A character was publicly murdered on Netflix Ugly movie, but his death in the book is actually much worse. The 2024 sci-fi movie is based on the book of the same name by author Scott Westerfeld, and although it was, in some ways, a faithful adaptation, other aspects of the story are like night and day. Although some of these changes may seem small on the surface, they actually have significant consequences in the plot. This is especially true about the topics of UglyWhich Netflix subtly altered by changes like David's father's death.
David's father, that, was killed shortly after he was brought into the Ugly Movie. He and his wife Maddy had just explained the beautiful lesions to Tally the night before, causing the girl to destroy her city tracker and unknowingly alert Dr. Cable to the smoke's location. Once Cable and her Supersoldier Specials arrived, they began to Ask Az and Maddie about the location of their son. When Az refused to answer, Dr. Cable ordered Special Peris to step forward and snap his neck. It was a terrible moment in Ugly But it lacked the impact of that book's death.
David's father was not murdered in the Book of Revelation
That died while medically experimented on
David's father Dies in Westerfeld Ugly book, but the way it happens is completely different from The movie. On the page, Dr. Cable is undeniably evil, and her specials are more than capable of killing, but she doesn't go as far as just blatantly killing anyone. The mantra of the special is "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to,” which has been proven to be true countless times in the Ugly Series. instead, The deaths caused by the special are almost always accidental in some capacity- But that makes them even worse.
That died when Dr. Cable brought the Smokies back to town. The Ugly The villain immediately began to operate on those she received, and that was the first on her list. She wanted to turn him back into a docile little handsome by surgically removing the memories of his years in the smoke. And replacing the lesions that made citizens easier to control. Unfortunately, his memories and rebellion were too intense, and he died during the procedure.
Why that's accidental death was so much worse than murder
The needless death was deeply ironic (& served the teams of uglies)
As horrible as that murder was in the Ugly movie, his accidental death in the book left a much more profound impact. Dr. Cable was certainly a villain, but what made her so interesting was that she believed what she was doing was right. She would go to any lengths to make sure that citizens remained obedient since she believed that people free to think for themselves would lead to the planet's destruction (again). For Dr. Cable, several people who died during the operation were completely worth it As long as she kept control.
Of course, this didn't faze Cable or the city one bit - a dead beauty is better than a rebellious ugly.
The irony here is that, while he lived in the city, his job was to make the beautiful operation safe since a handful of people still died every year. The fact that he wound up being one of them in Ugly Spoken volumes. Dr. Kabel forced his will until it cost him his life. Of course, this didn't faze Cable or the city one bit - a dead beauty is better than a rebellious ugly.