This article covers a developing story. Keep checking back with us as we will add more information as it becomes available.
The cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender season two grows, as eight new actors join the series in key roles in the Earth Kingdom. Netflix's 2024 live-action fantasy series is an adaptation of Nickelodeon's beloved animated show, following a boy who must master control over the four elements to stop the conquest of the Fire Nation. Avatar: The Last Airbender was renewed for a second season that would adapt the events of book 2, Earth.
Netflix has confirmed eight new additions to Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2. Crystal Yu will play Toph's mother Lady Beifong, Kelemete Misipeka will play The Boulder, Justin Chien will play King Kuei, Hoa Xuande will play Professor Zei, Chin Han will play Long Feng, Amanda Zhou will play Joo Dee, and Lourdes Faberes will play General Song. Mekha Sharma will play the new character Amita.
This is a developing story...
Source: Netflix
This article covers a developing story. Keep checking back with us as we will add more information as it becomes available.