Star Wars must finally address an important issue with the Star Wars schedule for the next The Mandalorian and Grogu film. Details about The Mandalorian and Grogu were relatively minimal, though it's clear the film will continue where The Mandalorian The season 3 finale was cut short. This will no doubt mean following the titular characters, Din Djarin and Grogu, as they work alongside the New Republic.
In addition to revealing Din Djarin's role in the New Republic, The Mandalorian and Grogu should answer the main questions about Grogu. The origins of Grogu and Star Wars The timeline, especially his survival in Order 66, proved interesting. There are still many unknowns, however. Grogu is the same species as Master Yoda, but very little is known about Yoda's species. Grogu, Yoda, and Yaddle are the only canonical characters of this species, and the details remain a mystery. This led to a Star Wars scheduling problem that must be addressed in The Mandalorian and Grogu.
Yoda's Story Makes Grogu's Age Very Confusing
Grogu's aging needs to be better explained
In The Mandalorian, Grogu is 50 years old. Although the exact aging process in Grogu's species is not clearly defined, Grogu still appears and acts like a child - hence his name originally being The Child - which suggests that this species ages much more slowly than humans. This would be reasonable and would not need further explanation if Yoda's own aging did not call this aging rate into question.
Yoda was 900 years old when he died in Return of the Jediand he trained Jedi for 800 years, which means that Yoda began training Jedi when he was 100 years old. This makes Grogu's age The Mandalorian much more confusing. Although Grogu is only half the age Yoda was when he began training Jedi, he seems a long way from being capable of becoming a Jedi Master (even if he stayed with Luke and decided to continue his Jedi path).
If it took Grogu 50 years to develop as a child, it doesn't seem possible that another 50 years will see him enter adulthood.
If it took Grogu 50 years to develop into a child, it doesn't seem possible that another 50 years could see him enter adulthood or perhaps even what would be considered his adolescence in his species. This leaves a big question, if not a plot hole, for The Mandalorian and Grogu to address. Even with unique aging, how could Grogu still be a child at age 50 if Yoda was already training Jedi at age 100?
Yoda and Grogu's species remain a big mystery
George Lucas wanted Yoda's species to be mysterious
In the original Star Wars trilogy, George Lucas Intentionally Kept Yoda's Species Name Secret. Lucas wanted Yoda to be a mysterious and even magical character, so he was adamant that details about this species be shrouded in mystery. This same approach was maintained in the prequel trilogy, in which Yoda was a major player, but little else about his origins, species, and history was revealed.
Even without Lucas at the helm, it appears that Disney Star Wars wants to respect this rule of Luke. Yaddle, Yoda and Grogu were important characters in Star Wars movies and TV shows, but Disney Star Wars similarly, it hasn't given many hints about the nature of species in more recent projects. The problem is, Grogu is a beloved character who will clearly become the main character in Star Wars newest movie. It may no longer make sense for the franchise to stick to this rule.
It may no longer make sense for the franchise to stick to this rule.
It Might Be Time for Star Wars to Answer Some Questions
Star Wars has to make Grogu's age fit with Yoda's somehow
Although it's good that Disney Star Wars continued to respect George Lucas' rule of not revealing more about Yoda's species, the franchise may have painted itself into a corner by introducing The Child in The Mandalorian. The original intention behind making Yoda so mysterious and refusing to reveal his species name is at odds with Grogu as a character.. Yoda was created to appear otherworldly, while Grogu was created to be the center of attention.
Due to this, Star Wars may legitimately have no choice but to reveal more about Yoda's species. While this does not necessarily mean the name or even a significant history, the aging process in this species should be addressed if Star Wars hopes to avoid a plot hole. There are relatively easy ways for the franchise to do this, including offering a brief explanation of the aging process that occurs more quickly as someone of this species ages.
This could help explain why Grogu is still a baby after 50 years, but Yoda was able to train Jedi when he was just 50 years older than Grogu is now. Of course, Star Wars would have to make this argument a little more convincing, but this is one of many possible explanations the franchise could give. Hopefully, Star Wars will actually address this question about Yoda and Grogu's species and make it an issue in The Mandalorian and Grogu.