The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Brings back a classic horse racing mini-game with the ability to use your powers to help you get ahead. The best part of this is that if you can complete the course in under 17 seconds, you will receive three Mite Crystals and two Radiant Butters. But this is easier said than done, because the horse races have a lot of obstacles, and it can feel like the horse takes a while to maneuver out of the way.

Although it may seem strange, the short course is the most difficult to get the peak time. This is because there is so little room for error. However, to unlock the medium course, you need to complete the short course, and to unlock the long course, you need to beat the medium course. Luckily, if you're ready and know what to do, you can get through the course in under 17 seconds so you can unlock the best rewards.

How to beat the short flag race course

Best way to win the race

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Beat the Flag Race Short Course Near Flag

You can use several strategies to beat the short flag race course The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. The most common strategy is to use the bind ability. This comes with its ups and downs, but if you know how to use it well, you'll be thankful for the ability. However, even if you use Bind, you'll need to move and turn at the right time because Bind will slow you down momentarily, which can add up.


Indeed, the moment you use it depends on how well you can maneuver the course. Many players like to use it on the potted trees in the lower left corner of the map. However, you may need to use it more than once because of how often turns are needed, and using it again may help you with wider turns.

How to use Bind

Player walks around trees in the Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Flag Race Short Course

You will need to jump over the first box and avoid the first two potted trees. From there, you can use the bind capability in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom To move the pathetic trees out of the way. Some players prefer to move with it until the next draft, but it's smartest to drop it somewhere as soon as you can. This should shave off a few seconds, but make sure to turn off immediately after placing the pot, or you'll get back all the time you saved.

How to hit the short course without using ties

Player starting quest in The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Flag Race Short Course

You can always run the short flag race course in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Constantly because if you know what to do, you can get through the course without any abilities. Essentially, it's best to think of the course as two big sections: the easy section and the hard section. Everything after the first half of the course is the easy section because you can make wide turns. After that, you will really need to be deliberate about your moves as seen in Gamer Guides' Video.

Make sure to turn left the moment you catch the flag after the first row of potted trees, and then, once you've passed the potted trees, start to get to the left side of the track. The moment you reach the middle of the second pair of potted trees, hook right. This will shoot you straight to the finish line. Make an easy jump over the box from there, and you'll be fine. Don't forget that a fairy bottle location is close to this race, so pick it up once you find it.

Make sure to press the jump button right after you start your dash at the end so you can clear the boxes in your jump.

When to use dashes

Players jump over cardboard boxes in The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Flag Race Short Course

A good racer in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Will make a hole after each corner. Just make sure you're facing the right direction before you press dash; Otherwise, you will run into the wall. The final hook to the right will also require a hole. Timing the dash is difficult because of the immediate jump. If you're really having trouble, use the bind at the end to pick up the box and be done with it.

Source: Gamer Guides / YouTube