To get through the Gerudo Sanctum Dungeon in Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomYou will face other challenges besides the dungeon itself. You will have to Make your way there, enter the rift, and get through two bosses. To do this, you need to be well-prepared when you enter the dungeon and find everything you need to collect.
There are all kinds of things to find, such as Zelda's horse in Echoes of wisdomBut sometimes the main road can be just as difficult to find. Players wishing to enter the Gerudo Sanctum Dungeon cannot Until after they fixed the stilts of the stilt desert. However, players can enter the dungeon and begin their adventure once this is done.
How to find the Rift in the Gerudo Desert
A path through the sand
Once you have arrived at the East Desert TempleYou and Tree will have a small interaction before you find that a Gerudo warrior is preventing access to the sands. You'll have a small cutscene before you have to fight some small enemies that are troubling Dohna, a Gerudo captain. Talk to her, and You will be able to gain access to the Gerudo chief.
Go to the Gerudo Palace And have a conversation with the chief to persuade her to drag away the shrine. You will be sent to clear three smaller rifts across the desert. This includes the Southern Oasis Rift Ruins, the Ancestor's Cave of Rest Rift, and the Steel Desert Temple Ruins. You will discover some crucial evidence about the Gerudo Chief, and you will now be able to uncover the Sanctum and enter it.
At this point, if you want to prepare by Collecting anything you discovered in the area Or make a solid smoothie in Zelda: Resonance of WisdomNow is the time. When you return to the Sanctum, a warrior will be waiting to tell you how to "pull the plug," and you'll need to find a key, platform, and Defeat the Gibdo Level 2. Then you can learn how to make an echo of it.
Do Not Defeat the gibdo with fire, or you won't be able to get the echo.
Once the enemy is defeated, you can move forward and Pull the plug to drain the sand from the sanctum entrance.
How to get through the Gerudo Sanctum Dungeon
Find the way
In the first room, there are two climbing walls on the right and ladder on the left, with wind gusts that make it difficult to reach the ladder. Go to the right first and climb up the two walls Until you can jump over to the ledge. Push the rock on the ledge to the left until it falls And blocks the wind gust, at this point, you can climb the stairs without a problem and enter the next room.
Gerudo Dungeon Rewards |
Heart containers |
1 |
treasure chests |
11 |
May crystals |
5 |
The first room has a fast travel point, so You should Go to the room on the right. Switch your echo to some platform or bed, and pull the blue switch on the wall. Jump across the moving walkway, lay down the platform, and jump on it to enter the next door. in the next room, You can turn the door and enter a room with a chestGive her a small key.
You can Go or warp back to the front room. If You proceed to the left, there is a room filled with flying platforms you can navigate to get a chest. However, the main way is behind the lock you can open with the small key. in the next room, Go up to one of the four snakes And study its echo. Then, continue into the next room.
There are Two Mothula enemies in the next room; Defeat them and learn about their echo. Echoes that have weapons or can fly will be best at beating the Mothulas. Enter the door to the left and then proceed down. Use moving tiles to make your way across the room. First, send one into the boxes to break them, and then hold on to one to follow it to the left and head down the stairs.
In the next room, you will Need to use a time echo To get through the sand to where the chest is and then to get further down. Proceed to the next room and activate the warp point. Read the clue, and Then turn the wall to your right. Collect the chest defeat the enemy, and get the next clue. It says it is blue with tusks and a long nose.
If you then proceed Back to the previous room and through the left doorYou will find another enemy: a fae. You can defeat it to unlock another chest and get the Poe Echo. This will allow you to view the dungeon map in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom. Then proceed to the room below, That will put you outside the sanctity.
You will have potential link targeting, but first, Go through the small window and get a bunch of rupees before returning. There are then a fair amount of enemies, and you can pull them off the cliffs around you. Hold up and spin the tower at the end to get to the ladder. Avoid the enemies and Keep moving until you are on top of the sanctumWhere you will have another warp point.
There is also another chest on top of the sanctum. Before moving up and onwards, head to the far right of the sanctum and drop down, Enter another small window. Pull the switch, use beds to make your way across the quicksand, and enter the door. Use your Gibdo Level 2 to fight the enemies inside and Study the echo of the cat statue. Then you can continue forward and activate the warp point you see.
in the next room, Take a nap Before proceeding forward.
The first boss
When you appear in the room, a version of Link in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom will start firing arrows at you. Throw an echo, and Imposter-Link will start firing at the echo. You can Swing around behind him and hit him twice from back. This will end phase 1.
In phase 2, Three versions of Imposter-Link will spawnAnd you should summon another echo to draw some fire and chase them down one at a time to hit them twice. He will Drop the bow of miteWhich you can use to destroy the shadow webs in the next room and proceed across the room.
Where to find the boss key
Finishing the dungeon
The next room has a warp point and a lot of fire. Challenge a boulder facing the flames to move past themAnd summon two boulders, one on each side, so that you can pass through the second moving walkway. On the back is a blue elephant statue, which you will want to learn the echo for and grab the chest. from there, Warp back to the main room, where you can see a castle icon. You can see the exact path in YouTuber Austin John Plays' video.
Open the locked door And turn the wall. You can build platforms or beds to get a little closer to the wind to catch it and drop it into the abyss. then, Drag the flamethrower so that it targets the torch on the upper leftAnd you can then use a clumsy flamethrower to light the others. Then you will get the next clue.
at this point, Warp back to the top of the Gerudo Sanctum (outside). Grab off the right side again, but keep moving through the outside section of the sanctum, slowly making your way forward.
Look to these Left of the warp pointYou will see a single sand tile. If you use the mole, you will fall into the room with the chest you could not get before. It has a purple rupee. Get it and throw back to the top.
There are some scary enemies along the path, but they are on different platforms than you, and you can Grab them and drop them into the abyss. Once you reach the top, you will see a tower that you can climb up and find an eagle statue to learn about the echo. to climb the tower, First spin the lower section of it.
Go to the warp point is inside the temple closest to where you are, with the flippable wall and the Original clue you found. At this point, you can challenge the correct statues on each side of the clue. Place the eagle on the left and the elephant on the right. A huge plug in the next room that you can pull and release the sand.
Move inside the pipe you just exposed and rotate the platform twice to lower the outer wall. Then spin the gear to make the green platform in the right corner and spin it once too. This will reduce all the walls and give you the boss key. Use the stairs To get to the host's door.
How to beat the final boss
Digging the sand
Before entering, it is recommended You equip the quicksand-proof shoes and the ancient charm. This is also the time to sip a smoothie if you need one. A big one Mogriff will spawn After you enter, along with all four statues you have collected.
while he cries, Summon a long-range echo and enter your swordfighter form To hit him as much as possible until he goes under the sand. Once he does, go to the middle of the room and dodge out of his way so that he hits one of the statues. This will Makes him amazedAnd you can beat him more. At this point, you should enter phase 2.
In phase 2, Much of the floor becomes quicksand. Summon echoes on the lighter-colored sand so they don't sink, and pick ones that can attack in range. Avoid the sand tornadoes. You can then stun him again Rocks or statues echo and block smaller sand blasts. Whack him as much as you can when he is stunned.
When the fight ends, Tree will level up, Zelda will get a heart piece and mine crystalsAnd you can go back to the regular world. Several cutscenes will play, and you'll be given a new mission to complete Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Source: YouTube / Austin John plays