers, with Adolin, Navani, Jasnah and the rest desperately trying to hold on to what they have. Odium is off the planet for now, but there are still enemies on Roshar, and The Stormlight Archive will see things become more dire than ever for its heroes. That is until the Heralds make their grand return under new leadership.