NOTICE! Spoilers for Transformers #14THE Transformers the franchise has a new faction to challenge the Autobots and Decepticons, while Starscream breaks away to form his own brigade. Although he declared himself leader of the Decepticons at the beginning of the Energon Universe, Starscream was defeated by Soundwave for the position and left for dead. But Megatron's longtime lieutenant shouldn't be counted out so easily, as Starscream is now recruiting allies for his mission of revenge.
Transformers #14 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Jason Howard, Mike Spicer and Rus Wooton complete the two-issue arc focusing on Starscreamwhich went back in time to reveal the Decepticon's origins on Cybertron and also updated readers on what Starscream is up to in the present day.
It is revealed that Starscream survived his battle with Soundwave, although the Seeker is badly worn out. As always with the conniving Decepticon, Starscream soon turns the situation in his favor, recruiting allies for your own faction separate from the Autobots and Decepticons.
Starscream forms his own faction of Decepticons in the Energon Universe
Recruits include Astrotrain and Combaticons
Starscream received an updated look thanks to a team of mercenaries working for MARS Industries, who repair the badly damaged Decepticon by attaching his torso to a HISS tank. Never one to pass up an opportunity, Starscream manipulates the mercenaries into rescuing the triple-switcher Astrotrain, who is seeking revenge against Megatron, and the Combaticons, who feel slighted by Shockwave after his actions in Transformers'second arc. With six new allies, Starscream has enough bots on his side to form his own factionand the former Decepticon is trying to settle some old scores with his new brigade.
Starscream's manipulations in Transformers #14 really shows how conniving the Decepticon can be. He convinces the MARS mercenaries to turn against their leader by removing the explosives they had implanted in him earlier, only to brutally kill all but two of them at the end of the issue. Starscream also skillfully acts on his fellow Decepticons' desires to achieve their own goals. For example, it seems unlikely that the Combaticons are 100% on board with Astrotrain's desire for revenge against Megatron, but Starscream is able to use his anger against Shockwave to his own advantage..
Starscream's Brigade is out for revenge and that spells trouble for the Energon Universe
“Hell hath no fury like a Starscream scorned.”
Even though he's managed to recruit some formidable allies, it will be interesting to see if Starscream can maintain his newfound power. He previously proved to be an unsuitable person for leadership of the Decepticons, which allowed Soundwave to step forward and take the position under his command. Starscream's thirst for power more often than not proves to be his undoing, so even though he managed to create his own faction of Transformers Away from the Autobots and Decepticons, maintaining that power will be another matter.
Transformers #14 is now available from Skybound Entertainment.