The last chapter of My Hero Academia confirms the true greatest hero of history

The last chapter of My Hero Academia confirms the true greatest hero of history

Warning: Contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter #430!!With everything that happened in the final arc of My hero academiaA big question that needed to be addressed was who will end the story as the greatest hero. Much of the final saga has been about how the world needs to move away from relying only on a select few people, but with the world still being a world of heroes, someone still needs to be on top.

My hero academiaThe final chapter left many questions about the story unanswered, but it did address the issue of who would be considered the greatest hero of the story at the end of it all. After an eight year period, Izuku and his friends were all held in high regard by the public, but even with that, My hero academia Ended up with someone outside of Izuku and his friends being considered the greatest hero.

My Hero Academia Season 4 poster with Mirio and Deku from the side

The character has always been built up to become a great hero, so to see this is the perfect payoff to their arc of the last few years.

Mirio completes his arc of succeeding all power as the greatest hero

My Hero Academia's new top-ranked hero

Izuku and Aizawa discuss heroes in the last chapter

In the last chapter of My hero academiaIzuku and Aizawa discussed the current hero rankings and how Izuku's friends were doing in them, and the best of them was none other than Mirio Togata. While Mirio, himself, does not appear, Izuku mentions that Mirio was at the top of the rankings, meaning that My hero academia Ended with Mirio as the greatest hero in Japan. The hero rank isn't structured like it used to be, and it's casually mentioned that other people catch up to Mirio, but it's a great show for him, nonetheless.

With Mirio becoming the top-ranked hero at the end of the story, the character circle stemming from his introduction comes full circle. Mirio was a parallel to Izuku thanks to his admiration of All Might and his embodiment of All Might's ideals, and in the later arcs, he struggled to find a way to keep up with others and be the hero everyone said he was. could be. Because of this, Mirio becomes the highest-ranked hero finally completing his arc of becoming a hero like All MightAnd overall, it's a great note for his character to end on.

Why Mirio being the top-ranked hero is perfect for the end of My Hero Academia

Through it all, Mirio has been a beacon of light in My Hero Academia

As unexpected as it may be for Mirio to be the top-ranked hero, it's perfectly fitting for the ending of the story. For starters, even if the world of My hero academia Has changed, whoever ranks as the highest-ranking hero should still be someone with the kind of strength and charismatic personality that made all of May be seen as such a huge force for good for so many years. Mirio embodied the ideals and appeal of All Might from the moment he debutedSo with Izuku spending so many years in retirement, there is no better person to become the top-ranked hero.

Mirio being the highest-ranked hero also plays into the idea of ​​heroes changing how they work in society for the better. Izuku or another main character being the top-ranked hero could have undermined the themes of the final arc by keeping things centered around the main characters, and as such, Mirio being the highest-ranked hero supports the idea of My hero academias world Changing to one where anyone can be a hero. Mirio being the top-ranked hero was a great addition to My hero academia's ending, and it was the best way the series could have closed his character.