The underrated revenge thriller film Landmine will click offers a challenging viewing experience and its ending truly deconstructed its own genre. Released independently in 2015, the film follows three American tourists in the country of Georgia who have their picturesque getaway interrupted when one of them steps on a land mine. Shifting gears almost constantly, Landmine will click quickly rose above its original idea of high-concept horror and incorporated the revenge genre for even more effective scares. More important than all this, Landmine will click explored deeper themes that allowed the film to deconstruct the popular horror subgenre and analyze it through a modern lens.
Reminiscent of the grindhouse B movies of the 1970s, which often used gruesome imagery and shocking plots to get their point across, Landmine will click he pulled no punches in his narrative. As such, reviews were evenly split between those who appreciated the film's directness and those who were completely turned off by it. In the same way that the revenge genre has undergone evolution over the decades, Landmine will click attempted to spur evolution in the anti-revenge film genre and was largely successful. While the end of Landmine will click it was as shocking as the rest of the film, it fulfilled the overarching themes of the story.
Did Alicia survive?
Spencer Locke's character died off-screen in Landmine Goes Click
Despite being overtly gratuitous with what was shown on screen for most of the film, certain details Landmine will click they were left to the imagination or hidden in the dialogue. Having been victimized by Ilya (Kote Tolordava) and likely killed by his blade, Alicia's (Spencer Locke) ultimate fate has not been explicitly shown. It was only during her final acts of revenge that Chris (Sterling Knight) revealed that she had succumbed to her injuries and died as he tried to drag them both to safety. Obviously haunted by her experience, Alicia's death completely transformed Chris.
Hearing about her death from Chris, the man who loved her, made her revenge even more personal and added another wrinkle to Ilya's brutal actions. Ilya obviously didn't think twice about the American tourists after he left them in the ditch, and it was his own arrogance that eventually came back to haunt him. Alicia's death somehow paled in comparison to the other things she suffered at Ilya's hands, and the end of Landmine will click It mirrored many of the other great revenge films in that it is about revenge on someone else's behalf.
What happened to Daniel?
Daniel's actions were more important than his presence
Landmine will click took a sharp left when it was revealed that the supposed accidental landmine encounter was actually an elaborate setup by Daniel (Dean Geyer) to punish Alicia and Chris for their affair. Daniel eventually left the scene, presumably to leave the pair to grieve, but the film never revealed exactly what happened to him. Considering his lackadaisical attitude towards Devi (Giorgi Tsaava), he probably planned to return to have the last laugh on his innocent victims, but never anticipated Ilya's arrival. Daniel served its purpose as the story's inciting incident, but it was much more important than that.
The end of Landmine will click it was the culmination of the final revenge, but there were countless examples of lesser revenges throughout. Although he was far from a good guy, Daniel was somewhat exonerated by the fact that the landmine was fake from the start, and while emotional torture is still wrong, he had no intention of physically hurting anyone. Like many of the best independent horror films of the 70s, Landmine will clickAn obvious inspiration, the film used its limited resources to scare more effectively. Daniel didn't need to come back because he illustrated how a small act of revenge could turn into absolute chaos.
Ilya knew the landmine was fake
A truly twisted example of psychological torment
One of the brightest aspects of writer-director Levan Bakhia's vision for Landmine will click it's the subtle way the story twists the knife and makes even the darkest plot points even more harrowing with one small detail. After building unbearable tension throughout Ilya's “game” with Alicia and Chris, the scene is punctuated by the revelation that Ilya knew the landmine was fake all along. While it's one thing to portray Ilya's villainous character as a brutal opportunist, it makes him even more vile when it's revealed that he allowed the two to suffer for no reason other than his own amusement.
The meaning of the landmine is the final click scene
An impulsive moment can guarantee total psychological self-destruction
The end of Landmine will click was as hard-hitting as the rest of the story, but director Bakhia used clever visuals to punctuate the film's overarching ideas. While torturing Ilya and his family with a violent game of chance involving his silenced pistol, Chris finally crossed the line and shot Ilya's daughter, Lika (Elene Bezarashvili). Seeing the result of his quest for revenge, Chris broke down emotionally and broke down as Ilya's family poured out their pain in front of him. Far from being satisfied, it was clear that Chris had exceeded his own limit and was paying the price.
While the image of a teary-eyed Chris examining the result of his revenge was a stunning and meaningful way to end the film, it was then cut to the discarded fake landmine for one last look before the credits roll. In addition to tying things up as an effective bookend, the scene also reminded viewers how Daniel's misguided quest for revenge ultimately led to the worst possible outcome. Chris's hatred was like a bomb inside him, and in the end, it resulted in the explosion that the fake landmine never provided.
The true meaning of the landmine comes to the end of the click
The film is a warning against seeking revenge
The flexibility of the horror genre has resulted in subgenres like revenge, which have subgenres within them, like cathartic films about badass women seeking revenge. However, the end of Landmine will click it went far beyond a simple subversion of the expectations of its genre and deconstructed it in a significant way.
Although most revenge films address the idea that revenge is ultimately misguided, Landmine will click showed how revenge became a monster in the hearts of those who suffered pain. A landmine was the perfect visual metaphor for anger and how one wrong decision could eventually lead to destruction.
As the landmine goes, the end of the click has been received
The divisive final moments of an equally divisive film
2015 Landmine will click was met with a divisive response from critics, although it fared much better with general audiences. The gritty thriller is currently in the works Rotten tomatoes with a critical score of 50%, while the audience rating is a much healthier 88%. However, it should be noted that the film's ending was not taken into account in many reviews, with much more attention focused on both the performances and the moral aspect of some of its content.
Overall, critics who didn't like it Landmine will click mainly he was disgusted with the characters' actions. While this, of course, had an impact on the plot, pacing, and, by extension, the ending, it was mainly the events of the first and second acts that seemed to be sticking points for the film's detractors. Writing to Variety, critic Dennis Harvey seems to sum up the negative sentiment toward director Levan Bakhia's divisive film:
Unlike life, Bakhia's story is unpleasant, brutal and far awayits shock value is too self-conscious and its events are too theatrical in their conception to produce the desired impact.
However, although critics have not truly appreciated Landmine clicks, the general public was much more forgiving. The film's ending is undoubtedly shocking, but that seems to be the reason many fans of the film praised it. Psychological realism was less of a concern for the average movie viewer. Landmine clicks, with most seeming more than happy to suspend their disbelief and enjoy the film for what it was - a brutal and, at times, over-the-top commentary on the pitfalls that come with seeking revenge.
It is also important to note that although the response from critics was divisive, there were many professional reviews who spoke positively about Landmine will click. However, the ending is rarely taken into account here. The film's main strengths in regards to positive responses were mainly the cinematography, with the wide landscape shots throughout the entire film. Landmine will click being hailed as a triumph for Levan Bakhia as a director.