The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomPrincess Zelda, along with her companion Tree, uses the Tree-Rod to summon echoes with different purposes and abilities, including opening mysterious doors. They travel across Hyrule, exploring rifts, scanning objects and monsters, and completing dungeons. Exploring Rifts means visiting the other side, known as the Styled World.

The styled world reflects Hyrule. In the styled world, Princess Zelda will find places like the styled Southhorn Forest, styled Gerudo Desert and styled Faron Wetlands. When Princess Zelda enters the silent faron wetlands rift, she will end up on floating islands, and soon enough, she will Find a locked door. Locked doors are nothing new to these Seldom franchise, but with gameplay mechanics changed Echoes of wisdomWhat makes the door open?

How to find the locked door in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom's Stilted Faren Wetlands

Go to the Faron Wetlands Rift

Before Princess Zelda can find a way through the locked door in the Stilted Faron Wetlands, she must find the locked door. Head north to reach the door from the Stilt Faron Wetlands starting point Echoes of wisdom. Jump across islands, using echoes if needed. Princess Zelda will encounter enemies along the way, and it's up to you if you want to fight or avoid them. You won't miss much by running past them; You can eventually take them out much more easily later.

Before visiting the Stilled Faron Wetlands, make sure to stock up on health pots and electricity-proof smoothies from the Smoothie Shop.

Go northwest until you come across a Court with a few enemiesIncluding a Drippitune and Electric-type enemies like the Electric Keese. There will also be a treasure chest here. Take out the enemies and open the chest. Head back and explore any islands you missed coming up. With Drippitune gone, Princess Zelda can Challenge Ignisols to burn through decuss and grass patches.

Eventually, Princess Zelda will come across an island with Six braziers. Light them, then head northeast until you come to another set of braziers and a doorway surrounded by flames. Put out the fire using Driptune, then Head through the door. Climb the wall and the ladder inside to enter a room with a locked door and three green crystals.

How to open the door in the silent front wetlands

Use electric-type monsters to activate crystals

Zelda activating crystals in Echoes of Wisdom

Besides the locked door and green crystals, Princess Zelda will come face-to-face with two Buzz Blobs. Leave them and focus on the two crystals that are out of reach. For the green crystal on the platform to the left, jump up simultaneously Challenge your own Buzz Blob or other electric-based echo. The echo will release electrical currents, Shaking and activating the crystal.

echo name


Triangle costs

Baz blob

faron wetlands


Head to the crystal cage on the right and do the same, summoning another electric-type echo inside the cage to activate the second crystal. The buzz blobs should Activate the third crystal You didn't make it. All crystals must be activated at the same time to work.


Once activated, the door will open. Head through the door and up the stairs To reach Faron Temple. The small section you just ended in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a small taste of what is to come in the Pharaoh Temple. In the Faron Temple, you can expect to find more monsters to beat, crystals to activate, rooms to explore, and maybe even new echoes. Remember to explore every nook and cranny with the help of your echoes so you don't miss anything important.


September 26, 2024


Nintendo, Grezzo

