The most useful item in Stardew Valley 1.6 is inedible food

The most useful item in Stardew Valley 1.6 is inedible food

The best news presented by Valley of the StarsUpdate 1.6 is a food item that players cannot eat. Now available on all platforms, version 1.6 (technically 1.6.9) represents one of the most expansive updates to the Valley of the Stars yet. With new crops, new farm types, and most importantly, new items, even players with hundreds of hours of gameplay have found plenty to explore since the most recent updates.

But amid all the new content in versions 1.6 and 1.6.9, one item stands out. It is food, or more precisely, a drink, but the player cannot drink it. However, its uses go beyond mere consumptionand it could actually be one of the most useful items in the valley depending on how players use it.

You Can't Really Drink Stardrop Tea

But it's far from useless

Stardrop Tea in Stardew Valley

Unfortunately, players can't actually drink the new Stardrop Tea

introduced in version 1.6; If you try to use it as you would any other food, absolutely nothing will happen. This sets it apart from a similar item, the old Stardrop

. Each Stardrop fully restores the player's energy and permanently increases their maximum energy by 34 points. However, the player cannot choose when to use it – each Stardrop is automatically consumed after obtaining.


are exceptionally rare by design. Most players find their first at the Stardew Valley Fair, where they can purchase one for 2,000 Star Tokens. They will earn a second when they reach the 100th floor of the mines and a third when they reach 12.5 hearts with their spouse. They can find a room by offering the statue of Old Master Cannoli in the Lost Forest a Sweet yolk berry

and a fifth, donating 95 items to the museum. Willy will give them the sixth when they reach Master Angler, while Krobus will give them the seventh for 20,000g.

Just say that Stardrops are deliberately rare to prevent players from gaining enough maximum energy to be overpoweredallowing them to accomplish more tasks than would otherwise be possible in a day without having to take a break to eat. Players can expect Stardrop Tea to have a similar effect, with perhaps players even able to time their energy restoration by choosing when and where they drink it. But unfortunately, it can't even be consumed - so what's the point?

Stardrop tea is the perfect gift

A large cardiac increase

Stardew Valley characters with a glow behind them in front of a picturesque farm landscape from the game.
Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury.

The only thing Stardrop Tea

It's really good for gifting - but luckily, it's the best there is. Stardrop Tea is one of only three true, universally loved gifts in Valley of the Stars. Other universal loves have at least one exception, like Haley doesn't like Prismatic Shards or Penny hates Rabbit's Feet. Stardrop Tea is unique because all the villagers love it, with absolutely no exceptions.

Furthermore, Stardrop Tea actually grants the player more of a heart boost with villagers than a regular beloved gift. The most loved gifts give 80 friendship points – a little less than a third of a heart. However, Stardrop Tea increases the recipient's friendship progress by a whopping 250 points. That's a heart full, making Stardrop Tea an incredibly quick way to increase farmer relationship progress.

But it's not enough to distribute Stardrop Tea willy-nilly - Timing the present can lead to even greater heart enlargement. If the player gives Stardrop Tea to another character on their birthday or as a Feast of the Winter Star gift, they will receive 750 friendship points – three whole hearts in a single gift. And besides, Stardrop Tea does not count towards your daily or weekly gift limitso players can combine it with other cherished gifts to create maximum relationship impact in a short period of time.

How to Get Stardrop Tea

Where to find 1.6's best new item

Much like normal Stardrops, Stardrop Tea is deliberately limited in quantity so that players cannot abuse its powers. One can be semi-reliably found in the Prize Machine in Mayor Lewis's house, but only when the player reaches that stage of the prize wheel. Certain raccoon orders after the fifth reward Stardrop Tea, but this is random and cannot be planned. There is also one as a reward for finishing the Helper Pack, but it takes a while to arrive.

Therefore, as useful as Stardrop Tea can be, it is difficult to find. As a result, players have to make the most of it when they win a trophy. Still, its rarity doesn't make it any less useful, and it's still one of the best items in the world. Valley of the Stars 1.6.