The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

As the first main line Legend of Zelda Play with Princess Zelda as the main character, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom made waves. The usual weapons are out of commission since players play as Princess Zelda and not Link this time. Instead of the sword that Link wants, Princess Zelda is given the Tri-Wheel.

The Tri-Rod is a magical rod that Princess Zelda can use to KReal echoes or duplicates of items scanned by the tri-wheel. The echoes help Princess Zelda navigate Hyrule and fight enemies. Instead of fighting with a sword, Princess Zelda can summon an echo of a previous enemy to fight on her behalf. Another type of echo allows Princess Zelda to hWalk through HyruleWhether by horse, sky or by climbing to new heights. Here are the 10 best echoes for traversal in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.


Ice block echo

Create and stack ice blocks

The Ice Block Echo is a good traversal echo Echoes of wisdomLeaving Princess Zelda Form ice blocks and make a bridge across open water. Princess Zelda can also use the ice blocks to travel downstream simply by standing on one and letting it float. Another way to use the ice block to travel is by pushing one down a slope and hopping on top to slide downhill easily. However, the blocks are made of ice, so they don't do well around heat. Expect them to melt when exposed to warmer temperatures.

The ice block can be stacked repeatedly. Stand on top of one, aim below, and keep stacking to have Princess Zelda rise to the top. This is especially useful for the more powerful Princess Zelda's Tri-Rod, as you can stack several to create a tall icy tower.





Triangle costs

Ice block echo


Syllable mountain

Summon an ice block


The Ice Block Echo is found in the Hebra Mountain CoffeeNear Conde's Igloo. Snow blocks the entrance of the cave, but Condé can remove it. Once the snow is removed, the Ice Block Echo is revealed inside.


Lava Rock Echo

Summon lava rocks to help you cross lava

Zelda uses the lava rock to cross lava into echoes of wisdom

Lava is hot, and stepping into lava will quickly deplete Princess Zelda's health. To avoid this, Princess Zelda can use the Lava Rock Echo Summon lava rocks as platformsAllowing you to easily cross lava paths. Lava rocks are heat resistant, so Princess Zelda can use them as much as she wants around fire.





Triangle costs

Lava Rock Echo


Aladdin Vulcan

Creates a lava rock platform


To get the lava rock echo, Travel to the Eldin Volcano area. Go to the volcano near Goron City and visit the rock-roast quarry. There will be a rock floating in the lava to the right. Scan the rock to make the lava rock echo.


Strandtula Echo

Use Strandtula's web to climb walls

Zelda and Strandtula with Webs in Echoes of Wisdom

When used, the Strandtula Echo A spider that weaves above a web calls out and dangles down. Princess Zelda can Climb the web to reach new heights. The web is strong in most regards but is not great around flames. So be careful when using the Strandtula Echo around fiery climates or enemies.





Triangle costs

Strandtula Echo


Suthorn Ruins

Challenge Strandtula and its web


The Strandtula Echo comes from an enemy encounter. Strandtula enemies can be found in the Suthorn Ruins on the first floor (1f). Strandtula will be dangling in the ruins, so be careful not to run face-first into it. You will need to kill one to get the Echo.


Crawltula Echo

Tie to Croltula to climb cliffs and mountains

Zelda learn the Crawltula Echo

The Crawltula Echo is easily one of my favorite Echoes out there Echoes of wisdom Because when you reverse bind Princess Zelda to the Echo, Princess Zelda can Climb up walls and over rocky and uneven terrain. It is useful to reach high places. All you need is a wall, cliff, mountain or pillar nearby for the echo to be effective.


Unlike Strandtula, Crawltula does not spin webs. So, Princess Zelda can't crawl freely. However, having Crawltula help Princess Zelda up walls makes up for the lack of a web.





Triangle costs

Crawltula Echo


Suthorn Forest

Summon a Crawltula that can help Princess Zelda climb walls


The Crawltula Echo is found in Suthorn Forest, Near Luberry's house. After leaving Lueberry's House, head north. Eventually you will encounter the Crawltula enemy. Kill one Crawltula to get the Echo.


Platboom Echo

Rise to new heights or crush enemies

Zelda learn the platform echo

The Platboom Echo has two primary uses. Princess Zelda can Summons the Platboom Echo to fall on and crush enemies or other obstacles. She can also use the Platboom Echo as a Rising platform to take you to higher areas which were not accessible before. Just call the Platboom Echo and stand on top. It will slowly rise, taking Princess Zelda along with it.





Triangle costs

Platboom Echo


Gerudo Desert Caves

Summon a platform to lift Zelda up or crush enemies


Visit the Gerudo Desert Caves To obtain the transit echo. There will be platforms in the caves. Hit one to get the echo.


Cloud echo

Create multiple clouds as stepping stones

Zelda gets the Cloud Echo in Echoes of Wisdom

Princess Zelda can jump from cloud to cloud with the Cloud Echo. Use the Cloud Echo to Create temporary platforms. You can make one a little higher than another to drive to higher places. However, be warned that the Cloud Echo doesn't have the greatest life, so jump quickly from one to the next.

You can bind to objects, echoes and enemies with the tri-wheel. Binding allows Princess Zelda to move things or to follow their movement.

The good thing about the Cloud Echo, compared to Echoes like the Bed Echo, is that The Cloud Echo can floatWhereas the Bed Echo needs ground to sit on. While the Bed Echo can be stacked to reach higher places, the Cloud Echo can just float and, when used in succession, can take Princess Zelda pretty far up. The Cloud Echo is great for climbing high or even crossing chasms.





Triangle cost

Cloud echo


Submitted by Mr. Berg

Challenge clouds as platforms


You will need to visit these Submitted by Mr. Berg To get your hands on the Cloud Echo. Clouds are often here. Scan one to make the Cloud Echo.


Trampoline echo

Jump higher than normal with a trampoline

The Trampoline Echo summons a trampoline that when jumped on, Causes Princess Zelda to jump higher than usual. She can jump over enemies and obstacles or jump to higher platforms. Fortunately, the Trampoline Echo was received early on Echoes of wisdomMeaning that Princess Zelda will have access to many hard-to-reach areas that her normal jumping can't get her to.





Triangle costs

Trampoline echo


Southorn Village

Summon a trampoline to jump on


Visit Southorn Village To get the trampoline echo. You will find a trampoline near the well. Scan it to get the Trampoline Echo.


Flying part echo

Fly across gaps with the Echo

Zelda learn the flying part Echo

If you need to get from one side to another, but a large hole in the middle prevents Princess Zelda from crossing, the flying tail Echo can help. Use the Echo to Summons a flying tile that Princess Zelda can stand on. The tile will briefly fly with you on top, providing you safe passage from one area to another.





Triangle costs

Flying part echo


Gerudo Sanctum

Call a flying tile


The flying tail echo is obtained in the Gerudo Sanctum. Visit the second floor (2F) and head left. You will find flying tiles here that you can scan for their echo. However, you need to complete the Flying Tail side quest to get it.


Keesee Echo

Use Keesee as a paraglider

Zelda learn the Keesee Echo

If you've played the last two games, you know how important it was for Link to have the paraglider. Although not as open-world as Breath of the wild And Tears of the kingdom, Echoes of wisdom Still a lot of areas to explore, with a lot of obstacles blocking the way. It becomes easier to drive through the map when Princess Zelda has the right echoes to assist her. One of these echoes is the Keese Echo.

Increase the tri-wheel's power to get more triangles. Clear rifts to increase the power. The maximum amount of triangles is 6, which is reached at Level 9.

The keys are not new to these Seldom Franchise. They have been around since the early days of NES. Any seasoned fans will know them by name, but if you're new to the franchise, the Keese are the agile bat monsters. They are pretty weak, and this has not changed in Echoes of wisdom. What has changed, however, is that the Keesee are now useful. When scanned like an echo, the Keesee Can act as Princess Zelda's own personal limbs.





Triangle costs

Keesee Echo


Beach coffee

Summons a Keesee that can act as a paraglider


To get the Keesee Echo, you need to find and beat one. Keesee are found in the beach cave. They will be the first enemy that Princess Zelda encounters in the cave.


more echo

Call your horse to be by your side

A Legend of Zelda Game without horses would not be a Legend of Zelda Game. Yes, even in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomPrincess Zelda Will get a horse. Horses are great for traveling around Hyrule and are much faster than walking. You can call Princess Zelda's horse Simply by using the Karat Echo.





Triangle costs

more echo


Hyrule field

calls out to Princess Zelda's horse


The carat echo is received in Hyrule field. However, Princess Zelda will need to Complete a side quest In order to get the carat echo. Once the Impa's Venom side quest is complete, Princess Zelda can make an echo of the mare. Impa's Gift side quest is available after completing the Hyrule Castle dungeon.

When using traversal echoes, make sure to explore every nook and cranny. It is easy to miss certain paths, things and interactions if you use the horse with the horse and use it to get you everywhere. There are treasures all around, so explore everything. Make sure to use the right echoes at the right time, because you never know what treasures you'll find inside The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.