Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Squid Game Season 2!
Player 001 is one of the most interesting characters in squid game Season 2, and here's the real reason he ruined the Spinning Top game during the Six-Leg Pentathlon. squid game Season 2 is full of all kinds of twists, but one of the biggest is undoubtedly the fact that Front Man has decided to join the Squid Games as Player 001. Under the fake name Oh Young-il, In-ho does friendship with Gi-hun and his team of players, with him accompanying them throughout the game squid game Season 2, leading to one of the most tense moments of the season.
squid game season two finally continues the incredible story of squid game season 1, with Gi-hun returning after winning his first Squid Game competition in order to take down the shadowy organization. Armed with billions of won and an army of mercenaries, Gi-hun hopes to invade the island and stop Front Man, although he has no idea how powerful the organization is. In-ho is always one step ahead of Gi-hun, with Front Man being right under Gi-hun's nose at all times, allowing him to sabotage the protagonists at every turn.
The frontman purposely messed up the spinning top game in season 2, episode 5
He used his non-dominant hand
The second game in squid game The second season is the Six-Legged Pentathlon, a competition in which teams of five are chained together and forced to play five mini-games and finish a race in five minutes. Two teams go at a time, with the team Gi-hun and In-ho are on being one of the last two teams to participate. While watching the other teams compete, Gi-hun's team comes up with a variety of strategies that will increase their chances during the race. When starting to compete, the team flies through Ddakji, Flying Stone and Gong-gi, but their luck changes when they reach Spinning Top.
In-ho messes up the Spinning Top several times during his playing time, with him pretending to accidentally throw the spinning top in various directions. With each failed attempt, the team has to run, reach the top and return to the line. In-ho consumes most of the remaining time before finally successfully spinning the top, with the team finishing the final minigame and crossing the finish line with just seconds left. However, some squid game Season 2 viewers may have noticed that In-ho intentionally lost the Spinning Top game.
All over squid game, It can be seen that In-ho is left-handedwith this being demonstrated several times throughout the series. However, every time In-ho tries to spin the top, he does so with his right hand. Although In-ho could have messed up the Spinning Top game with his dominant hand, using his right hand allowed him to do so in a more convincing way. This prevented Gi-hun from discovering In-ho's scam, with the cast of squid game season two never learned that who they believed to be Oh Young-il was actually the frontman.
When In-ho finally manages to spin the top, he throws it with his left hand. This is an absolute indication that In-ho has been intentionally messing up the game, making it clear to fans who have noticed which of In-ho's hands is dominant. This is just one of the many ways that Front Man plays with Gi-hun and his friends in squid game Season 2, making the season even more frustrating.
Why Player 001 Really Wasted His Team's Time During the Six-Leg Pentathlon
There are two main theories
Gi-hun's team ended up winning the Six-Legged Pentathloncausing many fans to wonder why player 001 intentionally wasted his team's time during the game. One theory is that In-ho simply wanted to break Gi-hun's spirit, reminding them once again how close they are to death at any moment. Allowing Gi-hun's team to win the Six-Legged Pentathlon in such an easy way could have given them extra confidence, giving them the power to get more votes after the game or even gain more allies in the fight against the Front Man and the Pink Soldiers.
It could also be that In-ho needed to buy time, allowing the other team playing the Six-Leg Pentathlon to win the race first. Since Player 001 is secretly the Front Man, if Gi-hun's team had lost the Six-Legged Pentathlon, the Pink Soldiers would not have killed him. However, if Gi-hun's team had lost, before the other team was killed, they would have seen In-ho walk away, revealing their ruse. So, either the other team had to win before Gi-hun's team was killed, they had to die, or Gi-hun's team had to win.
Gi-hun's team ended up successfully winning the Six-Legged Pentathlon game, meaning In-ho's complicated Spinning Top plan didn't matter anyway. Furthermore, the other team ended up failing, with everyone being killed before they could expose In-ho's ruse. As a contingency plan, however, In-ho intentionally launching the Spinning Top game makes sense, covering his tracks and allowing him to emerge unscathed if the situation arises.
What would have happened if Gi-hun's team hadn't managed to complete the second game
In-ho obviously wouldn't have been killed
One of the biggest questions of all squid game season two is about how much Gi-hun's performance in the Squid Game really matters. If they had failed, In-ho obviously wouldn't have been killed, with him likely walking away while the rest of Gi-hun's team was slaughtered. However, In-ho apparently wants Gi-hun to stay alive as punishment for him returning to the Squid Game competition. Thus, it can be believed that the Pink Soldiers would not have killed Gi-hun, with In-ho having a different plan for the former champion.
In-ho provided much of the strategy during the planning period before the start of the Six-Legged Pentathlon, meaning he apparently wanted the other four team members to fly during their games. In-ho probably would have proportioned his time in the Spinning Top game differently if his teammates had performed poorly in the previous three minigames. As they flew through it, however, it allowed In-ho to pretend to have failed for a little longer, causing the team to finish. squid game second game of season 2 with just a few seconds remaining.