Agatha all along Could be replacing the MCU's Thanos in an iconic Marvel Comics story. Thanos' death five years ago did not remove the Mad Titan from the MCU. Despite his defeat, Earth is still reeling from the effects of the crack while many multiverse saga stories struggle to eliminate him entirely, with The Marvels Even using a Thanos soundbite in his trailer. Still, things are now more diverted from Thanos than ever with the promise of a new arch villain in Doctor Doom and the threat of even greater cosmic adversaries.
Agatha all alongMeanwhile, was leaning into the mystical side of the MCU which is typically represented by such characters as Wanda Maximoff and Doctor Strange. The show has already confirmed Mephisto as part of the MCU's canon, an immensely powerful extradimensional being synonymous with the Devil himself. The true identity of the main characters in Agatha all alongMeanwhile, has been heavily hinted at throughout the series' five episodes so far - and it's a character that was first set up in 2012.
Thanos' first MCU appearance set up Lady Death
The other mentions courting death in The Avengers
Loki assumed the role of cunning villain in The Avengers With the express purpose of ruling Earth. He intends to do this with the help of a secret figure who is later revealed to be Thanos The Avengers' post-credits scene, although a more accurate reading is that Thanos is using Loki as a pawn. The revelation came as Thanos' assistant, The Others, informed the Mad Titan of the Avengers' role in foiling Loki's plans, suggesting that "To challenge them is to court death.” Thanos then reveals his face for the first time as he turns and smiles.
The other's statement has a double meaning in the context of the Marvel Universe. While others may say that Thanos is risking his own life by facing the Avengers, Lady Death is an established Marvel character and the personification of Death itself. This is what Thanos smiles, alluding to his comic-book motives of wielding the Infinity Gauntlet to wow death by killing untold trillions. Marvel finally decided to make Thanos' MCU motives more sympathetic, dropping the idea of death for a decade.
A decade later, the MCU is setting up Lady Death again
All signs suggest that Rio Vidal is dead
It looks like Marvel is revisiting Lady Death Agatha all along. The fact that Lady Death hasn't appeared before, despite there being so many deaths in the MCU over the past few years, is a bit puzzling. After all, all signs say so Lady Death debuted alongside the magic users of the MCU Agatha all along In the form of Abri Plaza's Rio Vidal. The Green Witch of Agatha's Coven is a mysterious figure whose actions have hinted heavily at her true identity as Death. This evidence includes:
Carrying the same curved dagger as Death in Lilia's tarot card deck.
Confirm that she is only "Do your work"When caused Agatha heartbreak.
Tells Agatha that she wants to "get her bodies" in reference to the deaths of the other coven members.
Agatha tells Rio "Don't you"When it looks like you're near death.
Rio's nonchalance about being attacked by the Salem Seven.
Cackling when the Ouija board spells"Death."
Being absent from the final scene in the wake of Alice's death, implies that she was dealing with her body.
All witnesses in Agatha all along is hard to discount. This would mean that the MCU is introducing the last supremely powerful eternal being to its roster, with the power of death surpassing all but the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. The fact that there is a romantic history between Rio and Agatha, meanwhile, is particularly interesting - not only because Death's interest in Agatha suggests that Agatha is responsible for an incredible number of deaths, but also because it means that Agatha took the Location of Thanos.
Agatha is Thanos' replacement in the MCU's Lady Death Love Story
Agatha is now romantically involved with death
Agatha all along It was hinted as early as the first episode that Rio Vidal and Agatha Harkness share a romantic history. This culminated in episode 4 when the two shared an intimate moment after their ordeal with the second Witches' Road Trial, where Ryo confirmed that Tin was not Agatha's son. With their romance now undeniable, Agatha has now taken the place of Thanos in the love story surrounding Death.
This is probably for the best. Thanos' obsession with death in Marvel Comics would only have worked to make him a much less sympathetic and intimidating villain than what he ultimately became in the MCU. Agatha's relationship with death, however, seems much more fraught and not so one-sided, which should be a much more engaging relationship to see develop throughout. Agatha all along.