The Night Agent's upcoming second season can't afford to repeat the mistake that almost killed Reacher

The Night Agent's upcoming second season can't afford to repeat the mistake that almost killed Reacher

A serious mistake almost killed Reachand The Night AgentThe upcoming season 2 must avoid repeating it at all costs. Based on Lee Child Jack Reacher books, Amazon Reach it has become one of the most valuable IPs for the streaming platform. Both seasons received positive reviews from viewers and critics and also managed to generate impressive numbers on the streamer. Although The Night Agent has not yet been recreated Reachsuccess, seems to be on the right path to achieve the same.

The Night AgentThe first season currently has 803,200,000 hours of viewing time on Netflix and 98,200,000 total views on the streaming giant. If it continues to generate such huge numbers in season two, it could become one of the most popular action thriller shows on the air and even compete with Amazon's. Reach. However, despite having a solid performance so far, The Night Agent we must act carefully and avoid repeating a mistake that almost led to Reachfall in season 2.

The Night Agent's second season can't be much different from the first season after record success

We can't risk repeating the mistake of Reacher season 2

The public will wait The Night Agent season 2 will bring something new to the table as, unlike season 1, it will follow an original storyline. At the same time, as a follow-up to a successful season, The Night Agent season two will also have to find new ways to up the stakes for Peter Sutherland even further to ensure viewers remain invested in its storyline throughout its runtime. However, even if The Night Agent has the perfect opportunity to explore new narratives in its upcoming episodes, shouldn't run the risk of straying too far from all the elements that made the first season work.

Although The Night Agent The first season did not receive unanimous critical acclaim, broke many Netflix viewing records, and became one of the most-watched English-language shows on the streaming platform. Its commercial success highlights that it got many things right when it caught the public's attention. If you stray too far from the successful formula established in the first season, you could repeat the mistake you made Reach the second season is a less compelling installment than its predecessor.

Reacher season two struggled to recapture the magic of season one

Reacher Season 2 Forgot What Made Season 1 Compelling

Although Jack Reacher joins Roscoe and Finlay in Reach In the first season, he never loses his identity as a lone figure because the two law enforcers never seem as formidable as he is. In Reach in season 2, however, the titular character joins forces with former team members from the 110th Special Investigation Unit, who are equally skilled and intimidating in their own right. Although Reacher still serves as the leader, they all contribute equally to solving the overarching mysteries and subduing the villains.


Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score

Rotten Tomatoes audience score

Reacher Season 1



Reacher Season 2



The Night Agent Season 1



Reach Season 2 is still entertaining and rarely leaves a dull moment, explaining why it has a near-perfect Rotten Tomatoes score of 98%. However, when compared to its predecessor, it's hard not to notice how it seems to lack the charm and raw intensity that made the first season a unique entry into the crime thriller genre. Season 2 also went a little too far with its action scenes, portraying Reacher and his team members as ruthless, invincible heroes. Again, this did more harm than good because it undermined the overall tension of the story.

How The Night Agent season two is already avoiding the mistakes of Reacher season two

It marks the return of a character from season 1

Images from Reacher and The Night Agent with Alan Ritchson as Reacher and Gabriel Basso in The Night Agent
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

Since The Night Agent has already exhausted the content of its original material, its second season will follow an original plot. Given that the Netflix show's ending is also pretty conclusive, its second season will likely go the anthology route, like Reach and present an independent story. However, despite following the same narrative path as Reach in its next edition, The Night Agent is keeping some crucial elements from the first season.

As reports suggest, The Night Agent season 2 is marking the return of Peter's season 1 love interest, Rose. While details of his role remain under wraps, his return confirms that the series' two seasons will have some semblance of continuity. Hopefully, The Night Agent Season 2 will have many more story parallels to Season 1 and will avoid repeats Reach season 2 mistakes.