The next Mistborn book, continuing the best change from Era 2, is a huge relief

The next Mistborn book, continuing the best change from Era 2, is a huge relief

The next Born from the mists book will continue the best change of Era 2, and this is a great relief for the fantasy saga. Brandon Sanderson Born from the mists all the books take place in the same world, but there are huge differences between Era 1 and Era 2. The original Born from the mists trilogy is a high fantasy series with heavy dystopian elements, while Era 2 has a more steampunk and western feel. This is because Era 2 takes place hundreds of years after the first three books, and this is noticeable in its setting and premise.

These changes differentiate Sanderson's two series and eventually work in Era 2's favor. While the time jump seems jarring at first, it's refreshing to get a new perspective on this world and its magic system. AND the next Born from the mists book will move forward in time once againaltering its setting and premise like Era 2. This is a huge relief for Sanderson's upcoming series, even if it takes a little getting used to.

Mistborn's Next Book Copying Era 2 Time Jump Is Great News

Era 3 will avoid stale and repetitive narratives

The covers of The Alloy of Law, The Lost Metal and Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

The next Born from the mists Era 2's time jump for copying books is great news, as this will ensure that Sanderson's fantasy saga remains fresh and exciting. After writing multiple series in the same world, it would be very easy for Sanderson to fall into the same storytelling patterns and character archetypes. However, he manages to avoid this with Era 2, and the fact that Era 3 follows in his footsteps bodes well for his success.

It's even more exciting than the next one Born from the mists book will feature a significant time jump because it will happen in an environment that contains more modernized technology. This update will open the door for interesting twists Born from the mistsmetal-based magic system. It will also allow the next chapter to completely revamp its premise, giving readers something new to look forward to.

Mistborn Era 3's big change means its premise could change too

Mistborn book covers
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Born from the mists The big change to the Era 3 timeline means it could also update its premisejust like Era 2. While the original trilogy is a story about the overthrow of a corrupt government, the second Born from the mists series has a much smaller scope.

The next Born from the mists the book is about to make another change like this, though it's hard to say whether it will return to a high-stakes narrative or remain inferior.

The next Born from the mists the book is about to make another change like this, though it's hard to say whether it will return to a high-stakes narrative or remain inferior. Sanderson hinted at the potential of leaning into an espionage angle and it looks like computers will play a major role. This is a new and exciting approach to Born from the mistsand this is only possible because it is taking another huge leap in time.