The problems I had with Hocus Pocus 2 (as a diehard fan of the original)

The problems I had with Hocus Pocus 2 (as a diehard fan of the original)

Hocus Pocus Has become a must-watch during Halloween season, and although it is now Hocus Pocus 2I have a couple of problems with it as it didn't live up to the greatness of the first movie. Back in 1993, Kenny Ortega brought the fantasy comedy movie Hocus Pocuswhich introduced the world to the Sanderson sisters: Winifred (Bette Midler), Mary (Katie Najimy), and Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker). Although it received mixed reviews during its initial release and did not do well at the box office, Hocus Pocus is now a cult classic Thanks to his annual airings on Disney Channel.

On October 31, 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts, Winifred cast a curse right before she and her sister were hanged that would allow them to resurrect during a full moon on All Hallows' Eve if a virgin lit the black flame candle in their cottage—and This is what happens 300 years later when Max Denison lights the candle. To survive the night, the Sandersons need to suck the life out of at least one child, and so it's up to Max, his sister Dani and his crushed Allison to stop them. Almost 30 years later, Hocus Pocus 2 was released, but it wasn't the sequel I expected.

Hocus Pocus 2 recycled the first movie's story

The story of Hocus Pocus 2 has already been told

Sanderson sisters walk the streets in Hocus Pocus 2

Hocus Pocus 2 was released in 2022 on Disney+, and it was directed by Anne Fletcher. Hocus Pocus 2 Taking the audience back to Salem to meet teenagers Becca (Whitney Peake) and Izzy (Belisa Escobedo). For Becca's birthday, the friends plan to do a ritual in the woods and are given a candle for it by Gilbert (Sam Richardson), the owner of the Olde Salem Magic Shoppe. What Becca and Izzy don't know is that the light is the black flame one.

Becca and Izzy end up accidentally resurrecting the Sanderson Sisters againWho are even more confused but also fascinated by the modern world. Instead of trying to suck the lives of children, this time the Sandersons are driven by revenge, and decide to cast the magic maxima to eliminate the descendants of the reverend who tried to separate them when they were young and take revenge on all of modern Salem - and This spell will also make them the most powerful.

Hocus Pocus 2 Relies heavily on nostalgia, and while that doesn't really bother me, it does when that's the only thing the movie has to offer.

If the history of Hocus Pocus 2 Sounds familiar because it's pretty much the same as in the first movie. Hocus Pocus 2 Relies heavily on nostalgia, and while that doesn't really bother me, it does when that's the only thing the movie has to offer. Hocus Pocus 2 It even recycles some of Sanderson's comedic moments from the first movieSuch as their attempt to understand the modern world - the problem is that this does not work 29 years later.

Hocus Pocus 2 Don't add too much to the stories of the Sandersons and Salem either (And this is a setting with a rich history that can be used in a Hocus Pocus Movie, like the first one, which leads me to another key thing that made Hocus Pocus 2 Not quite working for me, despite being entertaining.

Hocus Pocus 2 left me with more questions about the Sanderson sisters than answers

The past of the Sanderson sisters left many mysteries

Hocus Pocus They did not go into the backstory of the Sanderson sisters, but showed the moment they were caught after taking the life force of Emily Binks and turning her brother, Thackery, into a black cat, and their execution. Everything before that was a secret until now Hocus Pocus 2 arrived, which revealed a very specific part of the Sanderson's past. In 1653 Salem, Reverend Traske banished 16-year-old Winifred After she refused to marry John Pritchett, who was seen as defying church authority.

As it would have meant being away from her sister, Winnie, Mary and Sarah ran into a nearby forest, where they met the Mother Witch.. The latter gave Winifred a magic book (her beloved "Bookie") as a birthday present but warned them about casting the Magicae Maxima spell, which makes the user all-powerful. The mother witch also taught them how to stay young through the life force of children before she disappeared, after which the sisters used their new knowledge to curse the home of Reverend Traske.

That's all Hocus Pocus 2 Revealed about the Sandersons, but it just left me with more questions about their past. Seeing the sisters alone makes me wonder what happened to their parents and what they did after they cursed the home of R. Traske. also, If Winifred was banned, I wonder how the sisters managed to keep living in SalemIn their now famous cottage, for many more years. Although a third Hocus Pocus The movie is currently in development, it is unknown if it can answer all the questions about the Sandersons past.

Hocus Pocus 2 is funny but not spooky enough

Hocus Pocus 2 forgot its roots

Sister Sanderson hanged in Hocus Pocus

Disney is not a name you would normally associate with spooky content, as most of its content is family friendly, and Although Hocus Pocus Is also a movie for all viewers, it is actually spookier than it seems. Hocus Pocus Has its dark moments that, if it had been released recently, it would have been flagged as not necessarily child-friendly. however, Hocus Pocus Knew how to balance its spooky elements with humor... but the sequel didn't.

Hocus Pocus 2 Has a lot more comedic moments than Hocus Pocus And is much less spooky, and It wouldn't bother me so much if the funny moments landed better. Many of them felt forced and the performances were a little over-the-top at times, and the moments that could have been used for spookiness were completely wasted - and this complaint leads to another, even bigger one I have. Hocus Pocus 2.

Hocus Pocus 2 took away one of my favorite parts of the Sanderson sisters: that they are evil

The Sanderson sisters were very different and not for the better

Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy as the Sanderson sisters in Hocus Pocus I Put a Spell on You

In his tone change to more comedy, Hocus Pocus 2 took away the Sanderson sisters' evil. Hocus Pocus Seen their true evil from the beginning When they lured Emily to their cottage to take their life force. The Sandersons then turned Thackeray into a black cat and did not stop teasing and mocking the residents of Salem while awaiting their death. Once they woke up, the Sandersons used music to distract the adults and cast a curse that would force them to dance until they died, all so they could lure all of Salem's children to their cottage to take their life force.

Hocus Pocus 2 Tone the Sanderson Sisters down a lotMaking them funnier but without the evil that made them so entertaining in the first movie. Even their plan to cast the Magicae Maxima spell was underwhelming and didn't feel like something the Sanderson Sisters from the first movie would have done.

Giving powers to the girls made the story of Hocus Pocus 2 less special

Izzy, Becca and Cassie were a coven

Hocus Pocus 2 Becca's Hands Magic

A huge difference between Hocus Pocus And his sequel is that the latter has his main character powers - and, contrary to what it might seem, that ends up playing against him. A big part of that was Hocus Pocus So important to me was that Max, Danny and Allison were regular teenagers/kids (Although I admit I support the theory about Alison being a witch) who had to use their creativity and intelligence to find a way to stop the Sanderson Sisters. Hocus Pocus 2However, skipped all that and went on an easier path by making Becca a natural witch.

I was disappointed when Hocus Pocus 2 Made Becca a witch and also gave her friends powers, simply because it took away the relatable quality that Max, Danny and Allison had.

At the end of Hocus Pocus 2, Becca, Izzy and Cassie join together in a coven and successfully cast the reuniting spell for Winifred. While I love movies about witches and magic, I was disappointed when Hocus Pocus 2 made Becca a witch and also gave her friends powers, simply because it took away the relatable quality that Max, Danny and Alison brought to the first movie, which showed that anyone can defeat evil if they are creative enough and have the right support System.

I wish the replacements of Max, Danny and Alison were better

Becca, Izzy and Cassie do no justice to the main characters of Hocus Pocus

This connects directly to the point above. Max, Danny and Alison were completely different (and there was even a considerable age difference between Max and Danny), but they complemented each other perfectly, enough to find a way to save Salem's children from the Sandersons. What I feel ruined Izzy, Becca, and Cassie is the drama the first two have with the latterwho became estranged when she became popular and started dating a boy. It felt completely unnecessary and Hocus Pocus 2 Could have worked even better without it, as they still had to warn Cassie's father about the Sandersons' plans.

How much like Hocus Pocus 2 tried, Izzy, Becca, and Cassie don't have the same chemistry as Max, Danny, and AllisonWhich also made them weak main characters. Certainly, this makes the focus on the Sanderson sisters much stronger and they end up being the best characters in the movie, although with the above-mentioned changes that hurt the sisters. Hocus Pocus 2 is entertaining, and it's such a nostalgia fest that it's a fun watch, but it didn't live up to my expectations after how good the first movie was.