The complete Frontiers 4 The trailer released last night had another secret message embedded at the end, and the community has already decoded it. The title was announced with a teaser trailer in August, shortly after the Borders the film did poorly in cinemas. The teaser didn't reveal much other than promising a 2025 release window for the next chapter in the space shooter/looter saga.
The end of the teaser trailer revealed something intriguing. There seems to be a secret message written in glyphs. Last night Frontiers 4 trailer, another sequence of messages appeared on the screen at the end of the trailer. Once again, the community has set to work figuring out what the message reads and the decoded writing is even more cryptic than last time.
Borderlands 4 Decoded Trailer Code Reveals Cryptic Messages
Messages were decrypted within hours
A breakdown of the secret code at the end of the August teaser trailer was posted by Termx on YouTube and simply states "He is watching. Free yourself."This decryption was proven as part of the new full trailer shared last night, since at one point the trailer repeats the words "free yourself" without context.
The messages at the end of the new trailer are much longer and share much more information. they are as confusing in their translated forms as they are in the original glyphs. The decrypted versions were shared on Reddit by Regi_Sicarii just hours after the release of the new trailer and status, in order of appearance:
Invader opened me
I died and this is just the beginning
Now my knife is suddenly red
She saw through me and into you
His hand on your neck
Rip it up by the roots
It's your turn
Time kept is lost brain
You'll like what comes with this
Regi_Sicarii also shares an additional decrypted message that states “one two one two" and "we are called the moon."These additional messages helped Regi and other fans decode the new messages, although the meaning behind them remains as hidden as if they were still encrypted.
Borderlands 4's secret messages raise more questions than they solve
Fans speculate a connection to the observer
Not much is known yet about the meaning of this secret message or how it relates to all the new information revealed in the Frontiers 4 trailer. The trailer shows a massive war between two factions, with an emphasis on mechanical elements, including a glimpse at various mechanical bandit abominations and four new vault hunters embarking on a new adventure.
Messages in this and the latest trailer seem to hint at a potential connection to The Watcher, which appears in Borderlands: the pre-sequel to warn adventurers of an impending war across time and space that will require as many vault hunters as possible. The discussion of messages about time and war that seems to erupt in Frontiers 4 everything seems to suggest that what players are seeing in the trailers is just what's on the surface, with much more lore and story to discover as the events of the next title unfold.
Source: Termx/YouTube, Regi_Sicarii/Reddit