The Rings Of Power's Galadriel Romance Is Nothing Compared To This Controversial Lord Of The Rings Kiss

The Rings Of Power's Galadriel Romance Is Nothing Compared To This Controversial Lord Of The Rings Kiss

The Lord of the Rings The franchise is no stranger to crazy pairings at this point, but the craziest might have happened in a video game. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power The controversial Galadriel-Sauron romance tease began in Season 1 and developed in Season 2, despite never crossing the line into fulfilling the tension between the two. Galadriel and Sauron hated each other The Rings of Power source material, 1954 JRR Tolkien novel, The Lord of the Rings. This does Rings of Power The romance between Galadriel and Sauron/Halbrand is a divisive part of the canon.

The Canon does not apply to Tolkien's Legendarium in the same way that it applies to many other high fantasy worlds. Tolkien created his works as a mythopoeia – a realistic set of myths full of contradictions and contradictory perspectives, varied formats, and mystery. However, Galadriel and Sauron hated each other across all formats, perspectives, and stories. Additionally, Rings of Power made Elrond - Galadriel's future son-in-law - kiss her passionately, albeit as a diversion. But the pairing in Middle Earth: Shadow of War makes these flirtations seem sensible.

Sauron and Shelob kiss in the Lord of the Rings video game Shadow of War

Sauron and Shelob might be Lord of the Rings' craziest couple

Sauron and Shelob share an intimate moment in Middle Earth: Shadow of War. This may come as a shock to those who only know Shelob as the giant spider from Tolkien and Peter Jackson's novel. Lord of the Rings films. Shelob also appears in Rings of Power like a giant spider. But Shelob assumes human form in Middle Earth: Shadow of War and becomes involved with Sauron in his Elf form. Players are treated to or subjected, depending on who is playing, to a kiss between the two. However, Sauron and Shelob's relationship goes far beyond this in-game kiss.

Sauron and Shelob's complete relationship in Middle Earth: Shadow of War may be the craziest Lord of the Rings pairing yet. It goes without saying that this pairing is unrelated to any of JRR Tolkien's many writings in the world of Middle Earth. This little known Lord of the Rings the pairing is the furthest any story in the entire franchise has ever taken Sauron to a mutually enjoyable romance. Sauron's unhappy situation with Galadriel in Rings of Power is nothing short of disastrous, despite being bizarrely beautiful in the internal logic of the show and more than a little tragic.

Shelob never took human form in Lord of the Rings, but possibly could have

There's a chance Shelob was able to shapeshift

Shelob prepares to attack Frodo from above in The Lord of the Rings

Shelob's Maiar ancestry offers the slightest possibility that she may have been able to shape-shift and assume a human form and that this may not have been a complete invention on the part of Shelob. Shadow of War. The Silmarillion confirmed Ungoliant (Shelob's mother) could change shapeso she was probably a Maia like Sauron. Shelob's father was another primordial spider monster of unknown type and may or may not have been a Maiar. Pregnancy would have bonded them to their bodies, making them unable to shapeshift again, but their offspring's shapeshifting ability is unknown.

Lúthien, daughter of an Elf and a Maia, took on some of the abilities of both her parents. Regardless, in the game, The beautiful forms of Sauron and Shelob kiss in the invisible worldbut leaves the Visa to the imagination, frighteningly. Shelob is beautiful in the Invisible, but she can be anything in the Seen. The invisible world in The Lord of the Rings it is also known as the ghost world, which is the world where Frodo went when he put on the One Ring. In this world, Frodo saw the withered, corpse-like ghosts of the Ringwraiths, though they were invisible in the Seen.

Galadriel deserves better, but Sauron and Shelob are Lord of the Rings' scariest power couple

Sauron and Shelob deserve each other

Sauron and Galadriel on the raft in the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

Of all the hilarious, non-canonical Sauron romances shown on screen, Sauron and Shelob is the strangest, but also the most strangely appropriate. While The Rings of Power teases feelings between Galadriel and Sauron, it also depicts the Elf Mirdania's infatuation with Sauron while he is disguised as Annatar and Sauron's manipulative flirtation in response. Galadriel and Mirdania deserve better than Sauronbut Sauron and Shelob deserve each other, as the gameplay proves. Sauron betrays Shelob with a kiss, paralleling Judas' biblical betrayal of Jesus.

Sauron called Shelob his "pet cat", but "She doesn't own him." It's hard to think about it the same way after playing Shadow of War.

From this point onwards, Shelob begins to become a grotesque arachnid beast, possibly meaning that she is no longer able to assume a fair form after completing this transformation. It is suggested by Shadow of War that Sauron gives up on Shelob to the attacking army, but it's not entirely clear whether his kiss turns her into a spider or how it helps him defeat the army. Maybe he's trying to help her in some strange way. Either way, both members of this toxic duo are despicable in Lord of the Rings.

Sauron called Shelob his "pet cat," but "She doesn't own it."It's hard to think about it the same way again after playing Shadow of War. While most cats can possess their humans, Sauron was too powerful even for Shelob to control. Impressively, Sauron also did not dare control Shelob, unlike most of the other beings in his life. Sauron never officially worked with Shelob but he appreciated her guarding the passage of Cirith Ungol, and sent his Orcs to torture for their amusement, demanding stories from the spectators. Sauron and Shelob could be The Lord of the Rings' scariest power couple.