The real reason the One Ring makes the wearer invisible is Lord of the Rings

The real reason the One Ring makes the wearer invisible is Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is full of mysteries, but one thing that can be explained, if tackled properly, is why the wearing of the one ring became invisible. The One Ring was Sauron's remote control for the nine weapons of mass destruction that were his Ringwraiths. Each of the nine Ringworts possesses one of the Rings of Power That Sauron made for the race of men, all of whom were made to bow completely to the One Ring's control. The Ringwraiths and Frodo all experienced invisibility due to wearing their rings at some point, with Bilbo also disappearing when he put on the One Ring.

Holding the One Ring, Sauron has a level of control over the wearers of all other rings of power. This was always Sauron's intention, designed in the rings. Sauron would have preferred to control more than just nine warriors and authority figures with rings of power, but the seven rings he created for dwarves didn't quite yield the same submissive slaves. Dwarves are also hard to be enslaved by the Seven, even though they are corrupted. The three didn't put the elves to sleep either. Invisibility was only one power conferred by the toxic ringsLulling owners into a false sense of their own power, but it proved to be a curse a sound.

The one ring takes the wearer into the unseen realm

Most people exist in the seen realm

The Lord of the Rings One Ring

Most people in Middle-earth, across all its fantasy races, exist in the seen realm, however The saw realm could be excited by putting on a ring of power. Donning a ring of power can instantly transport its wearer into the unseen realm of Lord of the Ringswhich was inhabited by certain magical. The Ringwraiths have been drawn into this world almost completely, leaving only the suggestion of their physical selves. This is why Frodo could see them when he put on the One Ring. He disappeared from the seen realm but entered the unseen and was "Half in the world."

The Unseen Realm corrupts the wearer of the Ring over time

The ring warps its wearer

Nazgul on horseback with swords drawn across a river in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

All rings of power are vulnerable to Sauron's influence, being designed by him from the beginning, so Being lured by a ring into the unseen realm is often a bad sign For the seller. Wearing a ring transported its wearer to the unseen realm, but unfortunately, the more the ring was worn, the harder it was to leave. The evil ringleaders were captivated by their rings, and the powers they gave them were lost. All the time spent in the unseen realm eventually left them wraiths, barely able to touch the seen realm, though their robes gave them visible form in the seen.

Rings of power enabled their wearers to see other beings in the unseen realm and to be seen by them. That's why Sauron could see Frodo as he put on the One Ring. Sauron was a spirit capable of existing in both the seen and the unseen realms. Gandalf confirms that the Elvish Eldar can also - "Those who lived in the blessed world live in both worlds at the same time, and both against the seen and against the unseen, they have great power."The One Ring may have made its wearer invisible to most, but it made them more visible to some of the most powerful beings in The Lord of the Rings, From the Ringwraiths to Sauron himself.