Although the majority Family Guy characters tend to be a constant part of the sitcom, some leave and return, and the biggest example of this in the series had mixed results. Seth MacFarlane gives voice to many Family Guy characters, which practically guarantees that the Quahog residents he brings to life aren't going anywhere. However, as essential as it is for Family Guythere are other important cast members without whom the show wouldn't be the same. However, the show experienced life for a while without an original character, and their absence made for a fun series of stories.
As one of the longest-running comedies of all time, Family Guy Blast your way through every available trope. With Family Guy In the 23rd season currently airing, MacFarlane's flagship project continues to thrive. One of the downsides of a show that runs this long is that the writers have to dig deep for new ideas and avoid repetition. Although this is a little easier with crazy programs like Family Guyit can still be a challenge. Years ago, one of the series' biggest characters left Quahog behind, but his legacy haunted the sitcom until his return.
Cleveland Brown's return to Quahog interrupted the string of guest stars who were staying at his home
The Brown family home remained empty when Cleveland left town
Cleveland Brown was written before Family Guy 8th season to prepare for the premiere of The Cleveland Show. While Cleveland headlined its own spinoff show in Virginiano one moved permanently into his former home in Quahog to replace him. Instead of, Family Guy allowed the building to remain largely empty, but invited several guest actors to periodically move to Spooner Street and become involved in the antics of Peter Griffin and his family. When The Cleveland Show ended after four seasons, Cleveland's return with his family to their former residence meant that the brilliant run of guest appearances could not continue.
Some of the best Family Guy the guest stars made their debuts while living in the Cleveland house, and it was a simple but effective way to introduce them to the show. While MacFarlane's sitcom keeps inviting guest stars to voice their animated avatarsThe structure of having an empty house across the street from the Griffins was an incredible convenience that facilitated cameos from Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Ryan Reynolds and even allowed for a brief crossover with another MacFarlane project - American Dad!
Celebrities Who Would Have Stayed in the Cleveland House Would Likely Have Gone Older Eventually
Family Guy couldn't keep relying on the same plot
It is certain that the show underutilized Cleveland's empty housebut it was great when it was used that way. So, it is possible that Family Guy the writers were aware of the fact that the storytelling device could easily get old quickly. Using guest stars is a great opportunity for a change of pace in sitcoms and other shows with a regular cast, but featuring too many regularly can make them less effective and also distract from the main cast of characters.
The show's continued success is evidence enough that the way Cleveland's empty house was used was not a fundamental decision to explain why viewers chose to continue interacting with Family Guy.
As such, it's probably good that the program was aware of this possibility, and even better, that Cleveland went back and removed trending as an option. The show's continued success is evidence enough that the way Cleveland's empty house was used was not a fundamental decision to explain why viewers chose to continue interacting with Family Guy. Given the potentially endless possibilities, the level of restraint shown by the writing team is very impressive, as any temporary residents of Spooner Street would likely have been much less rewarding.
Cleveland's Empty House Suggested One Family Thought The Spinoff Wouldn't Last
The Cleveland Show was clearly not a sure thing
cleveland Family Guy Leaving made it possible for your house to become the new permanent home for new characters, or perhaps even for existing ones to move closer to the center of the action. The fact that Cleveland's home remained empty throughout most of his four-season absence could easily be interpreted as caution on behalf of the spinoff show. Moving a character to your own show permanently is always a risk, and there are several examples of similar cases resulting in failure. The fact that the Brown residence was not usurped is very telling.
Happily, The Cleveland Show had the advantage of running alongside its parent program. In other words, Family Guy was there to break the fall if The Cleveland Show crashed and burned. By leaving the house empty, it was possible for the Brown family to return and pick up where they left off. Unfortunately for The Cleveland Showthis is exactly the contingency to rely on, as Fox pulled the plug after season 4. Family Guy could easily have Cleveland get his old home back as part of a hilarious scheme.