If you are fighting the Vocavor boss in the Ruins of Jabul in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdomthere are ways to make this fight much easier. There are two main ways to fight Vocavor: fast and risky vs. more methodical. This guide will cover both options, but you should be well prepared if things go wrong. If yes, then you should have no more problems with Vocavore and can move on to the next boss.
All bosses in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom have your own your problems and your tricks to overcome them. While some bosses have a higher difficulty level, that doesn't mean others are easy, just easier in comparison. The ruins of Jabul can become a very fast temple if you want it, and if so, then You must arrive at Vokavor ready for battle and raring to go..
How to quickly defeat Vokavore
Fast travel
Ruins of Jabul can be defeated in about five minuteseven in the Vocavor boss fight if you use the pass and the method shown Austin John plays. If you do this, you will find that the battle will end quickly one way or another. Remember that this path will be risky.so you need to time it right. If you're not comfortable with that, below is a more methodical and traditional way to fight this boss.
In a quick and dirty way you I want to follow Vocavor as soon as the boss fight starts. Defeat him and quickly switch to sword form. hitting the bubbles on his back to stun him and keep hitting him a couple of times. When he turns around to go the other way, please do it again; this should be the end of the first phase of the fight.
Even if you fall on the grass as described in the next paragraph, he can still be stunned for quite a long time. you have to get back on top of him and hit him at least one more time.
After this, a piece of land will be between two water columns. Swim left all the way and do the same.trying not to fall to the ground. He will then swim to the right and down, so stay on dry land and wait until he passes under you to burst the bubbles and hit him on the back again. This should be the end of the boss battle. Echoes of wisdom and you won't have to do anything else.
Defeating Vocavor in a methodical way
Be more careful
If you want to be more careful or skip the time for the more reckless swimming described above, you can try this method instead. Necessarily have Chompfin like your main echo in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. This echo will be able to attack Vocavor for you, and may even rise above Vocavor and have time to get into the bubbles - although this will be more of luck for you.
Stage 1
You might want to try a revitalizing smoothie from Echo of Wisdom ready for this fight like you are get caught in a whirlpool, it will help you restore your health and keep your energy full. The main thing to remember before going into battle is that Vocavor will continue to send whirlpools at you if he's not stunned, stay away and keep moving in the slower combat.
The whirlpools will move up, down, up, down pattern so you can predict where they will go and in what direction. Eventually, Vocavore will become tired and this will temporarily stun him, after which you can switch to sword form and start cutting at his back. Keep summoning Chompfins throughout the fight, as they can at least deal some damage to him while you're swimming.
If it was not possible to remove the bubbles and he recovered, it will quickly float away and you will have to dodge a barrage of projectiles sent to you. You can do this by hiding under one of the platforms.
After you hit him on the back he will release difficult to avoid spin attackwhich you will have to quickly dodge to avoid it. This is where a few smoothies come in handy. After the first round it will start again and you you can repeat your steps to remove blisters from your back and hit his weak spot.
Stage 2
At the next stage water will be removed from part of the arenamaking it more difficult to reach Vokavore and avoid the whirlpools. You'll want stay in one of the water columns while Vocavor sends out these whirlpools so you can swim up and down to prevent them. Eventually he will release a huge attack that will tire him out again.
This time, he will get tired with his back to the ground. There are a couple of things you can do at this point. You can summon a water block and use it to reach his back and strike him in sword form. Or, you can use your wand to remove the bubbles from his back one by one. It will be slower, but safer, and you won't be in his way when he attacks. They give you a heart when they burst.
It will fall to the ground once all the bubbles have burst, and you can attack his unprotected back with your sword. He will eventually recover and you will have to repeat the above process do it again. You might want these revitalizing smoothies to keep you feeling your best.
At this moment of the fight whirlpools do not always follow the same up-and-down patternso be careful and stay alert.
Again, at this point you can use Chompfin to deal some damage to him. Eventually the fight will end, you get a whole piece of heart and Three will level up. Leveling up will allow Three to summon another echo, allowing you to continue your journey to The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom it's much stronger.
Source: YouTube/Austin John plays