The Mistborn movie needs to cut the most uncomfortable romance from the books

The Mistborn movie needs to cut the most uncomfortable romance from the books

Not every aspect of Brandon Sanderson Mistborn series will make it into a film adaptation, and One uncomfortable romance is the perfect choice to cut. After decades of developing his Cosmere book universe with series II The Stormlight Archive and beloved standalone novels like Tress of the Emerald SeaThe original Mistborn Trilogy is the author's most widely read work. As this is the general starting point for his books, it will also most likely be the first series from his collection to be adapted into a feature film.

Brandon Sanderson has shared progress on the potential of a Mistborn Movie adaptation several times, but it does not seem like there is a movie currently in development. His last positive updates were before the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes in 2023, but he announced later that year that progress had stalled again and likely wouldn't recover until Hollywood was in a more stable position. yet, Sanderson suggested that it was only a matter of time before his stories were brought to the screenAnd there is much to speculate about in the meantime.

The Mistborn movie should cut Breeze and Allrianne's romance from the books

Breeze & Allrianne's relationship is not the strongest of the trilogy

Mistborn book covers
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Brandon Sanderson's novels have some outstanding romances, from Vienna and Ellen to Shallan and Adolin. One that is less appealing is between Breeze and Allrianne, who starts in The Well of Ascension and progressed through The hero of ages. Given the vast amount of lore and story-building the films will have to do just for the main plot, it It's likely that romantic subplots for supporting characters will be cut anyway. The books have such an outstanding supporting cast, and it's sad to consider their roles could be reduced in a movie.


The only reason Breeze and Allrianne's relationship could be important is to have a clear foundation for Mistborn Era 2. Breeze is Vaxillum Ladrian's ancestor, so presumably, Allrianne is too. However, this detail is not crucial to the story, as the 300-year time gap makes Wax very far removed from his ancestors. Their romantic dynamic also provides an interesting exploration of how allomancy works, but it's not very impactful on the main story arc of the series.

Why Breeze & Allrianne's relationship won't work for a modern audience

There is a massive age difference and questionable tactics at work

Mistborn book cover with a film reel background
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

Breeze and Allrianne's relationship has some uncomfortable aspects on both ends. First, Breeze is significantly older than her, and the age gap would be a hard sell to modern movie audiences. Aging Allrianne up would be possible, but her youth is important to create contrast with Vienna in the way they show their femininity. The other uncomfortable aspect is that Allrianne subtly uses allomancy to get Breeze interested in her, which is quite problematic Without fully providing context for how the magic works and their respective arcs relate to their allomantic abilities.


Now, it is important to note that this does not damage the enjoyment of these Mistborn Books. These stories have proven to work with massive audiences over nearly two decades of accumulating new readers. The issue arises in adaptation, as any adaptation of Mistborn Will have approximately 2 hours to sell audiences on a giant fantasy world with story, multiple magic systems and an ensemble of characters. Trying to deliver Breeze and Allrianne's relationship as it exists in the book would be a huge challenge of placating audiences that might not be worth taking on for a film adaptation.

The adaptation of Mistborn already has multiple relationships to sell in a limited runtime

The three romances are the top priority

Kelsier and Mistborn book covers
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

For a Mistborn Movie adaptation can even think about Breeze and Allrianne, there are three relationships with more important characters that the story needs to explore. first, Understanding the romantic relationship between Kelsier and Mare set before the events of The Last Empire is vital to Kelsey's characterAnd he is certainly the most important character for a Mistborn Movie to get right. If the film wants to establish Kelsier as a long-term cosmic character, establishing this background is a must. Not to mention, it ties into Kelsier's feelings for Vienna and Marsh in the first book.

further, Vin and Elend are the primary romantic subplot of the Mistborn BooksAnd their dynamic would be the most prominent in the movies. Not only is the romance between the two main protagonists a beautiful part of the story that leads to the emotional impact of the hero of ages Ending, but it's also invaluable for Wayne's character arc. At first glance, one might criticize Vienna for being a "not like other girls" stereotype, but Sanderson writes her to have a nuanced relationship with her femininity, and exploring her dynamic with Elend is essential to the gradual internal discovery.

Sazed is one of the most important characters for the cosmos at large

finally, Sazed and Tindwyl would be the secondary romantic plot of The Well of Ascensionwith its effect carrying over to The hero of ages. As Sazed is the titular hero, examining how the relationship dynamic and his heartbreaking fallout affects him and his emotional state in the final volume is critical. As with Kelsier, Sazed is one of the most important characters for the Cosmer at large. Understanding the most humanistic elements of his character arc in the Mistborn Trilogy is imperative to the inhuman contrast of its beautiful harmony.

The Mistborn movie can keep Breeze and the Allrianne romance going if it makes 2 big changes

Reducing the age gap and exploring the psychology of allomancy could save the relationship

Mistborn Magic System
Art by Isaac Stewart

As mentioned, the relationship of Breeze and Allrianne Does Work in the books with added context. The Mistborn Trilogy significantly touches on how allomantic powers affect their users, with stories about ghosts and spooks. But a much more subtle narrative explores how Breeze and Allrianne have fully adapted their powers as part of their general method of human interaction. It's not that Allrianne is forcing Breeze to like her, it's that she's inherently drawn to an emotion that already exists. This can be explained, but the point is to say that it may not be worthwhile or translate well to film.


Second, Breeze and Allrianne's age gap could be closed a bit, making their romantic relationship feel more authentic to begin with. This would create less need for the allomantic aspect of it, even if it is important to their individual expressions. The Mistborn The magic system will be a challenge to explain regardless, so the films may also prioritize examining how it works in action sequences. The relationship is not inherently negative, there may not be a place for it in a Mistborn Film adaptation.