The original Pink Ranger's unbeatable weapon upgrade will impress every '90s kid

The original Pink Ranger's unbeatable weapon upgrade will impress every '90s kid

Kimberly Ann Hart from Power Rangers got the most mind-blowing weapon upgrade in the franchise's extended comic book universe. The Pink Ranger's signature weapon of choice has always been the Power Bow, but even that isn't the most powerful weapon Kimberly has ever wielded. Even the reinvented bow she wields when she becomes the Ranger Hunter as an adult pales in comparison to another update.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 – written by Kyle Higgins, with art by Daniele Di Nicuolo – featured the emotional moment when the The original Pink Ranger received her most powerful upgrade in the character's history, in the form of the Green Ranger's Dragon Shield and Dagger.

Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart fires the Dragon Dagger from her bow at Lord Drakkon in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30

The comics went to great lengths to reinvent the Pink Ranger character, but no attempt seems as pronounced in highlighting her competence and evolution as a heroine as this arc, in which she gained the Dragon Dagger.

How Power Rangers' Original Pink Ranger Got the Dragon Shield and Dagger, Explained

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 – Written by Kyle Higgins; Art by Daniele Di Nicuolo Simona Di Gianfelice, Walter Baiamonte and Ed Dukeshire.

Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott and Samurai Lauren Shiba ask Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart to pilot Green Ranger's Dragonzord in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30

Kimberly and Tommy's iconic romance has been well documented, with their first meeting being chronicled in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25. Unfortunately, the meeting ended in tragedy when Lord Drakkon suddenly appeared in the middle of his mission to travel the multiverse to kill Rangers for their powers. With a stab to the back, Drakkon killed his good-natured counterpart. This was a heartbreaking moment for Kimberly, but like the rest of the Mighty Morphin Rangers, she had no choice but to move forward as she prepared to stop Drakkon with no time to grieve.

After an inspiring speech, Jason addressed Kimberly, asking her to pilot the Dragonzord into battle, giving her the Dragon Shield to ensure she was able to do so.

In the case of Jason Lee Scott, his leadership duties as Red Ranger meant he had to shoulder the weight of responsibility in the midst of mourning Tommy Oliver. As such, Jason was the first to receive the power upgrade from the Dragon Shield and Tommy's Dagger left behind. With the literal weight of Tommy's absence on Jason's shoulders, he led countless Power Rangers into a final battle with Drakkon's army. After an inspiring speech, Jason addressed Kimberly, asking her to pilot the Dragonzord into battle, giving her the Dragon Shield to ensure she was able to do this.

Kimberly has proven herself to be a capable leader of the Power Rangers, according to Jason

The Implications of Gaining the Dragon Shield and Dagger

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Red Ranger Jason gives Pink Ranger Kimberly Green Ranger Tommy Oliver the Dragon Dagger

On the one hand, there is certainly sentiment behind Jason's decision to give Kimberly the Green Ranger's powers and weapons. It was the best way for her to honor her late boyfriend, and the gesture itself clearly resonated with her on that level. However, to say that the only reason Kimberly received this upgrade was because she dated Tommy Oliver would be a disservice to the progress Kimberly has made as a Ranger in the series and comics. Knowing Jason, he wouldn't hand over great power to someone just out of feeling, not while the end was near.

Instead, it seems evident that Jason genuinely believed Kimberly could handle power and, more importantly, that she earned that power. There was a time when it was easy for the public to dismiss the female Rangers from the team, seeing as it took so many years for the franchise to see its first female leader and first female Red Ranger. However, even back then, Kimberly was a member who could not be underestimated, neither by critics nor by the universe. Against Lord Drakkon, Kimberly has proven herself skilled enough to be a capable leader.

Gaining the dragon shield and dagger led to a larger role for Kimberly in future arcs

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 – Available now on Boom! Studios

Notably, the World of the Coinless – the same alternate reality from which Drakkon emanated – showed a future where Kimberly really was the leader of the Power Rangers. After the final battle known as The Fall of the Power Rangers, Kimberly was one of the last remaining heroes not captured or killed by Drakkon, leading a resistance force against him. Without any real powers, she still managed to be skilled enough to stand her ground. When she got new Ranger powers, she became the leader of the Solar Rangers. Even better, it was the future Kimberly who killed Lord Drakkon.

Wielding the Dragon Shield and Dagger, and even making it his own, was the perfect way to pay homage to Tommy Oliver, but it was also a worthy upgrade for one of the franchise's best Power Rangers.

Even though this was an alternate reality, it was still the same Pink Ranger, just on an altered path. Powerful Morphine the original Kimberly was just as willing and able to be a leader in the main Rangerverse canon as she was in the Coinless reality, evidenced by the fact that teenage Kimberly was able to defeat a brainwashed Ranger Slayer in the comics. Wielding the Dragon Shield and Dagger, and even making them his own, was the perfect way to pay homage to Tommy Oliver, but it was also a worthy upgrade for one of the franchise's best. Power Rangers.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 is now available on Boom! Studios.