The Rings Of Power's Best King Of The Dead Theory Makes Season 2's Friendship More Tragic

The Rings Of Power's Best King Of The Dead Theory Makes Season 2's Friendship More Tragic

Theories often circulate around The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powerand puts one of the best friendships in the series at risk. The series has gradually revealed that some of its original characters are actually characters from JRR Tolkien's books. This is possible because many of Tolkien's characters are nameless, just by title, allowing the series to introduce named characters who do not yet have the title they will embody. Lord of the Rings. Examples of Tolkien's famous titled and unnamed characters include the Witch-King of Angmar or the King of the Dead.

The series could have already introduced Tolkien's character, the King of the Dead, as an original character. Most may remember the King of the Dead as the green ghost in Peter Jackson's third film LOTR film, The Return of the King. As a greatly decayed and corpse-like ghost in the Third Age, the King of the Dead was notably more alive in the Second Age of Middle-earth than Rings of Power concentrates. But if the King of the Dead is the Rings of Power character he appears to be, this would have tragic consequences for his new friend.

Isildur and Theo's Friendship in the Rings of Power Supports Clever King of the Dead Theory

Isildur and Theo's friendship may face difficulties

One of the best theories about The Rings of Power Season 2 is it Theo will become King of the Deadand therefore will first ally with and then betray Isildur. There is evidence for and against Theo being King of the Dead, and his friendship with Isildur is among the evidence for this theory. The King of the Dead and his people were originally known as the Mountain Men and swore loyalty to Isildur after he founded Gondor. Theo's growing respect for Isildur suggests he is heading in that direction.

The King of the Dead's people were from the White Mountains. Theo is currently in Pelargir, not the White Mountains, somewhat discrediting the popular Theo Theory. However, the Mountain Men worshiped Sauron during his rise in the Second Age and Theo is the de facto leader of the dark-leaning Southerners since the death of his mother. Southerners could pass for Sauron worshipers, in the program's logic. This would only leave Theo to lead his people to the White Mountains and then swear loyalty to Isildur to become King of the Dead. According to tradition, he would betray Isildur.

The Rings Of Power Season 2 Could Make The King Of The Dead's Betrayal Much Sadder

Rings of power may be linking Theo and Isildur only to tear them apart

Isildur (Maxim Baldry) looks sad in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, season 2, episode 8

If Theo ends up being King of the Dead, then his friendship with Isildur will be over. Rings of Power season two will have made his fate much sadder. It was a delight to see Theo and Isildur bond throughout season two, and they have the potential to heal each other's deeply rooted trauma. Theo's father was absent, he lost his mother and rejects his father figure, Arondir. Meanwhile, Isildur has lost his mother and has a troubled relationship with his father. Both characters need guidance and a male anchor in their lives, which could precipitate a doomed friendship.

If the theory comes to fruition, the show is setting up a tragic personal conflict at the heart of the King of the Dead's betrayal. It wouldn't be the first time the series has used this tactic to deepen the drama at the heart of Tolkien's established lore. The show teased a Galadriel-Sauron romance to dramatize the conflict between the two that canonically occurs in the Third Age. Oathbreaker's betrayal in the books and films was epic but not emotional or personal, so the show would raise the stakes by making Theo the King of the Dead.

This Theo Theory Makes Aragorn's Lord of the Rings Story More Satisfying If True

Theo as King of the Dead would make Aragorn's arc in LOTR better

Aragorn in the Corsairs of Umbar scene

Theo, being the King of the Dead, would enrich the reading and viewing of the films, deepening the emotional relevance of the King of the Dead's redemption. In Tolkien lore, the Hillmen left Sauron to swear allegiance to Isildur. However, when Isildur called them to help him fight Sauron at the end of the Second Age, they did not come. Isildur cursed the Mountain Men to the agitation until they fulfilled their oath and were reduced to specters that haunted the mountains.

Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn could return in the next Warner Bros. film. 2026 The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum.

In The Return of the KingAragorn, aware of this story, summoned the King of the Dead and his army to finally fulfill his ancient oath. He needed help at the Battle of Pelennor. Although Rings of Power the source material does not alter Tolkien's canon in any way, It's gratifying to think that Theo will finally have the chance to redeem himself. If Theo becomes King of the Dead, he will have waited years for the chance for him and his people to free themselves from the curse.

Theo, as the King of the Dead, fighting for Aragorn in the Third Age, tragically fails to fulfill his oath to Isildur in the Second Age...

Although Theo's friend Isildur had long since died, Theo could at least offer his services to Isildur's descendantAragorn. Theo, as the King of the Dead, fighting for Aragorn in the Third Age, tragically fails to fulfill his oath to Isildur in the Second Age, which would have confirmed their friendship. But it would be Theo's last glimmer of hope in a cursed and miserable existence. And it would be Theo's final and hard-won redemption, and the conclusion of his friendship with Isildur would occur in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.