One of the best things about Power Rangers A franchise is how it can explore different genres and settings within the same world, and the series even had its own version Star wars. From 1993 to 1995 Power ranges The universe followed Mighty Morphin team when they went to school and saved the world from Rita Repulsa or Lord Zedd. This formula has changed little compared to MMPR To Zeo or even from Zeo To Turbo. However, the show changed forever in 1998 when Power Rangers in Space.
Although this show is considered a Zordon era show, Power Rangers in Space was unlike all previous seasons. On the one hand, we were still following most of Turbo cast, except now TJ, Ashley, Cassie and Carlos needed new powers. On the other side, In space brought in an all-new Red Ranger and took place mostly off-Earth. Almost three decades later, In space is still considered one of the best Power Rangers seasons.
"In Space" was more like the space opera "Power Rangers"
The Rangers operated from an astro-megaship
Released a year before returning Star wars on the big screen since 1999 The Phantom Menace, In space was Power Rangers'space opera version. An alliance of villains answering to an evil entity that wanted to rule the universe, futuristic technology, spaceships that can travel between galaxies while carrying weapons, and everything else you'd expect from a sci-fi movie like this Star wars can be found in Power Rangers in Space. The series even had its own version of the Force.
Although Red Ranger Andros was technically human, he was not born on Earth, but on KO-35. While it is unclear how humans settled other planets in the Power Rangers universe, the fact remains that Andros was born with telekinetic powers. The Red Rangers could move objects with his mind even when he was not transforming. From weapons to vehicles and even zords. Power Rangers in Space lived up to its name. Curious, That Sentai in which In space was founded, had nothing to do with space – Megaranger it was about video games and technology.
If Star Wars was Power Rangers in Space, then Lost Galaxy was Star Trek
'Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy' is about exploring the unknown
Power Rangers in Space set the bar high for future seasons, but fortunately its successor was just as good, if not better. Released in 1999, Lost Galaxy stored Power Rangers in space, this time boldly going where no one has gone before. IN Lost Galaxy, The Rangers operate from the Terra Venture space station. which served as a colony for thousands of people sent on a mission to search for new habitable planets in other galaxies.
Lost Galaxy was very inspired Star Trekespecially New generationfrom the show's premise to how each character has a role to play in ensuring the mission's success. Like In space, Lost Galaxy was also very different from the Super Sentai it was based on. However, maintaining the spatial setting was a great decision. Power Rangers and science fiction go well together. In space And Lost Galaxy being the best example of this.