The crew of the aircraft carrier Enterprise-D Star Trek: The Next Generation have more superpowers than anyone else Star Trek crew. Star Trek may not technically fall into the superhero genre, but between aliens with enhanced powers and advanced futuristic technology, the franchise has a lot in common with superhero stories. On Star Trek: The Original Series, On the USS Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) had the first officer as the half-Vulcan Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy). Thanks to his Vulcan side, Spock was stronger and smarter than a human and had special abilities such as the Vulcan Nerve Clamp.
Although other starships had Vulcans or augmented humans aboard, none had as impressive a composition as the USS Enterprise-D. Through Star Trek: The Next Generation For seven seasons, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his crew battled numerous Star Trek enemies, some of them threatened the entire Federation. Thanks to Picard's leadership and the ability and intelligence of his crew, The Enterprise-D was almost always victorious over its opponents. In terms of special abilities and number of victories, Captain Picard has Star Trek most impressive team.
"Star Trek: The TNG Enterprise Crew Had the Most Superpowers"
All Enterprise-D employees were experts in their field
More than any other Star Trek The Enterprise-D crew was brimming with talent in every department. Perhaps most significant was the android Commander Data (Brent Spiner), one of Starfleet's strongest and smartest officers. Data single-handedly saved the Enterprise-D on multiple occasions. as he was unaffected by the viruses and other external forces that incapacitated the rest of the crew. Thanks to his positronic brain, Data was also able to access information incredibly quickly and perform precise calculations. As head of security, Lt. Worf's (Michael Dorn) Klingon strength proved useful, and his connections to the Klingon Empire also came in handy at times.
As a half-Betazoid, Councilor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) could sense the emotions of those around her, allowing her to tell when her enemies were lying. Although Star Trek: The Next Generation While writers didn't always know what to make of Troy's abilities, she proved to be an invaluable asset to the Enterprise-D. Rounding PNP Impressive cast: Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) was not only a brilliant and highly skilled engineer, but also wore an advanced VISOR that allowed him to see much more than the average person. Individually, their abilities were impressive. Together, they make up the franchise's most formidable team.
Star Trek Captain Picard: The TNG Crew Never Lost
TNG Still Has the Most Impressive Star Trek Team
Although Captain Picard and his crew faced their fair share of problems on Star Trek: The Next Generation, in the end they always won. One of the greatest tests for the crew of the Enterprise has arrived. PNP "The Best of Both Worlds" is a two-parter where Captain Picard is captured and assimilated by the Borg. Although the experience was incredibly traumatic for Picard and cost the Federation dearly at the Battle of Wolf 359, The crew of the Enterprise-D defeated the Borg cube and rescued Picard. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Enterprise crew, they always managed to come out on top, even when it was very difficult.
Besides the Borg, Captain Picard and his crew went up against the Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians. not to mention the numerous anomalies and space-time distortions they encountered throughout the galaxy. Given Picard's leadership, the enhanced abilities of Data, Worf, Troi and Geordi, and the combined intelligence and talents of the rest of the crew, it is not particularly surprising that the Enterprise-D suffered several significant losses on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Throughout the series, the Enterprise may have lost crew members and suffered a few setbacks, but thanks to the ship's impressive crew, they were never truly defeated.
- Release date
September 28, 1987
- Seasons
- Showrunner
Gene Roddenberry