The return of Wheel Of Time's third season hero means we can't keep putting off these two missing characters

The return of Wheel Of Time's third season hero means we can't keep putting off these two missing characters

A hero who returns in The Wheel of Time The third season is a good sign for the debut of two important characters from the book. Played by Alexandre Willaume, Thom Merrilin has so far appeared in just two episodes of the Prime Video adaptation of Robert Jordan's film. Wheel of Time books. However, his screen time does not indicate his importance to the source material; instead, Thom is an integral part of the fantasy series.

How ingrained Thom is in the books' narrative makes his presence (or lack thereof) on the TV show quite surprising. But while Wheel of Time reduced his role in season 1 and did not include him in season 2, this is not necessarily indicative of a pattern. It has since been confirmed by the actor himself that Thom will return in The Wheel of Time season 3 [via Instagram]. Where he fits into things remains unclear, but his role in The shadow rising provides a clue. And not only does it establish a template for her next story, but it also offers evidence for Morgase and Elaida's eventual introductions.

Elaida and Morgase are crucial to Thom's Wheel of Time story

Thom's story can't come to fruition without Elaida and Morgase

The stories of Elaida and Morgase, two important members of the books' supporting cast, are intertwined with that of Thom Merilin, one of the Dragon Reborn's greatest allies. In the books, it is established that his career as a minstrel led to him landing a role in the court of Andor. During this time, he had a love affair with Morgase, Elayne Trakand's future mother, and even helped her take the Lion Throne. His romantic history with Morgase is especially relevant to the books, especially since Queen Morgase is a important policy in The Wheel of Time world.

As for why their relationship didn't work out, it can be attributed to Elaida, an influential member of the Red Ajah branch of the Aes Sedai. She and her fellow Red Sisters identified Thom's nephew Owyn as a male channeler and subsequently kindled him. The conflict over Owyn's fate drove a wedge between him and Morgase and awakened the character's deep distrust of the Aes Sedai. It is understood in the novels that Owyn's kindness and his death as a result of it have a lot to do with why he wanted to help Rand, another male channeler of the One Power.

Thom's Wheel of Time Season 3 role is good news for two characters. The first two seasons avoided

Elaida and Morgase's absence from the show should end soon

Thom Merrilin looks worriedly at Mat Cauthon in The Wheel of Time

For a while now, there has been a lot of speculation about when Elaida and Morgase will join the group. The first season notably skipped the part of the first book that introduced the two characters (along with several others), raising questions about when they would appear. The Wheel of Time could have easily fixed Elaida's absence by having her appear in Season 2's White Tower storyline - just as she did in the books - but that scenario never happened. There have been rumors that both have been cast and will debut in Season 3, but there has been no confirmation of this for either character. But with Thom on board, there's a good chance they'll show up sooner rather than later.

The storytelling potential that comes with the prospect of Thom sharing a story with Elaida and Morgase is unlikely to be wasted.

The storytelling potential that comes with the prospect of Thom sharing a story with Elaida and Morgase is unlikely to be wasted. With Thom around, the show has more reason than ever to bring both into play, allowing Thom to experience a tense reunion with his ex-lover and cross paths with the woman who condemned his beloved nephew, possibly as early as season three.

How Elaida, Thom, and Morgase Could Fit Into The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Story

Thom Could Meet Morgase in Wheel of Time Season 3

Thom Merrilin looking intensely at the camera in The Wheel of Time

How and when Thom's story with the two might be translated to the small screen largely depends on the show's approach to The shadow risingthe fourth book in the series and the one that the series will adapt next. In this specific book, Thom joins Elayne and Nynaeve who face Moghedien in Tanchico. Meanwhile, Elaida plans a coup to usurp – and still – Siuan Sanche in the White Tower. As for Morgase, she doesn't appear in the book, but given her family's enormous relevance to the overall story, the series could try to incorporate her so that she isn't introduced too late.

The arcs involving Thom and Elaida are practically guaranteed for the story of season 3as Tanchico has been confirmed as the next location and the fall of Siuan is being planned. This gives the series clear paths for Thom and Elaida to appear in The Wheel of Time season 3. This may not require a direct confrontation between them, but their stories may intersect due to flashbacks. Since Owyn's death has already been discussed, the show could use her role to simultaneously connect Elaida to an existing lore and establish her as a cold-hearted, menacing figure.

Morgase's potential role in The Wheel of Time Season 3 is admittedly more complicated, as Caemlyn isn't visited in The shadow rising. But the show could get around this by possibly having Morgase visit the White Tower to personally inquire about her daughter's whereabouts. Alternatively, The Wheel of Time could delve into Rahvin's plot to kill her, which is important for books 3 and 5. If the books go this route, Thom could appear in that story as well. Thom could rely on his history with Morgase to make her realize that her lover, Gaebril, is actually a Renegade in disguise.

While telling this story runs the risk of Season 3 becoming too crowded, it's not outside the realm of possibility. It is worth noting that Wheel of Time showrunner Rafe Judkins previously expressed the intention that the third season would cover "elements"from book 5, The Fires of Heaven. Reworking Morgase-Rahvin's story to fit her adaptation of Shadow Rising would be a smart way to get through book 5 and lay the groundwork for book 6 to be the focus of The Wheel of Time season 4. This would help the show condense the story from 14 books to a comparatively shorter length.

Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series comes to life in The Wheel of Time, a fantasy series created for Amazon Prime Video. The series follows a woman named Moiraine, a member of the female group Aes Sedai who can wield great power. After an attack on a local village, Moiraine goes there to find a villager who may be the reincarnation of an all-powerful dragon who will save or destroy the world.

Release date

November 19, 2021




The Wheel of Time