Elden Ring: Shadow of the Strawberry Tree is known for featuring a particularly challenging final boss so Players who have yet to finish the game will undoubtedly be happy with the latest patch. After the launch of the massive expansion, many users were quick to accuse the DLC of artificially inflating the game's difficulty, as even FromSoftware veterans were struggling to reach the final battle. Fortunately, a little patience and practice worked for most, but those who just didn't click with the final boss can expect the fight to be a little easier now.
Spoilers for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Strawberry Trees final advance.
Posted to the clerk Bandai Namco Blog, Alden ring Version 1.14 makes Radahn, Promised Consort, and his second stage Radahn, Consort of Miquella easier by nerfing him across the board. According to the notes, This update decreased the damage of some of his attacks, reduced his stamina damage, dropped the range of non-weapon attacks, and even adjusted the visibility of certain moves.. In addition, the beginning of the fight should be easier since Radahn's initial attack pattern has also been changed, presumably making him a little less aggressive.
What else has changed in the shadow of the strawberry?
Just a little more speed
The greater part of Alden ringRadahn's latest update is no doubt, but several other factors should make the game easier around the world. The speed of the first unchanged heavy attack for a massive range of weapons, including daggers, greatswords, halberds and katanas to name a few, has been increased. To allow players to more consistently land opening hits. The full patch notes can be read below:
Final boss balance adjustments
The following adjustments are made to the final boss of Shadow of the strawberry tree.
Changed the fight pattern when the battle starts.
Adjusted some attack moves.
Decreased the damage of some attacks.
Decreased stamina damage from some attacks.
Decreased the attack range of some non-weapon-based attacks.
Improved the visibility of some attack effects.
PvP-exclusive balance adjustments
Decreased the damage of backhand blades against other players. (SmithScript Cirque's rejection attacks are not affected by this change)
Decreased the damage of Spears' dual-wield attacks against other players.
Decreased the damage of the Pata weapon against other players.
The "spread crossbow" weapon will no longer cause the headshot damage movement when you hit another player.
Scatter cast
Discussion Herl
Weed cutter
General balance adjustments
Dagger / Throwing Blade / Straight Sword / Great Sword / Colossal Sword / Heavy Thrusting Sword / Curved Sword / Twinblade Sword / Katana / Large Katana / Ax / Flail / Great Spear (Except Snake Hunter) / Halberd / Ripper / Whip (Except Urumi ) ) / hand-to-hand art / animal claw.
After performing left-handed attacks with weapons of the large katana category, canceling into subsequent attacks using the right-handed weapon will now take longer.
Hand-to-hand arts weapon type
Colossal sword weapon type
Backhand blade weapon type
Small shield and medium shield weapon types
It will now take longer to be able to cancel most actions after performing one-handed normal attacks with the Swift Spear.
Extended the Smithscript Dagger's throwing attacks range.
Increased the attribute scaling of Rellana's Twinblade for lower Intelligence and Faith attributes.
Relana's cameo talisman
Weapon Arts
Dynastic Cycleplay
Reduced stamina consumption
Increased pause damage from follow-up heavy attacks.
Increased the movement distance of the first follow-up hard attack.
Adjusted the recovery time of damage animation when the second follow-up heavy attack hits another player.
Shield strike
Moon-and-Fire Stance
Increased the light wave range, pause damage, and attack speed of Stance's normal attack.
Increases the pause damage of Stance's heavy attack.
Adjusted the damage animation recovery time when Stance's heavy attack hits another player.
Devonia's Vortex
Increased attack power.
Extended the attack range of the Great Hammer's spin.
Increased pause value and pause generation speed.
Adjusted the damage animation recovery time when a charged attack hits another player.
Relana's twin moons
Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns
Increased attack power.
Increased attack power, stamina attack power against guarding enemies.
The close-range hitbox now follows the movement of the player
Aspects of the Crucible: Flower
Increased attack speed, and increased size of the hitbox.
Shortens recovery time between using this incantation and follow-up actions.
Divine Bird Feathers
Sad Blade of Ansbach
Madras Flame Frenzy
Bile's flame flash
Bug fixes
Black pyreface items will now correctly reappear when resting on a lot of grace.
Fixed a bug where performing a light greetingsword hard attack while jumping did not consume stamina.
Fixed a bug where unintended Weapon Skills could be used when equipping the ballista in the left hand.
Fixed a bug that caused critical hit damage dealt to the Golem Smith when using certain weapons that were lower than intended.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player from acquiring runes when an enemy was killed while holding a shield.
Fixed a bug where casting the Inescapable Frenzy incantation using the Staff of the Great Beyond would cause his hitbox to be generated incorrectly.
Fixed a bug where whiffed back stabs with the pata weapon had a smaller fist hitbox than intended.
Fixed a bug where some attacks from the Lizard Greasword were not registered as strike attacks.
Fixed a bug where Euporia could increase the attack power of other weapons when her luster is restored.
Fixed a bug where the health laster effect of Euphoria was sometimes displayed on different weapons.
Fixed a bug where the power of some weapon skills of a right-handed Falx changed depending on the level of the weapon equipped in the left hand.
Fixed a bug where the enchantment effects of certain skills were applied to some attacks that did not use weapons.
Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect player motions when using lock-on for the following skills.
Wild Strikes / Spinning Strikes / Unending Dance
Fixed a bug that caused the rolling sparks skill to go through some terrain.
Fixed a bug where the Blades of Stone Spell did not hit targets at a different height level correctly.
Fixed a bug where some attacks from the Bayle's Tyranny incantation did not hit multiple enemies.
Fixed a bug that caused the attack of the Bile's Tyranny incantation to go through certain terrain.
Fixed a bug where Godfrey's icon talisman did not apply to some skills, spells and incantations.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player from becoming translucent when the Crepus' Vial Talisman was equipped and the Unsin Form spell was used.
Fixed a bug where the hitboxes of some attacks from Rellana, Twin Moon Knight were different than intended.
Fixed a bug where the "Leave" option could not be selected in the inventory menu for some equipment.
Fixed a bug that made some sites of grace difficult to join under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug in some areas where the invasion spawn-in position was different than intended.
Fixed a bug where the displayed name of certain areas was different than intended.
Fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, the combat state was not released after defeating an invading NPC.
Fixed a bug that prevented some effects from being displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug where the Awakening Spirit Incantation's attacks were sometimes invisible to other players in multiplayer.
Fixed a bug where the effects of some tools and incantations were not applied correctly when trying to deflect or cancel.
Some performance improvements and other bug fixes
Corrected a descriptive error in the game credit that was incorrectly added in patch 1.12;
As far as PvP is concerned, Some weapons that proved problematic in multiplayer have been nerfed. The backhand blades have reduced his damage when attacking players while dual-wielding spears will also be slightly less effective against other tanished. Whether these changes are enough to encourage casual players to venture into PvP remains to be seen since the game mode is still incredibly imposing.
Given that Alden ringThe expansion is a few months old now, it's encouraging to see FromSoftware continue to refine Shadow of the strawberry tree. Most players have likely come to terms with the DLC's challenge, but it's no doubt encouraging to see a slight improvement for those still struggling. Although more content is not on the way, At least what is already in the game is constantly being polished.
Source: Bandai Namco
PS5, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC
February 25, 2022
From software
Bandai Namco Entertainment, from Software
Online co-op, online multiplayer