If The Legend of Zelda Are to repeat one of the biggest changes introduced to the franchise for The Wind WakerThe result can be incredible. Many people count The Wind Waker Among the best Seldom Games and for good reason, as it provided a new direction for the franchise in many respects. And although hopes of an actual Switch port for The Wind Waker are rapidly diminishing, there is no reason that future titles cannot follow his example in making dramatic alterations to at least one major aspect of the franchise.
The Legend of Zelda is already evidently experimenting with his standard formula quite heavily with the latest release of Echoes of wisdom. The last one Seldom This title is the first to feature Princess Zelda as the protagonist; This diverges markedly from her normally lesser-known role as a supporting character in Link's own quests. In addition, it is worth noting that Link will likely return as the protagonist in the next title of the franchise. But on the other hand, The Wind Waker Provides a perfect example of how the series could continue to develop Zelda's own role in the franchise.
A version of Tetra should be part of a future Legend of Zelda game
One of Wind Waker's best characters should appear elsewhere
The Wind Wakers version of Princess Zelda is immediately notable for how much she dislikes the moniker. First and foremost, Tetra is a pirate captain, and although she retains an ultimately benevolent nature, Tetra's unique design and personality ensures that she more than stands out among her other incarnations throughout the franchise.. Even her 'true' identity as Princess Zelda of Hyrule is arguably more of a technicality than anything else, and even something that is a clear source of irritation for her when she is referred to as such in Phantom Hourglass.
If a future Seldom The title was to reflect this change, Having Zelda break out so strongly from the very concept of being a princess would undoubtedly have an incredible impact. On players. This would allow Zelda to move even beyond her traditional role as that Echoes of wisdom allowed, which is the kind of change that has already led to some of the best Seldom Games. By minimizing either the influence of her royal status, Zelda (or, as the case may be, Tetra) could have any number of new and interesting origins and backstories to influence her character.
The inversion of Princess Zelda's typical characterization, even from what has been seen in recent titles, has the potential to open up entirely new avenues of storytelling for the series.
It should be noted that This wouldn't necessarily be a new version of Tetra specificallyBut her characterization provides a clear framework for any similar version of Zelda. Naturally, a new Tetra wouldn't necessarily be a pirate, depending on the specific nature of the Hyrule she exists in, but it's easy to see her as a fairly rebellious individual in any case. moreover, The inversion of Princess Zelda's typical characterization, even from that seen in recent titles, has the potential to open up completely new avenues of storytelling. for the series.
Tetra's example offers endless possibilities of new Zelda
Zelda doesn't always have to be a princess
A new non-royal Zelda, if she still had hidden ties to Hyrule's royal family, would probably discover or confirm that connection during her in-game journey, but she wouldn't necessarily be defined by it. Essentially, a new version of Tetra could have any backstory imaginableAnd life is better understood for the Greeks of nobility. In addition to providing an interesting story about her character, this can also open her up to be a full companion and partner to Link in a quest to save Hyrule, which in turn creates the possibility of many interesting new gameplay features.
Many past Seldom Games have given Link companions that are either autonomous or controllable to some extent, however A future title may allow one to freely switch control between his Link and Zelda. This would go well with the concept of a more Tetra-like character, who would presumably carry her own unique arsenal of weapons and items to complement Link's own assortment. There are countless different mechanics that could be put into place with such a system, both in terms of combat and puzzle-solving.
Tetra is one of, if not the most popular alternate form for Princess Zelda in the whole Legend of ZeldaAnd this fact alone would make her return in any form a very popular development for long-time fans of the franchise. However, Tetra also represents a level of personal independence and freedom that Princess Zelda rarely enjoys. repeating The Wind WakerHer character's unique names would not only allow a new Zelda to be more easily defined beyond her royal status, but also create the potential for a wide range of game mechanics to be implemented around her.