Ultron is one of the biggest threats to exist in the entirety of Marvel lore. The rogue AI is truly one of the most dangerous beings in creation, not only the Avengers, but also the universe. But Ultron's even darker reflection makes his predecessor completely obsolete - and can even take down universal forces like Galactus himself.
Avengers AI #11-12 by Samuel Humphries, André Lima Araújo, Frank D'Armata and Clayton Cowles give fans a glimpse into the dystopian future overtaken by the rogue AI Dimitrios. Created by Hank Pym as a countermeasure to Ultron, Dimitrios proves to be somewhat unruly and spawns a despotic "Machine Imperium" Over the stars.
Hijacking the body of Galactus himself in a crazy scheme Encountering "God" while inhabiting an old Iron Man armor, Dimitrios is ultimately defeated by the titular Avengers squad. But these are still massively impressive feats, and they prove just how dangerous Ultron's opposite is.
Ultron's opposite, the Rogue AI Dimitrios, is frighteningly powerful
Galactus is no match for Dimitrios
Any being powerful enough to decapitate Galactus is Truly a danger to be reckoned with. After all, the Devourer of Worlds is one of the fundamental cosmic aspects of the Marvel Universe - meaning Dimitrios essentially became powerful enough to bend the laws of the universe in his insane scheme to meet the creator of reality. This is not the first time Galactus has been defeated, but this is one of his most humbling losses. And the fact that the loss came at the hands of a dark Avengers villain throws even more salt into the wound.
Ultron is one of Marvel's most iconic villains, but his opposite number, Demitrios, proved who is the best AI when he beat Galactus himself.
Like Dimitrios, Ultron has on occasion launched his own cosmic conquestsBut never as final as his automatic opponent. After all, Dimitrios' Machine Imperium survived thousands of years into the future - much longer than the vaunted Age of Ultron or his gambit using the Phalanx. In one story, this anti-Avengers AI proved to be a major player on the cosmic stage. And while his appearances since have been non-existent, the threat he still poses even to beings such as Galactus is very real.
The Anti-Ultron is as bad as its predecessor
Hank Pym should quit while he's ahead
Ultron is one of Marvel's most iconic villains, but his opposite number, Demitrios, proved himself to be the best AI when he beat Galactus himself. If even the Devourers of Worlds can fall victim to a rogue AI, Earth's mightiest heroes will have their work cut out for them if Dimitrios decides to make a resurgence. But meanwhile, Ultron And Dimitrios' creator, Hank Pym, should indeed refuse to create more artificial intelligence - at least for now Galactus' For the sake of it.
Avengers AI #11-12 are available now from Marvel Comics.