The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The new cooking mechanic in the last Legend of Zelda admission, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomRequires Zelda to merge Smoothies. By mixing different ingredients, the resulting smoothies can restore hearts, provide buffs, or both. However, mixing the wrong ingredients will result in an unfortunate smoothie, which is the game's version of dubious food.

While not all smoothies are created equal, and some are much better than others, some quests require you to make at least 30 different smoothies. Ingredients can be found across Hyrule from Monster drops, search rewardsAnd even Bought from shops. Here are the recipes for each smoothie (and drink) in Echoes of wisdom.

Basic Smoothies

Smoothies use regular ingredients

Basic smoothies are those crafted from the general ingredients that Only provide recovery buffs. These ingredients will provide healing or energy recovery, however No after effects. The other ingredients provide specific buffs for damage mitigation, utility, and traversal. All the ingredients can be found somewhat easily, or purchased from specific shops.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Sweet smoothie icon

Sweet smoothie

Floral nectar

Floral nectar

Milky sweet smoothie icon

Milky sweet smoothie

Floral nectar

Fresh milk

Refreshing smoothie icon

Refreshing smoothie

Refreshing grapes

Refreshing grapes

Refreshing mixed smoothie icon

Refreshing mixed smoothie

Refreshing grapes

Electro Apple

Sweet refreshing smoothie icon

Sweet refreshing smoothie

Refreshing grapes

Floral nectar

Refreshing milky smoothie icon

Refreshing milky smoothie

Refreshing grapes

Fresh milk

Milky Smoothie icon

Milky Smoothie

Fresh milk

Fresh milk

Mixed milky smoothie icon

Blended Milky Smoothie

Fresh milk

Electro apple or chili cactus

Salted milky smoothie icon

Salted Milky Smoothie

Fresh milk

Rock salt

The smoothies have no special effects outside of Recovering hearts and swordfighter form energy. They can be blended fairly early in the game, because the ingredients are easier to come by and less expensive. Some of the basic smoothies, such as the Salted Milky Smoothie, are still considered one of the best smoothies even later in the game due to how much healing and recovery it provides. Austin John plays Provides further clarification on which smoothies are best at different stages of the game, as well as a helpful chart of all combinations.

Simple defensive smoothies

Basic smoothies that provide reduction or resistance

Warm Blended Smoothie in front of Hebra Mountain in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Custom image by CH Casey

This next type of smoothie requires A few rare ingredientsAlthough they can all be bought through shops or Found While exploring. These smoothies provide powerful defensive buffs, such as Damage reduction Or Resistance to specific elements.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Hard smoothie icon

Heavy Smoothie

Hard mango

Hard mango

  • 7 hearts

  • Damage reduction for 1 min

Mixed solid smoothie icon

Mixed solid smoothie

Hard mango

radiant butter

  • 15 hearts

  • Damage reduction for 1 min

Sweet solid smoothie icon

Sweet solid smoothie

Hard mango

Floral nectar

  • 15 hearts

  • Damage reduction for 3 minutes

Milky solid smoothie icon

Milky solid smoothie

Hard mango

Fresh milk

  • 18 hearts

  • Damage reduction for 1 min

Salted solid smoothie icon

Salted solid smoothie

Hard mango

Rock salt

  • 40 energy

  • Damage reduction for 1 min

Cactus smoothie icon

Cactus Smoothie

Cool cactus

Cool cactus

  • 2 hearts

  • Fire-proof for 1 min

Salted cactus smoothie icon

Salted Cactus Smoothie

Cool cactus

Rock salt

  • 10 energy

  • Fire proof for 3 minutes

Warm smoothie icon

Warm smoothie

Warm pepper

Warm pepper

  • 10 energy

  • Chill-proof for 1 min

Warm mixed smoothie icon

Warm mixed smoothie

Warm pepper

Cool cactus

  • 15 energy

  • Chill-proof for 1 min

Warm Rocctato Smoothie Icon

Warm Rocctato Smoothie

Warm pepper


  • 15 energy

  • Chill-proof for 3 minutes

Warm mixed special icon

Warm mixed special

Warm pepper

Fresh milk or refreshing grapes

  • 30 energy

  • Chill-proof for 1 min

Apple Smoothie icon

Apple Smoothie

Electro Apple

Electro Apple

  • 2 hearts

  • Flash-test for 3 minutes

Mixed apple smoothie icon

Mixed Apple Smoothie

Electro Apple

Riverhorse, Floral Nectar, Chili Cactus or Rocctato

  • 5 hearts

  • Flash-test for 3 minutes

Salted apple smoothie icon

Salted apple smoothie

Electro Apple

Rock salt

  • 30 energy

  • Flash-test for 1 minute

The Hard mango Smoothies provided Damage reduction Effects that will reduce damage taken by 25%. Not only that, but smoothies can too Stack with equipped itemsSo combining a solid smoothie with these Interesting charm Will give Zelda an Overall 75% reduction in damage. Consider using these when going up against tough bosses or areas with tough enemies.


The Warm pepper And Cool cactus Smoothies are perfect for safely passing through areas of Extreme temperaturesSuch as Eldin Volcano or Hebra MountainWhich have scorching-hot and freezing temperatures, respectively. The Electro Apple Smoothies provide resistance to lightning damage, which is very prevalent in the faron wetlands Area.

Traversal Smoothies

Smoothies to get around faster

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Mango climbing Smoothie in front of Zelda using Crawltula
Custom image by CH Casey

Travel is very important in Echoes of wisdomWith a large map to explore either on foot or horseback. Use Echoes Can help make traversal much easier, but there are also specific smoothies That make Swimming and climbing fasterOr allow you to dive for more.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Bubble smoothie icon

Bubble Smoothie

Bubble kelp

Bubble kelp

  • 2 hearts

  • Dive time for 1 min

Mixed bubble smoothie icon

Mixed Bubble Smoothie

Bubble kelp

Refreshing Grapes, Electro Apple or Roctato

  • 5 hearts

  • Dive time for 1 min

Pumpkin Bubble Smoothie Icon

Pumpkin Bubble Smoothie

Bubble kelp

Twisted Pumpkin

  • 10 hearts

  • Dive time for 1 min

Milky Bubble Smoothie icon

Milky Bubble Smoothie

Bubble kelp

Fresh milk

  • 10 hearts

  • Dive time for 1 min

Salted bubble smoothie icon

Salted Bubble Smoothie

Bubble kelp

Rock salt

  • 15 energy

  • Dive time for 1 min

Quick Smoothie icon

Quick smoothie


Riverhorse, Bubble Kelp, Warm Pepper, Floral Nectar, Roctato, Rock Salt or Solid Mango

  • 5 hearts

  • Swim speed up for 1 min

Milky Rapid Smoothie icon

Milky Rapid Smoothie


Fresh milk

  • 10 hearts

  • Swim speed up for 1 min

Climbing smoothie icon

Climbing Smoothie



  • 2 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 1 min

Mixed climbing smoothie icon

Mixed climbing smoothie


Refreshing grapes, cool cactus or radiant butter

  • 5 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 1 min

Sweet climbing smoothie icon

Sweet Climbing Smoothie


Floral nectar

  • 5 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 3 minutes

Milky climbing smoothie icon

Milky climbing smoothie


Fresh milk

  • 10 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 1 min

Mango climbing smoothie icon

Mango climbing smoothie


Hard mango

  • 10 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 3 min

Salted climbing smoothie icon

Salted climbing smoothie


Rock salt

  • 15 energy

  • Wall climb speed up for 1 min

Blending smoothies with Bubble kelp Will increase the amount of time Zelda can spend Under waterwhich is especially useful in dungeons with Long, underwater puzzle sections. Alternatively, you can use one of these Riverhorse Smoothies to increase your Swim speed. This way, you'll spend less time underwater overall.

Roctatos Give you a boost to climbing speed to help traverse steep cliffs and walls, such as those in the Eldin Volcano Trail Area. However, using Echoes instead, such as the Crawltula, is already quite fast. You may not end up needing to use climbing smoothies very often.

Use smoothies

Smoothies for specific situations

Radiant Smoothie in front of Dark Water Dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Custom image by CH Casey

Use Smoothies consist of two specific types of order: Shine And Winding Speed. Each of the buffs is Highly situationalBut can be useful depending on what you need to do. The glow buff in particular can be useful in some Dark dungeons To avoid falling into pits or traps.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Radiant smoothie icon

Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Radiant butter or bubble kelp

Apple Radiant Smoothie icon

Apple Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Electro Apple

Mixed Radiant Smoothie Icon

Blended Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Cool cactus

Sweet Radiant Smoothie icon

Sweet Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Floral nectar

Pumpkin Radiant Smoothie Icon

Pumpkin Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Twisted Pumpkin

Milky Radiant Smoothie icon

Milky Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Fresh milk

Salted Radiant Smoothie Icon

Salted Radiant Smoothie

radiant butter

Rock salt

Twisty Smoothie icon

Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Twisted Pumpkin

  • 5 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 1 min

Mixed Twisty Smoothie icon

Mixed Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Riverhorse, Refreshing Grapes, Electro Apple or Rocctato

  • 10 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 1 min

Sweet Twisty Smoothie icon

Sweet Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Floral nectar

  • 10 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 3 minutes

Milky Twisty Smoothie icon

Milky Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Fresh milk

  • 13 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 1 min

Mango Twisty Smoothie icon

Mango Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Hard mango

  • 15 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 3 minutes

Salted twisty smoothie icon

Salted Twisty Smoothie

Twisted Pumpkin

Rock salt

  • 40 energy

  • Winding speed up for 1 min

Winding speed up is a specific buff related to automatons. Automatons are clockwork-style creatures that you can deploy against enemies. They can be collected and built throughout the game after completing these Automatic engineer dumpé search.

You can start this quest by talking to Dampé in Hyrule field After completing the still missing quest. He is just north of Hyrule Ranch.

Winding up Automons can take a while, and Zelda is Vulnerable While doing so. Use a Winding speed up Smoothie will allow you to wind them faster. However, it is still recommended Find a safe area To do so if possible.

Golden Smoothies

Highest healing of rust ingredient

Golden Hart Smoothie in front of Tron Room in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Custom image by CH Casey

Golden Smoothies Are the highest heals in the game and provide the maximum duration for each buff. The smoothies require Golden eggsWhich are rare and limited ingredients found through quest rewards and treasure. There is also a very small chance of getting them from scanning a Legend of Zelda amiibo, but you can only scan three total per day.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Golden Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Smoothie

Golden egg

Golden egg, floral nectar, refreshing grapes, fresh milk or rock salt

Golden Heart Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden solid smoothie

Golden egg

Hard mango

  • 20 hearts

  • Damage reduction for 5 minutes

Golden Chili Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Chili Smoothie

Golden egg

Cool cactus

  • 20 hearts

  • Fire-proof for 5 minutes

Golden piping-hot smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Piping-hot smoothie

Golden egg

Warm pepper

  • 20 hearts

  • Ice-proof for 5 minutes

Golden Electro Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Electro Smoothie

Golden egg

Electro apple

  • 20 hearts

  • Flash-test for 5 minutes

Golden Bubble Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Bubble Smoothie

Golden egg

Bubble kelp

  • 20 hearts

  • Dive time for 5 minutes

Golden Rapid Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Rapid Smoothie

Golden egg


  • 20 hearts

  • Swim speed up for 5 minutes

Golden Climbing Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Climbing Smoothie

Golden egg


  • 20 hearts

  • Wall climb speed up for 5 minutes

Golden Radiant Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Radiant Smoothie

Golden egg

radiant butter

Golden Twisty Smoothie icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Golden Twisty Smoothie

Golden egg

Twisted Pumpkin

  • 20 hearts

  • Winding speed up for 5 minutes

The value of these smoothies lies in their healthy restoration. Although the duration of the effect is a maximum of five minutes, there are also Potions What can be crafted that use Monster partsWhich are much easier to come by. If you want to use golden smoothies, the Golden solid smoothie is the best option, as it presents Damage reduction. This makes it a perfect smoothie to use in case of a Emergency During a difficult fight.

Monster Potions

Gods, glory, and buffs

Hard potion in front of Rift in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Custom image by CH Casey

The final category of smoothies isn't exactly, well, smoothies. The Potions are crafted using Monster parts As half of the recipe, although they can also be blended in smoothie shops. They provide Maximum duration of exemptionSimilar to the Golden Smoothies, but without health recovery.


Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2


Tough potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

hard drink

Monster Gods

Hard mango

  • Damage reduction for 5 minutes

Chili Potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Cool Potion

Monster Gods

Cool cactus

Warming potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Warming Potion

Monster Fang

Warm pepper

Piping-hot potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Piping-hot drink

Monster Gods

Warm pepper

Electro Potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Electro Potion

Monster Gods

Electro Apple

  • Flash-test for 5 minutes

Bubble Potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Bubble Potion

Monster Fang

Bubble kelp

Quick Potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Rapid Potion

Monster Fang


Climbing potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Climbing Potion

Monster Fang


  • Wall climb speed up for 5 minutes

Radiant potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Radiant potion

Monster Fang

radiant butter

Twisty Potion icon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Twisty Potion

Monster Fang

Twisted Pumpkin

  • Winding speed up for 5 minutes

Thankfully, monster parts can be farmed by repeatedly defeating enemies that drop them. They are More abundant Like golden eggs, most of your needed buffs will come from potions instead of smoothies.

Be mindful of the monster part type! like Breath of the wild, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Uses different parts, specifically these Monster guts and monster fangs. Potion recipes require the correct use of guts or fangs, or else you'll wind up with a Poor Smoothie. Make sure to mix up as many smoothies as you can, like these Recipes, please! Search You need to make a total of 30 unique recipes.

Source: Austin John plays / YouTube


September 26, 2024


Nintendo, Grezzo