The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

You will fight Ganon as a boss twice during these Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomAnd doing so will be just as difficult as you remember. However, there are Some tricks to the boss fight that will make it easier. Knowing his patterns and attacks is also crucial. Once you do this, the fight can still be challenging, but you can defeat Ganon's echo.

Echoes in Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom are the main game mechanics You will use To ride and fight your way through the game. Getting the echoes of all enemies you face and some useful objects is crucial, especially in fights against enemies like Ganon. However, the echo that will come in Handy is One of the most simple As you will soon see.

How to prepare for the Ganon Boss Fight

Discover Ganon again

Ganon Roam in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

When Zelda enters the Hyrule Castle DungeonShe will attempt to find her father and heal the rift. The first time you face Ganon, it will Be like Link at the start of the game. Although it can be a tough fight, it is also the first boss and, therefore, a little easier. Link has his usual arsenal to throw at Ganon, after all.


With Zelda it's a little different. She is equipped a little differently than Link and is Facing a much harder version of Ganon. It's a mid-to-late game boss, but it has a solid feel and can feel harder than some of the bosses you'll face in other dungeons across the map of Hyrule in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom.

Make sure you go into the Hyrule Castle Dungeon well equipped. Bring smoothiesPotionsAnd Whatever gear you have that is available to you at the moment. This can be Something that reduces damageBecause this is the main thing that will be difficult to avoid.

Make sure to Rest and heal once you find the boss door tooAs you will want to enter the bus door, well-prepared and in full health. Make sure your Boulder Echo is on your hotkey. Take the fight to Ganon by entering the boss' door and preparing for a tough battle.

How to defeat Ganon

The end of the Hyrule Castle dungeon

When you enter the room, the The king of Hyrule will waitbut he is not the father you knew. He will demand to use his power to get rid of her, and then he will challenge Ganon. Ganon will threaten you and then start his attack.

Phase 1

Zelda and Ganon in phase 1 of his attack in Echoes of Wisdom

Phase 1 is easy and quite short. Gun will Mostly use thrust attacks with long pauses At the end before teleporting away. In the long pauses, you can get some heat in swordfighter form. If you call echoes, They will separate him, but they will not do muchIf any, damage to him as he clears them out pretty quickly.

Once you've landed a few blows of your own, Ganon will roar and teleportThat will start the next phase.

Phase 2

Ganon throws his staff at Zelda in echoes of wisdom

In phase 2, Ganon will mostly waver Between the two main attacks. The first one, where he throws his staff, will be an opportunity for you to attack. Catch the stick out of the air, but be careful not to touch it. If you do, you will take a hefty amount of damage. instead, Use your magic to hold the staff, guide it to Ganon, And force it to hit him instead. This will cause him a fair amount of damage.

his second Main attack will be his fireballs. This will be a continuing attack for the rest of the fight, so learning how to recognize it is important. He will teleport and start spinning his staff rapidly, at which point You should challenge the Boulder Echo. Stand behind it and let the fireballs crash into it. This will give you energy back and prevent you from taking any damage.

You may or may not want to challenge other echoes during this time. They will distract him a little, but they will get out immediately, and you Will not get the energy for the fireballs Hit your boulder. You also don't have that much time, and you need to have the boulder ready to go, so keep that in mind during the fight.

Your main source of attacking him during this phase will be after you hit him with his own staff, vi This will also stun him, and you can switch to swordfighter form to beat him. After a couple of times, he will progress to the next phase.

Phase 3

Ganon shoots a Powerball at Zelda in Echoes of Wisdom

His new attack for this phase is a "Powerball“Like move where he sends a glowing orb at you. You have to enter swordfighter form at this point, which allows you to volley the powerball back at him. The Timing here is incredibly preciseAnd you'll take a hard hit if you miss the volley. He will hold it back at you several times before it hits him, and his volley will get faster and faster, so you need to be ready.

But, that being said, now is Also the time to drink a tough Smoothie in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom If you haven't already. Harm reduction can and will likely save your life several times over, like YouTuber Austin John plays pointed out. It is An Excellent Offer to you That you do not want to miss.

If you get the timing right, it will Stun him, and you can whack him a few times. From there, he will switch between his attacks somewhat randomly. Make sure to Enter swordfighter form only when he is stunned or using the powerball attack, And always be ready with the boulders when you need them.

Phase 4

Zelda beats Ganon in Echoes of Wisdom

Once he is sufficiently damaged, He will enter his fourth and final phase. He has no new attacks, but his current attacks are stronger, faster and more random. He will use any past attacks, and the time between them is much faster, as his teleports take much less time. He will also disappear much faster, This means that you cannot choke him with his stick when he throws it.

The best chance You have to deal damage is with the Powerball ValleySo try to focus on getting the timing right. Once he is defeated, a cutscene will play, and you will receive a new heart container. Tree will gain another level and Able to reduce the cost of your echoes.

Although it is not the end of your adventure yet, you will see your real father, and you can do some other things now, such as finding your real horse in Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom So you can finish saving Hyrule and Link.

Source: Austin John plays / YouTube