premier in 2022, The old man Enjoyed a critically acclaimed first season, delivering some great twists, from the revelations delivered to main characters like Dan Chase (Jeff Bridges) to the supporting cast, including Morgan Bote (Joel Grey). After the seven-episode first season ended with the biggest twist of them all, it was clear that viewers would return when the show debuted its second season in 2024, offering more intrigue and more than enough family drama to keep fans wanting more.
In the first season, Jeff Bridges received a considerable amount of praisewith critics saying that he "Shine in [the] Serviceable action series"(by The Guardian), and he won the AARP Movies for Grownups Award for Best Actor - Television. with The old man Season 2 focusing more on his daughter, Emily, the series took a small dip in critical success. However, it still promises to deliver a quality storyline with great performances and a few more shocking twists along the way.
The identity of the old man
Martin Bode was the "father figure" to Dan Chase
From the first episode, the assumption has always been that Dan Chase was the "old man" referenced in the title. It wasn't meant in an insulting way, but throughout the show, he was often seen as someone who wouldn't be a threat, even though he did a lot of physical work when he was younger and worked with the CIA. . However, as it was revealed in the last episode, The "old man" in question was not Dan at all, but Morgan Bate, the FBI director.
Morgan was on the verge of retirement, and he was the man seemingly behind all the big plots. The storyline certainly threw fans, since most of the characters idolized him and looked up to him as a role model and a father figure (which was also a big reason he was the "old man" in the title). This led to his role in the series being what pushed things to the brink for the second season, as his actions affected a lot of people in The old man Finale.
Angela is Dan's "daughter"
Angela and Emily are the same person
Viewers may have immediately noticed the similarities in the voice over the phone between Dan's daughter, Emily, and Angela, who worked right alongside Harold at the FBI. But, for others, it was a massive twist when It was revealed that not only Dan's daughter was still alive, but the two women were one and the same. Executive producer Warren Littlefield explains the thought process behind making Emily and Angela the same person (via TheWrap):
"We didn't think we should be afraid of the shock because it also comes to the idea of two fathers in her life and the emotional relationships. Harold Harper is unbelievably sensitive and attached to her. This adds a whole new dimension to it."
Dan got help from Morgan to put her in a safe job where she would be safe. However, in her position, she could also keep an eye on Harold and his efforts to find or condemn or remove Faraz Hamzad. This led to an even bigger twist later in the series, as in the second season, Angela/Emily was an even more important character and one that could potentially sway the entire storyline of the show.
Faraz Hamzad is potentially going to kill his wife
Hamzad would do anything to maintain his power
Ebi eventually revealed to Faraz that she had been working with the Russians all along, at least to help Faraz's cause, and it was she who let the Russian prisoner go. She also revealed that there are great riches hidden on earth that can change the course of the war, and this is what the Russians were looking for. In a shocking twist, she then tells him (and had previously told Dan) that she knows where it is.
It also showed not only how firm Abby was in her beliefs, but also how willing Faraz would go for power.
Despite his insistence, Abi refused to tell Faraz. Faraz didn't so much say that he would do it, but he thought that if she didn't reveal the location to him, he would torture her until she did. This was a surprising step, given how Faraz seemed to be completely devoted to his wife until that moment. But it also showed not only how firm Abby was in her beliefs, but also how willing Faraz would go for power, proving Abby's theory about him all along.
Morgan Bote orders a task force to go after Dan and Harold
Morgan may have wanted to eliminate Emily to protect herself
Once Morgan Bote's identity as FBI director is revealed, a shocking twist that comes to light is that He is a father figure of sorts to Harold and DanWorking with them when they are honing their CIA. and spy skills. But once Dan finds out and Bothe has caught the wrath of Faraz Hamzad, he realizes that if the truth about what he did to help the couple comes to light, he, and his reputation, will be in trouble.
While he seems visibly upset by his decision, he orders a task force to do something heinous: hurt Harold and Dan, the two men he considers his sons. Given how emotionally invested Morgan was in Dan and Harold, chances are more likely that He didn't want them killed but wanted Angela/Emily hurt instead.
It would almost make Morgan seem selfish and cruel, given that he would keep the people he views as children alive while hurting the young woman they call their daughter as a way to hurt them. If this theory is true, it would all be to protect his reputation and use Angela as a necessary sacrifice.
Dan betrayed Hamzad years ago
Dan helped Hamzad's wife escape from him 30 years ago
The whole reason Hamzad hated Dan Chase—and what led to the events of the entire first season—was that Dan betrayed Hamzad years ago. This led to the second season premiere, where Hamzad has a shot at Dan for revenge. Thirty years before the series began, Dan worked for the US government in Afghanistan and was there to help Hamzad.
But Dan also knew that although America was ready to put Hamzad in power, it would have bad repercussions in the future. Dan knew that the people who are closest to Hamzad would suffer because of it, and he finally took Hamzad's wife Belor and traveled with her to America, saving her from the dangers that come in the future for her husband and then He finally fell in love with her. himself. However, Belor had more of a hand in things than Dan believed.
Belour Daadfar is Abbey Chase
Abby was never who she seemed
Once it was shown that Dan Chase fled Afghanistan with Hamzad's wife, Belor, the next big twist came when it was shown that Abby Chase, Dan's wife, is Belor Dadfar. She looked like the helpless wife of a rebel whom Dan saved from an uncertain future. However, the big problem here is that she is not helpless in the least. She played Dan and Hamzad, and the alien leader said as much in the second season when he said that you can either love them or trust them, but not both.
Through it all, it seemed that Abby was always playing each side for her own self-interest. She wanted to free her country from the Soviets, and she was very intelligent, studied abroad, where she met Pavolvich. She traveled to Afghanistan and probably fell in love with Hamzad when they met at university there, and they got married. Then, when Dan offered the chance, she ran away with him and fell in love with him too, but she was never what she seemed to anyone she was with.
Abby recruited Pavlovich
Abby played both Dan and Faraz
Abby eventually reveals to Dan and Faraz that she was recruited by the Russians to work with them but did so to help Faraz's cause. She made it sound like you were given an offer, and she saw the benefits and took it. However, it was later revealed when Dan met with Pavlovich decades later that It was actually Abby who seemed to have a hold over everyoneincluding him.
It also gave viewers deeper insight into just how smart, cunning, ruthless and determined Abhi really was, with a plan set in motion even long before she married Faraz.
He said he was in love with her, or at least mesmerized by her at one point, only to realize that she had cultivated him years in advance until she was ready to use him to help her husband win the war. The revelation made Dan wonder if she had been doing the same thing to him the whole time they were together. It also gave viewers deeper insight into dot How smart, cunning, ruthless and determined Abby really wasThey started a plan long before she married Faraz.
Faraz is Angela's biological father
Dan took Faraz's daughter when he left with Abby
The biggest reveal at the end of season 1 was that Faraz was actually Angela's biological father, not Dan. He knew that all along as he and Abi went on the run with Angela, who was already a toddler at the time they left Afghanistan together. While Harold only put two seats for them on the plane, they managed to transport her with them.
Faraz was saddened by the fact that Abay left and took his daughter with him. This information was shocking to viewers, who never heard or saw any mention of Angela in flashback scenes, and also to Angela herself. It has fans wondering why Angela has no memory, even fleeting, of being born in Afghanistan and spending time with Faraz as a toddler.
The American government betrayed Dan
The US it. Gave Angela to Faraz
The old man Goes a long way to show how anyone would do anything to protect their own self-interest. For Dan, he was there to protect his family at all costs. He goes off the grid and hides with Abby and Emily, protecting them from discovery by Faraz. When the US government sent people to bring him in after Faraz was chasing him, he killed several people to protect his family and keep them safe. He was not a good person, but it was important to protect himself.
At the same time, the three that the The American government had no problem betraying him and his family Was not too unexpected either. In movies and TV shows, the government has never been too worried about throwing its citizens to the wolves if it means covering their own secrets. At the end of the first season, the biggest shock was that the government was willing to send Angela to Faraz and cut their connection with her to keep the warlord happy.
Angela seems to be buying into Farad's fight
There haven't been many twists so far The old one man's Second season. Most of the second installment was about the drama about Angela learning that she is actually Farad's biological daughter. While she had a father who raised her in Dan and a father figure in Harold, she now has a biological father in Parade, a warlord who did terrible things. The biggest twist that happened early in the second season was that she bought into it and seemed to immediately switch sides.
It makes sense in some ways since Angela realized that she had been lied to her whole life about who her father really was. She should have known better than to lie to Harold for so long about who she is, though. Now that she is in Afghanistan, she sees how the people there live, how they are treated and what they are fighting for, and she seems to buy into the situation. But, how The old man Shown in season 1, things are not always as they seem, and more twists are sure to come.